EDD Aug 2011



Just relax, don't stress and dun worry about ur supply of bm. Continue to latch on, drink more fluid and rest more. Dun give up. If need be, use formula first till ur supply comes back, it's ok.
The last time I also very stress, keep telling myself I want total bf, end up also supply low and hav to fall back on formula in between. This time I told myself I'm not gonna get stress... Have just give, if not formula also a good substitute, so far just manage to meet the demand, don't really have much excess also. As our baby grow, the supply will increase. Jia you k.
Thanks Purpeace.. i could sleep thinking how to increase. Issit me who got things wrong. I was really pek sek... i told mil not to ask me abt the milk supply anymore hahah I really very stress... then she see that i make effort to wake up at night to pump milk think she also understand... I told her if formula is really better do I have to work so hard. I used to get 4 bottles... now is like one bottle consider lucky :(

I latch on day.. and night pump.. sometimes noon i also pump if not tired. No idea how long i can ta han this.. but i really see the supply almost fainted... is like waste my sleep pumpin this little. Anyway i will continue to hang in there.. hope tml will be better.


Thanks Purpeace.. i could sleep thinking how to increase. Issit me who got things wrong. I was really pek sek... i told mother in law not to ask me about the milk supply anymore hahah I really very stress... then she see that i make effort to wake up at night to pump milk think she also understand... I told her if formula is really better do I have to work so hard. I used to get 4 bottles... now is like one bottle consider lucky :(

I latch on day.. and night pump.. sometimes noon i also pump if not tired. No idea how long i can ta han this.. but i really see the supply almost fainted... is like waste my sleep pumpin this little. Anyway i will continue to hang in there.. hope tml will be better.
Jovin, You are not alone... I feel that my supply dropping also.. so frustrated.. I only latch in the early morning, bcoz mother in law said the supply will not gain so fast.. so she not giving me to latch on so often except in the early morning.. Early morning will have more supply due to whole nite didn't pump.. She keep on saying baby's hungry... and said baby suck my breast dont know drink how much.. so angry..:wong29: I got to ren ren ren... Sometimes i think of giving up breast feeding.. bcoz MIL keep saying those sarcastic wording.. so ANGRY!!!! I got to rant out..


Jovin, You are not alone... I feel that my supply dropping also.. so frustrated.. I only latch in the early morning, bcoz mother in law said the supply will not gain so fast.. so she not giving me to latch on so often except in the early morning.. Early morning will have more supply due to whole nite didn't pump.. She keep on saying baby's hungry... and said baby suck my breast dont know drink how much.. so angry..:wong29: I got to ren ren ren... Sometimes i think of giving up breast feeding.. bcoz MIL keep saying those sarcastic wording.. so ANGRY!!!! I got to rant out..
Thanks JY, I woke up at night to pump. Before I sleep 11pm once, 2-4 am another and morning 6-8am another... 9 am bf, if not enough will give express milk. Then noon.. 12-1 pm pump again! Sometimes if bb wakes up during my pump time will latch him on instead. Horrible... my mil also ask me bb drink how much. Wah if my breast can see I will tell her, better if breast got capacity guage. Bengz... anyway... once i got really mad and told her "I wun know, but if he swallow he must have drink. After feeding sometimes got milk on his mouth". At most hungry feed again lor" Hahaha then i say sorry to hubby... but he knows how i feel.

I feel like giving up too!! Many moms also dun do bf... why must I be so hard on myself! Mil by then know i am angry... she spoke to me and I told her.. I am angry... supply not coming and the question u say makes me more fan. Guess wat... hahah she took it! now she dun dare ask.

But well comes to bb something is never ending... now ask me to cut BB nails... so he can learn to SUCK his FIST! WTF..... I thot... for???
Just becos u ppl thinks is cute... I got to cultivate bb to have such habits? Her reply was... olden times ppl's bb also loves to such fist. I am against it i told her... germs? and let him suck and dun kick the habit off? I got to teach the kid...

My poor boy, living in the 20th century and yet... he got to behave like the 60's!! So yar.. having mil to help is not easy. I kno... but come to think, without her at night i cant pump and sleep too.. JY hang in there. I'm left with 9 days of confinement. Hope my bb faster past the night feeding and crying stage... and sleeps longer at night. I will get him to sleep with me then.

BTW is our bb... if thing have to turn ugly.. i told hubby... i dun mean to but for my son I will do anything! REm we are the mom!!


Mine's a lazy drinker!! Always falls asleep at my breast, later wake up then cry not enough. Now he is asleep I will pump out and latch on in another 1 hr :( milk cow.. That's me now !


Mine is super active.

Loves sucking. Will sleep while drinking too but must disturb him.

Mine's a lazy drinker!! Always falls asleep at my breast, later wake up then cry not enough. Now he is asleep I will pump out and latch on in another 1 hr :( milk cow.. That's me now !


Mine is super active.

Loves sucking. Will sleep while drinking too but must disturb him.
I tickle the ear... Sleep still, touch the hands also sleep.. Buay ta Han. Night time drink formular, after drinking ha ha party with the grandma for 2-3 hrs before he gets tired and sleep. My mil is taking care of 3 grandchild before mine, all gers. Then. Became nanny also ger, now she met her challenger! Ha ha my boy really challenge him. Telling her "I am not a push over" ha ha
Everyday I jus hope milk comes more and bb can latch on better.. Drink better :D


Mine is c-section so many things can't eat and drink.
Sianz ...
Everyday almost same food and drink.

I tickle the ear... Sleep still, touch the hands also sleep.. Buay ta Han. Night time drink formular, after drinking ha ha party with the grandma for 2-3 hours before he gets tired and sleep. My mother in law is taking care of 3 grandchild before mine, all gers. Then. Became nanny also ger, now she met her challenger! Ha ha my boy really challenge him. Telling her "I am not a push over" ha ha
Everyday I just hope milk comes more and baby can latch on better.. Drink better :D


Same here Kimyen... I am already counting down to confinement... 10 more days. Honestly i dun mind giving birth again.. but i mind confinement. I hate the food!! Hate the ginger hate being force to take those intestine stuff... :( damn sian.. Eat till I am so SICK!!


Haha Jovin,

I agree with you. I don't mind giving birth again, but to me food is ok. I hate the part where I cannot wash hair n touch tap water. Felt a bit handicap when I need to wash things. So end up everything I dun wash,just leave it on e table let CL wash. Hee.

But now think I won't want another one le. 2 terrors is enough. Haha!


Yeah.. I used to shower twice a day.. can go out.. and all.. now I am so stuck. Today dun kno wat to do for tml. MIL is so into helping me... good and bad.. she takes care at night and day time she rather have bb sleep in her room still. So let her be lor. As for me.. I really not doing anything, cant go out, dun like the confinement food, no coke and cool drinks for me. I wanna drink fresh milk also cannot... is only my first child.. and I am really very scare. I am pretty active in shopping.. now hm bound is like killing me... So sian... Really dun kno wat to do.. eat also ppl serve... bb say sleep with me in the day also dun want.. haiz... I am so damn bored!


Wah I envy u lo. I want to rest this much also cannot. Have to pack my elder bb stuffs, tk care of his needs etc. Only feeding n bathing I let my mil do. Then I also hv so many things to sort out at home. Eg, keep my hubby laundry after washing, tidy up room n ensure sufficient necessities for baby.. If I rest halfway, realized I forgot to do something will quickly jump up n do. I also hv to plan for my baby shower, food, decor, invitation etc. Also I'm shifting ard Oct to my new home, do must check out furnitures n appliances n also design concepts. So busy. Lucky no need to meddle with work at all, else I can go crazy. Haha!


Haha, been busy also. If not tending to the younger one, have to entertain the older girl ...:/
doesn't help that when one cries, the other Is affected by the crying!!...

If you guys r bored at home... Can't take baby out for a stroll arnd neighbourhood ? I bring #2 for grocery shopping at amb hub, furthest she went was shopping at orchard so far..:p

Once everyone not under strict confinement , we'll plan for a meet up:)

Eh, btw got facebook? I wanna c babys' photos:D


I'm actually missing my job, but really no idea how to go back when there's 2 imps to handle at home.....they will drive grandparents nuts!!


Haha, been busy also. If not tending to the younger one, have to entertain the older girl ...:/
doesn't help that when one cries, the other Is affected by the crying!!...

If you guys r bored at home... Can't take baby out for a stroll arnd neighbourhood ? I bring #2 for grocery shopping at amb hub, furthest she went was shopping at orchard so far..:p

Once everyone not under strict confinement , we'll plan for a meet up:)

Eh, btw got facebook? I wanna c babys' photos:D
my fb... jovin83@hotmail.com :)


Wah I envy u lo. I want to rest this much also cannot. Have to pack my elder bb stuffs, tk care of his needs etc. Only feeding n bathing I let my mil do. Then I also hv so many things to sort out at home. Eg, keep my hubby laundry after washing, tidy up room n ensure sufficient necessities for baby.. If I rest halfway, realized I forgot to do something will quickly jump up n do. I also hv to plan for my baby shower, food, decor, invitation etc. Also I'm shifting ard Oct to my new home, do must check out furnitures n appliances n also design concepts. So busy. Lucky no need to meddle with work at all, else I can go crazy. Haha!
but u can bond with bb.. i am too well taken care.. now packing clothes :( feeding mil? u no more bf arh? or express? i damn low suppply... do kno can ta han a mth anot


Hahaha Engel, Can I say i miss wearing pretty clothes go Shopping!! :( or go out door.. watever.. jus get out of this place in my PJ and ahsoh clothes all day..!!
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Hahaha Engel, Can I say i miss wearing pretty clothes go Shopping!! :( or go out door.. watever.. jus get out of this place in my PJ and ahsoh clothes all day..!!
Lol...don't stay in ure pjs when ure awake then:) maybe wearing something u like yet u feel comfy in will lift ure mood up abit? :)

eh I can't add by email:/... Stupid fb for iPhone... Ure Nick? Or mine is slcpunk@ singnet.com.sg
or engel av Sorge by Nick