EDD April 2013..cont

Alag its ok, whats important is baby is heealthy, can always try to lose weight after birth... have u all decided if u wana take epi?


My baby's head is already down, pressing against the pelvic bone and totally ready. Haha.

I am going to try all natural but am not against Epi. I have told my gynae that I want to be informed of when is the cut off time for epidural and also told her I would like to practice kangaroo care of possible :)


Alag , sounds like you didn't find out gender of baby. Keeping it as a surprise for yourself n hubby till delivery day? You can resist not getting the baby clothes yet ? :p

Envious your baby already 2kg at w33! Will get some durian today n hope it helps in plumping up mine!

Autumn fall, I had told my baby to move below the placenta and also turn head down obediently before coming out. And it happened although I wasn't active! Not sure if she understood but I'm telling her to absorb more food from me now. Hopefully it works !!!

Go for swimming if u can. I heard it helps too. :)

Many people told me to try to rely on the gas only instead of going for the epidural. Because epidural may have side effects if not administered properly. So I will try my best not to take it..


Yasumi, yes, everyone thinks I am feeding my baby well but then again, my husband was almost 6 kg when he was born.. So I am not surprised if the little one is huge too! :)

Yep, we decided to keep ourselves in suspense for this first child. Kinda fun actually. I have gotten clothes, blankets, etc but all in white, yellow, green and grey. Very soft neutral colors. :)

Kangaroo care is basically skin to skin contact after the baby is born. If baby is normal with no complications at all, I'd just have a quick wipe down, no within of baby etc and immediately have skin to skin contact. Apparently babies who experienced immediate skin to skin contact are less colicky, fussy and have better immune system as the mother helps radiate heat to the baby.
If one does c-section, she can't do it so the father steps in for the skin to skin contact. I read about it from webmd and Wikipedia and apparent fly it is highly recommended these days :)
Oh skin to skin contact? How to do so with pple arnd? Hmm and if got visitors how? Im wondering if I shld get single or double bedder but is jus for one or two nights, and the price diff is not worth it... I will try to go without epi, heard if u r not induced u shld be able to tahan the pain...

Anyway will u guys be restricting visitors during hosp stay/ confinement period? Haiz I wan to but think its very rude, esp if my mum is taking care of me, abit hard to ask mil not to come... but I do value privacy, so I prefer pple not to come...


Wow your hubby was huge at birth! He's a Caucasian? N that's so fun to keep it a suspense till delivery! Me n hubby didn't manage to hold back from asking about gender after seeing all the cute baby clothes. Hehe.

Autumn fall, I'll be restricting visitors except parents, siblings & probably a few besties. Because I worry I will be too exhausted n look so unglam during confinement. :x
My in laws residing overseas, i told them to fly over when baby is 2 or 3 mth old then can play with baby. Being the paternal grandparents, i believe they are as excited as we are. So if they insist, i will give in eventually ba. If you feel very uncomfy about it, try to explain to her nicely, having gone thru all this herself before, I'm sure she will understand your need for rest and privacy. :)


Autumn, for the kangaroo care, the primary thing is to have skin to skin almost immediately after the baby is born and for a few minutes. Anything after that is bonus. So my gynae says she will just quickly give the baby a quick wipe so that it isn't too slippery. All the weigh in she will do later. She advocates this kangaroo care too so I am happy with her. :)

Yasumi, yeah my big tall husband is American so I keep having worries on how big my baby can get. I was not very open to c-section. But now I feel better, just trying to keep an open mind. I am also very kan cheong about gender but we waited for so long already so what's another few more weeks? Hehe.

As for limitations, I think I will just allow super close friends and immediate family to come over.. I am sure my own mother will check on me non stop but also good... She can ensure the cl is teaching me the right things. :)
My mother in law is flying in after first month so I am excited about that!


Alag dun tink I'll b goin to Mothercare bb fair, as I've done most of my shopping except 4 bb cot. I'll probably wait 4 Taka bb fair which is supposedly held in Mar.

Wah..... all EDD very near already. Mine end Apr. I wen in to c Mar mummies chat, a few have popped already. Approx 1 month earlier than EDD:tkaboom:. OMG beta start packing my bag..... Was thinking shd we start creating a baby chart to monitor all mummies here?


Alag, I really salute to u n ur hubby. My hubby n frens are so kan cheong to know the gender..... Hahaaaaa.

Now tat I learn something new today, shall explain to my hubby bout kangaroo care tonite n ask doc on this Fri.
Hmm ya I really prefer visitors to come after confinement, if not nvr bath so smelly and need to breastfeed how?

Ya they all popped out at anrd 37 or 38 weeks, think most mothers pop out during 37 or 38 weeks, I kept telling mine to pop earlier too cuz im so tired of caring him arnd... haha how to keep in suspense? U all not interested to find out? I was so curious I asked since 12th weeks lol, but I only knew mine at 17th weeks... and then I started buying all the baby clothes... actually would u have guessed the gender even if u dont knw? Like some sort of a feeling? I had no idea lol... but many commented that it will b a gal, and it turned out a boy! Lol

Actually infant clothes quite hard to buy neutral ones, I realized they are either for boys or for gals lol... except for maybe petit bateaux which is overpriced and not very nice.. lol I even went to buy a burberry infant set in europe last yr for my boy lol...

Its very hard to buy clothes especially when u dont knw the gender but once u knw u buy like crazy lol...

Yah shld do a chart, start with me lol... edd 11 april, Dr Kang wee at Mt Alvernia... lol maybe we all update then see if who pops first... so excited, have a feeling some of us gonna be march mummies lol... which means its one more mth before we meet our babies... so excited!!!


Sherlee, thanks for the heads up on taka fair! Wonder if it would be worth it to go there. I find mothercare quite overpriced :(

Autumn, actually buying the clothes was easy.. :) I bought all of it in the US and they have tons of gender neutral stuff and for a fraction of the price here.
But I have to admit, the gender neutral pieces are more challenging to purchase here!
I am really anxious to know but as time passes by, all I worry about is the baby's health.. Only probably because I had an ectopic scare.
But if you ask me, I have a sinking feeling it is a boy! So I am kinda leaning towards that side now!


Heard tat Taka bb fair is worth goin. We shall c then.... Hahaaaa. Will kp u ladies posted once I get more info k.

I bot quite a fair bit of bb clothes fm Carter's & Osh Kosh in Jan. My hubby off has got 2 MTB too, so we combined our purchased n ship back. It was all on clearance sale wen we bot our stuff. So it's really cheap. I travel all the time b4 I got pregnant, so when I start shopping back here I find everything to b so ex. So m trying to b a smart shopper back home n try to find all the gd deals. Hahaaaaa......


New Member
Hihi everyone!!! Great to hear that all is doing well... kekeke its been a long long time since I last logged in =p

Anyway, just wanna share with u ladies that I went to check out that the taka bb fair is scheduled on 6 Mar onwards... think until 24/25 Mar. =p Just that still not sure if they have the member additional discount. =)

Ohhh alag, I'm delivering at Kandang Kerbau Hospital and my gynae is Dr Goh Shen Li too!!! kekee=p But my edd is on 13 Apr. Intending to stop work end of march lol


Alag, so that means have to remove top in the delivery suite in front of gynae and the nurses? I feel like trying this kangaroo care thingy too but a bit shy..

Sherlee, did your gf feel any difference after consuming her own placenta? My friend told me complexion will become better. Is it true ?


Hi all,

let's roll the baby gender board for Apr :)

1. Sherlee / Gleneagles - Dr. Lee Keen Whye / end Apr



Thanks Wenwen11 for the taka sale date.... Hope they have gd freebies for the cot i wanna buy....

Yasumi, according to my gf n gay frens, tats why they wanna consume placenta. But m not too sure if it works. I never really meet up w my this gf as we always chat on FB oni. All this while her complexion is quite gd already n she's in beauty line. so fm her pic in FB now she still look very gd.


Haha the baby chart.. I just use march mummies format ok? Hope they don't mind!

Here it goes.. :001_302:

*Baby Gender Chart - April 2013*

Yasumi - Princess Thomson Medical Centre (Dr Adrian Woodworth) Apr 2
Autumnfall - Prince Mount Alvernia Hospital (Dr Kang Wee) Apr 11
Wenwen11 - TBA Kandang Kerbau Hospital (Dr Goh Shen Li) Apr 13
Alag - TBA Kandang Kerbau Hospital (Dr Goh Shen Li) Apr 19