EDD Aug 2011


Congratz ...

Dear mummies and daddies.

This is my first post as I have been a silent reader for the past 5 months. I just want to share my joy with all on the birth of my daughter, my second kid on 24Aug11 at TMC. My wife is originally due on 12Sep11 but we opted 37weeks and 2days for her to come out to the world via c-sect at the advice of the gynae due to low-lying placenta. Fortunately everything went through smoothly without any complications.



Dear mummies and daddies.

This is my first post as I have been a silent reader for the past 5 months. I just want to share my joy with all on the birth of my daughter, my second kid on 24Aug11 at TMC. My wife is originally due on 12Sep11 but we opted 37weeks and 2days for her to come out to the world via c-sect at the advice of the gynae due to low-lying placenta. Fortunately everything went through smoothly without any complications.

Congratz Reindeer. Have a good rest and take care . :)


Piggyhui so fast Yao LAN? U kno when I give pacifier in the public I felt so guilty. Like am doing a no no thing. Yar.. My Bb also dun like the playpen so sleeping with mil, he still have a very strong tendency to look for my nipples. The mouth keeps opening looking for nipples and u dun give him he wun stop. Give pacifier also spilt out when he really gt fustrated. Now I really confuse.. Latch on once a day or not... Difficult to make him separate from nipples too.
Ya he slp yao lan in e living during mrn. So if he cry mother in law can hear from kitchen.
Eh my baby doesnt like pacifier. He onli open his mouth to look for nipples when he hungry.
I try to let him latch on now onve a day. Den e rest i pump out. Cause after he latch on. Nipples pain.


Dear mummies and daddies.

This is my first post as I have been a silent reader for the past 5 months. I just want to share my joy with all on the birth of my daughter, my second kid on 24Aug11 at Thomson Medical Center. My wife is originally due on 12Sep11 but we opted 37weeks and 2days for her to come out to the world via c-sect at the advice of the gynae due to low-lying placenta. Fortunately everything went through smoothly without any complications.

CongratZ reindeer =]


Ya he slp yao lan in e living during mrn. So if he cry mother in law can hear from kitchen.
Eh my baby doesnt like pacifier. He onli open his mouth to look for nipples when he hungry.
I try to let him latch on now onve a day. Den e rest i pump out. Cause after he latch on. Nipples pain.
Oh ok.. We dun use Yao LAN but I think mil have this in mind. Sometimes I wonder if I dun need her help and employ confinement lady will things be better? Jus got scolded for wearing long pants :( dun kno why today the remark came so harsh and not I eat little but I feed myself more often but smaller quantity each time. Like this also not happy. :( I am so obese into expressing milk I woke up every 4 hours. I am pretty tired dun wish to feel sad anymore. Even the relatives that visit me ask me why "wrap" myself till like this I say... Hmm *just smile lor. Mil will tell "is like this, comfinement" btw u gers take Dom? How u take since expressing milk, I can't stop mil persuasion anymore she very very fan already... Can help me, any solution?


Purpeace, your daughter is how many days old?
Hi, My gal is 9 days old today.
Unfortunately, my gal had got high jaundice level and was only discovered yesterday during check up, gotta be admitted for at least 2 days. Now have to express milk n deliver to hospital for her. So sad n busy... My milk supply has since dropped probably due to stress and baby not latching on. Thought I can have total bf for her benefit, now my gal gotta tk formula to supplement cos my supply is not enough to last her hospital stay. Sob! :(


Hi, My gal is 9 days old today.
Unfortunately, my gal had got high jaundice level and was only discovered yesterday during check up, gotta be admitted for at least 2 days. Now have to express milk n deliver to hospital for her. So sad n busy... My milk supply has since dropped probably due to stress and baby not latching on. Thought I can have total bf for her benefit, now my gal gotta tk formula to supplement cos my supply is not enough to last her hospital stay. Sob! :(
Dun be so sad.. my supply also not enough for my baby.. I just mix with formula.. initially I also sad... but got to think that last time we also drink formula.. there is nothing wrong with that. Dun be so sad.. cheer up.. :)


Hi, My gal is 9 days old today.
Unfortunately, my gal had got high jaundice level and was only discovered yesterday during check up, gotta be admitted for at least 2 days. Now have to express milk n deliver to hospital for her. So sad n busy... My milk supply has since dropped probably due to stress and baby not latching on. Thought I can have total bf for her benefit, now my gal gotta tk formula to supplement cos my supply is not enough to last her hospital stay. Sob! :(
My boy got jaundice earlier as well but becos dr ask me do not insist on Bf if not enough if not the jaundice level will go even higher. So I give formula to help lor. To mummies out there Bf is good but cannot insist lar :( I used to be low supply. 20 ml both side. Now so happy.. Thank to
U guys advise I manage to get 4 oZ :) Bb jaundice also controlled. Purpeace dun worry mainly is to cure his jaundice after that can still work on Bf.. Dun think too much :) is ok...


Oh ok.. We dun use Yao LAN but I think mil have this in mind. Sometimes I wonder if I dun need her help and employ confinement lady will things be better? Jus got scolded for wearing long pants :( dun kno why today the remark came so harsh and not I eat little but I feed myself more often but smaller quantity each time. Like this also not happy. :( I am so obese into expressing milk I woke up every 4 hours. I am pretty tired dun wish to feel sad anymore. Even the relatives that visit me ask me why "wrap" myself till like this I say... Hmm *just smile lor. Mil will tell "is like this, comfinement" btw u gers take Dom? How u take since expressing milk, I can't stop mil persuasion anymore she very very fan already... Can help me, any solution?
Jovin, I'm same as u. My mil seems like want the Yao Lan.. but we dun want baby used to it.. so we dun wanna buy.. if not bring baby out, baby too used to Yao Lan... very troublesome.. I take DOM every nite..after i pump out milk.. one small cup only. U drink how much DOM?


My milk is only 20 ml upon expressing... MIL keep asking wwh so little only.. "no milk arh".... "no milk arh" I felt so depress. so i tot her... after this feed of 20 ml, better than nothing mah.. regularity makes a diff right? then after that no enough give formula lor.. i also give in to formula and pacificer.. wat else more.. i feel so bad not able to produce enough. I think tml i will ask the lactation... i am already not enought sleep due night duty and day pump milk... she monitor watever medication i took... i pass her to take care becos I need to sleep... if not... i wont give up... but anyway.. BF... I am really trying very hard... it's already sore and blistered...
Hi Jovin,

we had experience the same thing, for me its only the 7th day after birth..according to research, only the 10th day then have the milk, 4-6 is transition milk whereby its yellowish..I had only 15ml at first..after that felt pain and sore with my breast, gynae said its blockage, need to press and massage very hard then milk will flow..now got 60ml of milk supply
At first i thought if pump more then milk will flow more, so i very hardworking and pump at night, but end up only 30ml..so my conclusion is : if you felt your breast is heavy/pain/uncomfortable, thant means milk is block inside, must pump out..

i also night shift now, my girl drink 3 hour per night,(with formula milk) if breast milk its 2 hours per night coz its diluted..and my girl slept very well in the day and slept very little at night, she is also big eater, so i got no choice but to feed her formula milk first..

Dun stress yourself too much, the most impt is you rest well and keep yourself healthy..
Now step is:
1)Always latch on first( i latch on till i felt pain then i switch breast)
2) breastmilk with bottle (coz breastmilk drink more its ok 1, alot of water content, my PD say if u want more milk then you got to drink more fluid)

1)Always latch on first( i latch on till i felt pain then i switch breast, and i wanna have the bonding)
2)Formula milk(Nan 1 pro-heard that its close to mother's breastmilk)

P/s: though ppl say papaya fish soup is good, but my girl got slight jaundice, papaya might coz jaundice too..

Take care and lets keep on perserverse mummies:)


Hi gers, are all ur NB sleeping with u at night? Dun kno why my son dun really like staying in my rm. Been in mil room for the past 4 days.. Day I go over see him night he still sleeps there. Is this ok? I tot give me another week or 2 to continue rest before I try to learn taking care :( will the separation be ok?
I slept with my girl, thought its tiring but no choice, coz i try not to let my MIL interfere my infantcare, thank God my MIL is understanding, she also dare not come in during the night coz my hubby will say her..Like many of the other MIL , my MIL also wanna use pacificer during, but i educate her by telling her:Mama, lets try not to use pacificer first, maybe the bb is insured as the bb is just few days out of my tummy, need to listen mummu heartbeat and the warmth. etc etc..Actually i also scare that my MIL is those old fashion type, using those old old method, so before deliver we wnet to library and borrow alot of infantcare book(mag), its really helps as she reallt benefits from there..i also be firm and confident and let her know that i always had my logical reason for what i done..I am also a pre school teacher too, so will assure her i am professional person, blah, blah..

I just maybe your MIL wants you to rest well during confinement, if you wanna worried about the separation, maybe u can use latch on as an excuse to let your bb slp in your room..i latch on as and when my bb is hungry, so my bb now auto, when hungry knows how to find my breast, and i am also quick and using the correct latch on already.. Jia you!!


Oh ok.. We dun use Yao LAN but I think mil have this in mind. Sometimes I wonder if I dun need her help and employ confinement lady will things be better? Jus got scolded for wearing long pants :( dun kno why today the remark came so harsh and not I eat little but I feed myself more often but smaller quantity each time. Like this also not happy. :( I am so obese into expressing milk I woke up every 4 hours. I am pretty tired dun wish to feel sad anymore. Even the relatives that visit me ask me why "wrap" myself till like this I say... Hmm *just smile lor. Mil will tell "is like this, comfinement" btw u gers take Dom? How u take since expressing milk, I can't stop mil persuasion anymore she very very fan already... Can help me, any solution?
I do take DOM and breast feed too...
Dun be upset, cheer up...u need to rest more wor..

Dunno y these two night my baby dun wanna slp on his own in baby cord. And he wants us to carry him.
Once we put him on e bed he will cry immediately. Dunno if he sick or he jus seeking for us to carry him.
Usually he's not like that.... So tired.


Dear mummies and daddies.

This is my first post as I have been a silent reader for the past 5 months. I just want to share my joy with all on the birth of my daughter, my second kid on 24Aug11 at TMC. My wife is originally due on 12Sep11 but we opted 37weeks and 2days for her to come out to the world via c-sect at the advice of the gynae due to low-lying placenta. Fortunately everything went through smoothly without any complications.

Congrats, my girl was born @ TMC, birthday was 22/8/2011..2 days before yours.. Welcome to parenthood:0


Oh ok.. We dun use Yao LAN but I think mil have this in mind. Sometimes I wonder if I dun need her help and employ confinement lady will things be better? Jus got scolded for wearing long pants :( dun kno why today the remark came so harsh and not I eat little but I feed myself more often but smaller quantity each time. Like this also not happy. :( I am so obese into expressing milk I woke up every 4 hours. I am pretty tired dun wish to feel sad anymore. Even the relatives that visit me ask me why "wrap" myself till like this I say... Hmm *just smile lor. Mil will tell "is like this, comfinement" btw u gers take Dom? How u take since expressing milk, I can't stop mil persuasion anymore she very very fan already... Can help me, any solution?
my MIL also say DOM is good, but i dare not take alcohol..will try.. my parent craft teacher say if drink wine must wait till 2-3 hours then can breast feed..


I do take DOM and breast feed too...
Dun be upset, cheer up...u need to rest more wor..

Dunno y these two night my baby dun wanna slp on his own in baby cord. And he wants us to carry him.
Once we put him on e bed he will cry immediately. Dunno if he sick or he jus seeking for us to carry him.
Usually he's not like that.... So tired.
My bb is like that since day 1 at home..i also dun know how, she also wants me to carry her..MIL say maybe aircon too cold, so tonight we will try to keep her very very warm and try whether she can sleep tonight...


Thanks jocelyn n Jovin for the encouragement.

My gal is discharged today.. But still have slight Jaundice.
When she is back and I try to latch her, she fell Asleep again very quickly so each time I can only latch like 10 min one side and let her sleep.. Then a while later she wakes up and wants milk again, am afraid she might not be getting enough milk drinking this way. Guess have to give her expressed milk when she is wide awake.

I also hv DOM, but baby jaundice, afraid will affect my breast milk so yet to drink. Prob will drink another week later.


Thanks jocelyn n Jovin for the encouragement.

My gal is discharged today.. But still have slight Jaundice.
When she is back and I try to latch her, she fell Asleep again very quickly so each time I can only latch like 10 min one side and let her sleep.. Then a while later she wakes up and wants milk again, am afraid she might not be getting enough milk drinking this way. Guess have to give her expressed milk when she is wide awake.

I also hv DOM, but baby jaundice, afraid will affect my breast milk so yet to drink. Prob will drink another week later.
Purpeace Congrats and rest well! Bb jaundice jus make sure she drinks enough. Dr taught me When drink enough it will be poo out. So dun worry she will be ok :D. For milk supply I still get about 4 oZ from both side. But I still feel is low. Good thing is Bb managed to latch on and drink which last for 2 hrs before next feed. But I latch on only once a day. Hope
I can try more to twice a day. But some days got visitors very hard. I do keep 2 bottles spare milk in fridge.. Thou I hope to have more :( I feel I am getting so obese.