EDD August 2014


Wah !!!! 3K is really sound EX to me also :O Anyway any special symptoms you having ? Did you have special dream also ? I dream three times very clearly that I am having baby boy ... But I read the internet normally dreams might be different >>>> Meaning might be gal :)
Only had bad morning sickness, now at least is slightly better. The uncomfortable feeling keep lingering at the throat area :( Also cant sleep well during the night.
Has to wake up 2-3times to peep if not just cant get to sleep.

So far only dreamt twice, once i dreamt that a old man was telling me I will lost my baby :( :( Secondly time I dream that I deliver the baby without much effort and in my room... but cant remember is it a gal or boy. For me as long my baby is healthy and growing I dont mind is a gal or boy :)


Only had bad morning sickness, now at least is slightly better. The uncomfortable feeling keep lingering at the throat area :( Also cant sleep well during the night.
Has to wake up 2-3times to peep if not just cant get to sleep.

So far only dreamt twice, once i dreamt that a old man was telling me I will lost my baby :( :( Secondly time I dream that I deliver the baby without much effort and in my room... but cant remember is it a gal or boy. For me as long my baby is healthy and growing I dont mind is a gal or boy :)
Oh ya , I also wake up like 2-3times in the middle of the night to visit the toilet .... But lucky after that I fall asleep quite easily :) Same thinking too little gem healthy is the most most important :Dancing_wub:


New Member
Humm ever since pregnancy i have been having dreams all nite and every nite..just could sleep well and woke so tired..plus i cant drink coffee cos of the smell make me vomit


New Member
Maggimee:853503 said:
Hi ladies , does any of you shave " down there " during pregnancy ? :shyxxx:
Hahaha. I wanted to go for waxing but strip mentioned that they will only wax for pregnant woman who past their 1st tri. I checked with my gynae and she say its safe. Hee


Ya Maggimee, cause im not young anymore. Already past 35yrs, so consider high risk. This is my 1st as well. Plus listen to some story make me v worried :(
I think I will be going for the amnio test just to have a piece of mind as I read OSCAR is not really accurate[/QUOTE]

im also over 35 and just had a healthy baby girl 3mths ago. OSCAR is good enough and only if your risk is high that you go for amino, as there is a 1% risk of miscarriage. Being at 35yrs old is at a disadvantage as our risk are higher but that does not mean we cant have a healthy kid, most impt is try not be too stress out, well having said that I was a goggle freak, goggling on every little symptoms that I have, but I try to keep myself happy its good for the bb.


i weny for a Brazilian wax a few days before I was due for induction, and also most waxing salon will only do when u r in second trimester, i do wax regularly and find that its more painful when im pregnant.

Tried strip and feel their service not that good, u can try pink parlor and tell them u r pregnant, they will make sure that the wax is not too hot, and will not press the wax down as they normally do.


Ya Maggimee, cause im not young anymore. Already past 35yrs, so consider high risk. This is my 1st as well. Plus listen to some story make me v worried :(
I think I will be going for the amnio test just to have a piece of mind as I read OSCAR is not really accurate
im also over 35 and just had a healthy baby girl 3mths ago. OSCAR is good enough and only if your risk is high that you go for amino, as there is a 1% risk of miscarriage. Being at 35yrs old is at a disadvantage as our risk are higher but that does not mean we cant have a healthy kid, most impt is try not be too stress out, well having said that I was a goggle freak, goggling on every little symptoms that I have, but I try to keep myself happy its good for the bb.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Xtiness for your encouragement! Congrats on your new born :)


Hihi, how's all you August Mummies! I'm a Jan mummy and since I been through pregnancy + childbirth recently, I thought I'll swing by and share with you 5 parenting/baby-related services which might be useful for you guys :)

1) Prenatal Massage

I did prenatal massage! And then I engage the same lady for post natal cos her massage is damn shiok. I did a review of her service here and she is giving my readers a 1 for 1 prenatal massage special + a free anti stretch marks oil. She charges $98 for 1 hour so this 1 for 1 special will be only $49 Good price!

Details: Pre Natal Body Massage at Nouri Face & Body Concepts | NGJUANN.COM

2) Postnatal Massage

While I was doing the prenatal massage with her, we chit chat a lot then I realise she also do post natal. Her method of post natal treatment is very different from the normal post natal jamu massage and its very modern.

It's actually post natal slimming with the use of a machine that gives you much better effect than what hand massage can do. I did a review here on my blog if you are interested: My Post Natal Slimming Treatment | NGJUANN.COM

I gained 11kg during pregnancy and now 1 month later, I have 2kg more to go. But more importantly I feel is the shape. I have gotten way shapelier and I do believe its cos of my post natal massage cos she use the machine to shape my body.

3) Man Yue Gifts!

I recently did my bb full month party at home. JTS, I engaged Babyinlove.com.sg for their full month door gifts!! LOVE IT! Details here: You Made Me A Mother, Daniel | NGJUANN.COM

4) NewBorn / Pregnancy Photoshoot

My photoshoots were done by this company called Cottony Photography.. Check out the photos here:

Daniel’s Newborn Photography with Cottony Photography | NGJUANN.COMCelebrating the bump with Cottony Photography | NGJUANN.COM

Really like the photos!

5) Prenatal Chiropractic Care

I also went for chiropractor during my pregnancy cos my back and shoulder hurt like mad :( Here's sharing the guy I went to. They are experienced in treating preggies and very young children too! :)

Prenatal Chiropractic Care | NGJUANN.COM
Wow so many ladies here edd aug! :)
I tested positive on d 10th dec. Went for my checkup and scans :) all looks fine
Taking multivits n utrogestan at d moment. Cant wait for second tri.. im so weak and tired nw all d time


Im taking d oscar at Thomson Medical Center on d 14th feb.. anyone doung it d same day? :)
Mine is this coming tues 4th feb.

how r u ladies feeling? My bloatedness and MS seems to be gone.. But still feel tired at times. But sometimes I worry that with most of the symptoms gone dunno if baby is doing alright in my tummy or not..
Oic:) im still feeling sick only occasionally but still hungry and tired. Hope it subsides soon... but yeah u dunno if baby is alright or not. Have u thought of getting a fetal doppler? For reassurance


Hi ladies,

Happy CNY!
Have you start 'booking' confinement lady? My friends mention has to book asap esp those 'highly recommended' CL.
Any idea what the market rate now?