EDD Aug 2011


Wah so good!! my confinement still got 2 weeks to go, my hip not big, now tummy big..binder seems no use leh..but my MIL very good, let me go out joyride at night..the 1st sat i even went east coast mac cafe with hubby:p.....i am longing to go MDS and buy clothes..but my tummy makes me lose confidence..
wah so good lei go mac cafe enjoy lei. my husband only da bao for me MAC lol. wads MDS??


Jovin, I'm using avert breast shell, not sure abt medela. The breast milk collected from the shell must be emptied every 45 mins as per instruction. Anyway the package comes with both sealed n ventilated shells, so if u want to collect milk for baby, can use e sealed shells, if wearing out, then ventilated shells better, can wear longer, but e milk hv to be disposed every 1-2 hr also.

Breast pad is still worth buying, u can wear it to sleep or go out if ur bringing baby along. It prevents ur bm from staining ur top when it leaks. The breast shell is only gd for use when bb not with u. :)


Hee.. Seems like we r breaking loose slowly. I'm also heading out today to view my new house and go to nearby mall to grab some baby supplies and my own supplies. Maybe at e same time shop for clothes to wear on baby shower. :p


New Member
I got feeling thinking to give up direct latching.. bcoz dont know baby drink how much and very tiring while latching.. need about half an hr to one hr on latching.. pumping milk out in between, the most i got 100ml combined in the early morning, in the afternoon only 60-70ml combined with 30mins pumping. very tiring.. i feel like give up on breast milk.. n my breast is not hard even i didn't pump at night... only in the morning can see the milk dripping out.. that's why can get 100ml of milk.. i'm in day15 already.. the milk supply still not enough for my baby.. sigh...:embarrassed:
I also encounter the exact situation as you... My bb gal is already one month old now but my BM supply keeps stuck at 100ml ( in the morning if I'm lucky) otherwise at times only 40-60ml (afternoon/night). I supplement her with fm at night no choice since she wun suck my breasts... :(


Purpeace, yes slowly break lose. But I realize I miss my boy and my body dun allow me to walk more than 3 hrs.. Backache and feels abit pressure at the uterus :( dun dare tell mil later kena nag again. Yar I went to buy the shell with my vouchers. Heng no need to use cash. Now back HM.. Argh back really hurts.. U all got the same issue? I am in my 3 rd week confinement.

Szecare, same low milk supply. No matter how much water I drink. Pump at 11pm 2am 5am 8am then latch on from 10/11am then 2/3pm and then 5/6pm .. Latch 3 times still not enough to push up my supply. :( very sad. Thou of buying those herb frengreek (spelling may be wrong) but I abit scare. Not sure safe anot. How to ta Han any longer!! Dun understand seems like ppl hold a diff look at formula fed mums. Anyway still hanging on.


I also encounter the exact situation as you... My bb gal is already one month old now but my BM supply keeps stuck at 100ml ( in the morning if I'm lucky) otherwise at times only 40-60ml (afternoon/night). I supplement her with fm at night no choice since she wun suck my breasts... :(
same here, milk supply low, my girl can suck my breast (bothside for 45mins) after that around 2 hours hungry again, my supply not enough for her, she drinks faster than I pump..


Purpeace, yes slowly break lose. But I realize I miss my boy and my body dont allow me to walk more than 3 hours.. Backache and feels abit pressure at the uterus :( dont dare tell mother in law later kena nag again. Yar I went to buy the shell with my vouchers. lucky no need to use cash. Now back HM.. Argh back really hurts.. you all got the same issue? I am in my 3 rd week confinement.

Szecare, same low milk supply. No matter how much water I drink. Pump at 11pm 2am 5am 8am then latch on from 10/11am then 2/3pm and then 5/6pm .. Latch 3 times still not enough to push up my supply. :( very sad. Thou of buying those herb frengreek (spelling may be wrong) but I abit scare. Not sure safe anot. How to ta Han any longer!! dont understand seems like ppl hold a diff look at formula fed mums. Anyway still hanging on.
I try to pump every 3 hourly but realized sometimes manage to have 60ml for both breast.. dont know why my supply had drop, ai ya, very stressed


same here, milk supply low, my girl can suck my breast (bothside for 45mins) after that around 2 hours hungry again, my supply not enough for her, she drinks faster than I pump..
Urs 2 hr.. Mine sometimes 1 hr I surrender! But sometimes he jus got better.. Drink more. As for pumping, yar both side 60 ml! Fustrating.. I pump btw 2-3 hrs.. Really feels like giving up.
Gers, any formula to recommend?


Sianz ...

My baby got jaundice ...

I mean getting higher whilst going for chk @ polyclinic
Kimyen got feed formular? My baby was pretty high at 12.2 level of jaundice. I think bf not enought the jaundice level shot high. After I gave night formular feed, he's oki now. Now he drinking my express milk for 5 bottles ( include 2 latch on) and 2 formular feeds or somtimes 1.. depends on my express milk.


Ok, maybe I try formula too cos now strictly on bf unless I'm doing massage.

Kimyen got feed formular? My baby was pretty high at 12.2 level of jaundice. I think bf not enought the jaundice level shot high. After I gave night formular feed, he's oki now. Now he drinking my express milk for 5 bottles ( include 2 latch on) and 2 formular feeds or somtimes 1.. depends on my express milk.


Hi Mommies

I am letting go my Medela Free Style pump which i bought in August 2011. Reason to let go as my bb is down with colic....thus cranky most of the time that i have no time to pump.....haiz. I can't latch him coz he is fussy n very impatient......haiz. I bot the item from Paragon which was selling at $699. I am willing to let go at $499...... I had also bot many Avent milk/food container which i like to give away.

Let me know if you are keen.


Ai Mei de Mummy

My grandma says for boys, can't do too many days earlier... Sianz ...
Yar lor Mummy spend so much on her hair :( got to save liao. For ah boy's milk powder. My Boy's Full Mth is done a day before should be ok bah. Jus reach home... Dun understand why Mil like to interfer wat I wear for my son on his full mth. Took the clothes out for me and show me, telling me wat she wants him to wear. I purposely dun want..hahaha Well my son. Cannot Sleep in my room during day, night, clothes also she wanna chose. I think I am bored to death at hm...
Wat else can I do to bond with my SON! Sian..

KimYen, let me kno if ur baby recover from jaundice k! :)


Kimyen; hope ure baby recovers from jaundice soon....

Seems like everyone bz preparing for 1st mth...:)

jovin; Ure son gonna sleep with u after confinement? Can't tell mil u want bonding time? Hiazzzz


Kimyen; hope ure baby recovers from jaundice soon....

Seems like everyone bz preparing for 1st mth...:)

jovin; Ure son gonna sleep with u after confinement? Can't tell mil u want bonding time? Hiazzzz
I dun think so :( maybe just Friday and sat. She say she feels more comfortable having Bb in her rm. And she loves leaving my Bb to cry, old ppl say dun spoilt them. Poor Bb! Wat u all think? I also dun kno wat's right. I feel cry too much "wind" goes in how?and bb seems insecure leh.


I dun think so :( maybe just Friday and sat. She say she feels more comfortable having Bb in her rm. And she loves leaving my Bb to cry, old ppl say dun spoilt them. Poor Bb! Wat u all think? I also dun kno wat's right. I feel cry too much "wind" goes in how?and bb seems insecure leh.
I think it's fine to cuddle babies now while they are still young... Still needs bonding. At my guy's place, his dad nagged that shouldn't b carry my younger girl that often.. I got pissed off last wk( due to lack of sleep) and shot back she was still young and she just had her meal, put her down, leave her to wiggle; she will puke her milk out... Hiazzz

at my place instead, my parents pamper too much I think:/ they try not to let both girls cry ..when #1 was older than 6 mths, told them not to give in to her so often.... but alas..... Now she a lil bit strong headed and wants things her way or she'll make a uber big fuss.... Hiazzz
maybe my fault as well as I tend to buy whatever she wants as well... Hiazzz... Mistake learnt...

Jovin, I think u should have a say where and when you want your boy with u... First few mths important for bonding, esp before we head back to work....