EDD August 2013

Me too.. no appetite to eat, but yet very hungry. If I took the wrong food, which will leave smell to my mouth, at night I confirm puke.

And, I hate Subway Smell, GARLIC smell the most, and KFC chicken, perhaps the chicken too oily.

can't wait for my appetite to resume back to normal or perhaps a better appetite. =p
I thought I am the only who is a fussy eater...glad to know that I am normal.

So far, I have not tried Subway yet but ok with the smell. I hate garlic smell too! Don't really like deep-fried stuff now.
I love plain porridge alot & spicy food.

I am always very scared of eating the wrong food where it will affect my lunch & will feel hungry. So, normally if I ate the wrong food, I will buy snacks like popiah or pancake to eat loh....

Funny thing is I always feel like vomiting when I am heading home after work in the train. The nausea pills don't help at all. :(
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Guys...this is personnel, not sure if any of you experience this. I think i am having Relationship OCB. :(

"A person may continuously doubt whether they love their partner, whether their relationship is the "right" relationship or whether their partner "really" loves them. Even when they know they love someone or that someone loves them, they constantly check and reassure themselves that it is the right feeling. When they attempt to end the relationship, they are overwhelmed with anxiety. Staying in the relationship, however, they are haunted by continuous doubts regarding the relationship."

I have been looking at my husband flaws and thinking that he is cheating on me. Would be checking him up to just re-assure myself. I think it gotten worst during my pregnancy.

1 month after we were married, I was looking through his msn chats and realise that while he was dating me..there was other girls also....but all these stopped after we decided to get marry..couldn't find any other chats...I confronted him and he told me he never cheated on me.. I didn't believe him but i closed the case anyway. I know he is not cheating on me now, but the fear is getting into me now....

Feeling moody and insecure....not sure to tell my Gyne about it or should i go and see a counseller.....any ideas?
Guys...this is personnel, not sure if any of you experience this. I think i am having Relationship OCB. :(

"A person may continuously doubt whether they love their partner, whether their relationship is the "right" relationship or whether their partner "really" loves them. Even when they know they love someone or that someone loves them, they constantly check and reassure themselves that it is the right feeling. When they attempt to end the relationship, they are overwhelmed with anxiety. Staying in the relationship, however, they are haunted by continuous doubts regarding the relationship."

I have been looking at my husband flaws and thinking that he is cheating on me. Would be checking him up to just re-assure myself. I think it gotten worst during my pregnancy.

1 month after we were married, I was looking through his msn chats and realise that while he was dating me..there was other girls also....but all these stopped after we decided to get marry..couldn't find any other chats...I confronted him and he told me he never cheated on me.. I didn't believe him but i closed the case anyway. I know he is not cheating on me now, but the fear is getting into me now....

Feeling moody and insecure....not sure to tell my Gyne about it or should i go and see a counseller.....any ideas?
I feel that you should have a good talk with your hubby instead. I believe he is the only one who can make you feel much better. :)
Guys...this is personnel, not sure if any of you experience this. I think i am having Relationship OCB. :(

"A person may continuously doubt whether they love their partner, whether their relationship is the "right" relationship or whether their partner "really" loves them. Even when they know they love someone or that someone loves them, they constantly check and reassure themselves that it is the right feeling. When they attempt to end the relationship, they are overwhelmed with anxiety. Staying in the relationship, however, they are haunted by continuous doubts regarding the relationship."

I have been looking at my husband flaws and thinking that he is cheating on me. Would be checking him up to just re-assure myself. I think it gotten worst during my pregnancy.

1 month after we were married, I was looking through his msn chats and realise that while he was dating me..there was other girls also....but all these stopped after we decided to get marry..couldn't find any other chats...I confronted him and he told me he never cheated on me.. I didn't believe him but i closed the case anyway. I know he is not cheating on me now, but the fear is getting into me now....

Feeling moody and insecure....not sure to tell my Gyne about it or should i go and see a counseller.....any ideas?
My suggestion to u is to engage a PI, I believe you want to know the truth isn't? No one love to be deceive their partner.


My suggestion to u is to engage a PI, I believe you want to know the truth isn't? No one love to be deceive their partner.
Sweetpigletmummy: tried that..it happened 5 months ago and i keep bringing the topic up...but he will get piss off cos to him he already say he never do...so whenever i bring it up...he will just get mad at me and say we are going through the same thing...now everything is okay...why do you want to make a fuss out of it?

lovingbaby: He is not cheating now....it was in the past.......i know the vows we took at the church is important to him....that is why when we decided to get married, he got rid of all the girls....but i just can't let go of it....not after i read the conversation they were having..with this baby...the tots just keep flashing in my mind...


Trust with your heart.. This man you married. It is not good to accuse him of something which he never do. It can be pretty damaging to the r/s.. Everybody have a past, nobody is perfect. And he has chosen to settle down with you and start a family with you, and got rid of all the other girls in his life.. that shows he loves you. Try to communicate with him, talk to each other about your feelings.. instead of accusing each other or suspect each other. The baby is God's evidence that love and life must goes on. :)
Sweetpigletmummy: tried that..it happened 5 months ago and i keep bringing the topic up...but he will get piss off cos to him he already say he never do...so whenever i bring it up...he will just get mad at me and say we are going through the same thing...now everything is okay...why do you want to make a fuss out of it?

lovingbaby: He is not cheating now....it was in the past.......i know the vows we took at the church is important to him....that is why when we decided to get married, he got rid of all the girls....but i just can't let go of it....not after i read the conversation they were having..with this baby...the tots just keep flashing in my mind...
Having said that, men are one type of animals that need to "release", during pregnancy times is a real test to test his faithfulness. My gf husband was caught going to health center and other dirty massage joints to release himself and she found out those by hiring a PI.

She is unable live with him any longer and divorce eventually.


Having said that, men are one type of animals that need to "release", during pregnancy times is a real test to test his faithfulness. My gf husband was caught going to health center and other dirty massage joints to release himself and she found out those by hiring a PI.

She is unable live with him any longer and divorce eventually.
the problem is that i am willing to give...and it feels that all the time is I want it and he doesnt want it....makes me feel so insecure...


the problem is that i am willing to give...and it feels that all the time is I want it and he doesnt want it....makes me feel so insecure...
Aiyah.. if everyday you keep suspect n accuse him.. he will also feel xian one. Must make him feel loved mah...

Dont listen to others lah... be confident of urself and your husband. :)


wlilian:746602 said:
the problem is that i am willing to give...and it feels that all the time is I want it and he doesnt want it....makes me feel so insecure...
Have u tried asking him why? Maybe becos he is worried that it would hurt baby?


William, have a good talk with you husband will be the best. If husband and wife keep having doubt with either one this r/s won't go far.
some more you are pregnant now...the more you shld have a good talk with him so that you won't keep thinking so much ...stress is not good for baby n u.


Hi wlilian,
Don't tink too much n give him a chance since he has decided to change. Perhaps you may think that he cheated you before the marriage and give you unsecureness in the relationship.

But if we keep suspecting them, this might ruin the relationship and he will for sure won't share much with you in future.

You should stop suspecting him and believe in him. Talk to him about your fear and I believe if his conscience is clear he will assure you this will not happen. But talk to him in a loving way not trying to look for a fought. =)

And stop ask for PI help, unless you want to end this relationship. Remember Communication is rather important in marriage n family.

I hope my little advice does not offence you and is true from my heart that I want to help you.

Stay happy throughout your pregnancy. So that your both you and baby will be healthy too. :) Hugs


I thought I am the only who is a fussy eater...glad to know that I am normal.

So far, I have not tried Subway yet but ok with the smell. I hate garlic smell too! dont't really like deep-fried stuff now.
I love plain porridge alot & spicy food.

I am always very scared of eating the wrong food where it will affect my lunch & will feel hungry. So, normally if I ate the wrong food, I will buy snacks like popiah or pancake to eat loh....

Funny thing is I always feel like vomiting when I am heading home after work in the train. The nausea pills dont't help at all. :(
Hihi sweetpigletmummy,
I'm having the same symptom like you, i feel like vomiting when I'm heading home. Haha.. so far I did not take any nausea pills.

But today I felt better perhaps not working. Haha..


So nice :) !!! makes me excited and looking forward to my next scan too, but gotta wait till end of the month (neck long long liao hehe)... your bb very cooperative and cute :) hope mine will be too when I see my bb :)

MamaLve must share with us how your scan goes this sat k :) I'm looking forward to hearing about it too, exciting hor :)

Thanks for sharing on the vits you're taking, the doc here keep telling me don't have to take anything else :( maybe when I'm next back will go see a gynae for 2nd opinion...
Hi bunnybee and all,
I'm back for check up since morning, rot till now. Haha..

Before we went to gynae, told BB, daddy n mummy. Going to see you.

During the scan, BB was cooperative and even wave at us and dancing. Mad cute. :p

I have to be back on 25Jan to do the OSCAR scan although not compulsory but to be safe I opt for it.

By the way, gynae advice tat OSCAR scan is best to do within 12-13weeks not later than that. But I'm not sure why. So for those for opt for it, just make sure you do it on 12-13 weeks Ba.

Today, doc also prescribe me additional supplements for baby brain and bones development with neurogain, calcium and sangobion.

Hopefully on my next scan I be able to noe baby gender. But my sixth sense told me is a boy. Haha.. let's see.. (finger cross)
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I just came back from my 2nd appt yesterday and saw baby dancing! Baby looks like a teddy bear when we do e scanning! Am 8 weeks and 4 days. Will be going back in 3 weeks time. Wanna ask if u guys brought fish oil from outside phamarcy other than e clinic? I am consuming dhaextra soft gels frm e clinic and a box cost $60 for 30 gels. Wanna see if there is any fish oils suitable?


Hi All, sorry for the late reply...thanks for all the advice...i'm trying to just live in the present now and trying to forget about the past.....i stop checking on his stuff already... feeling better and not upset... :)


U all found confinement nanny already?
Not sure will i be having a confinement lady or should i just order the food.....most likely will need to get a maid.....not sure if need to spend money for another nanny...
Most likely i will be going for the post-natal massage.....


Hi All, sorry for the late reply...thanks for all the advice...i'm trying to just live in the present now and trying to forget about the past.....i stop checking on his stuff already... feeling better and not upset... :)
Yeah, good job wlilian!! =) Clap Clap.

Sometimes to close one eye and don't check so much is better. As, we might not be able to see things that we thought it might be there. And we tend to think more, and thought they actually delete it. In fact, there's no such things happen.

Jiayou!! We are always here to be your best listening ear. Hugs.