EDD Dec 2010


After trying & praying so hard for my 2nd baby, finally my due date is in mid Dec. :Dancing_wub:

However, I would like to seek some opinions. Did anyone do the Amino test besides Oscar test? I heard that Amino test carries a small risk - miscarriage. Is it true?


After trying & praying so hard for my 2nd baby, finally my due date is in mid Dec. :Dancing_wub:

However, I would like to seek some opinions. Did anyone do the Amino test besides Oscar test? I heard that Amino test carries a small risk - miscarriage. Is it true?

Jaschy - how is your oscar scanning ?? :Dancing_tongue:

Hi sweety ! congrats on your 2nd pregnancy ! have you done the oscar test yet which includes the NT scan and blood test ? if it shows low risk, gynae wouldn't advise you to do the amniocentesis. unless you're tested high risk. yes it does carry a small risk 1% miscarriage. after the test, you'll be given MC-bedrest for 3 days. i've not done it before, jus sharing what i've read in the pregnancy book i've bought. =)


After trying & praying so hard for my 2nd baby, finally my due date is in mid Dec. :Dancing_wub:

However, I would like to seek some opinions. Did anyone do the Amino test besides Oscar test? I heard that Amino test carries a small risk - miscarriage. Is it true?
Hi congrats on your second one sweety :). I think your gynae will advise whether it is necessary to go for amnio or not. It would depends on your blood test to see if you are in the higher risk or not. Even if high risk, the decision is still yours as to whether you want to go through with it or not. I did go for Amnio as I was in the high risk category due to my age after doing the blood test when I had my first baby.

I am now in my 1st trimester for second baby and EDD is 23 Dec. I will be going for blood test next month and will see how the risk is like again before taking the next step. As advised by my gynae, just stay positive about your pregnancy and take one step at a time :)

Congrats also to all the MTB for Dec 2010 babies!!


Hi xynthia18 & shespice, thanks for your well wishes.

I did ask my gynae but he just gave me the options (Oscar / Amino) as he said is up for me to decide.

I do not want to waste $$$ on having both Oscar & Amino tests. So I decided to go for Amino. However, after hearing the small risk, I'm hesitating now. My hubby asked me to go for Amino since it is 100% accuracy.

My friend told me that she went for Oscar test & was told that the baby has some problems. So she had to go for Amino test & the baby is perfectly fine. She also advised me to go for Amino.


Hi congrats on your second one sweety :). I think your gynae will advise whether it is necessary to go for amnio or not. It would depends on your blood test to see if you are in the higher risk or not. Even if high risk, the decision is still yours as to whether you want to go through with it or not. I did go for Amnio as I was in the high risk category due to my age after doing the blood test when I had my first baby.

I am now in my 1st trimester for second baby and EDD is 23 Dec. I will be going for blood test next month and will see how the risk is like again before taking the next step. As advised by my gynae, just stay positive about your pregnancy and take one step at a time :)

Congrats also to all the MTB for Dec 2010 babies!!
Hi Shespice.. my EDD is also on 23 DEC!! hehe but i had already went for my oscar test yesterday leh.. for me i prefer to do it earlier hopefully can be at ease earlier also.. :p

Hi xynthia18! I didnt see u yesterday leh.. but there are so many ppl there see le also blur.. hehe
The result will not be out on the same day mah.. still waiting for my gynae for call me to tell me the result leh.. hope its good news:wong9:

u got ur result le ar? how is it?


Hi Shespice.. my EDD is also on 23 DEC!! hehe but i had already went for my oscar test yesterday .. for me i prefer to do it earlier hopefully can be at ease earlier also.. :p

Hi xynthia18! I didnt see you yesterday .. but there are so many ppl there see also blur.. hehe
The result will not be out on the same day mah.. still waiting for my gynae for call me to tell me the result .. hope its good news:wong9:

you got your result ar? how is it?
Jaschy : haha yeah loh. so many pple there. my hubby still say " why everyone stomach all can see why urs cannot seee huh ? u got problem isit ? " .. -_-||| i even saw my secondary school teacher there. haha !! nop. mine's not out yet. also gotta wait for the report to be send to my gynae. the doctor press on my stomach quite hard for the scan cus baby is slpin. my god. no matter how the doctor shake my stomach baby just won't wake up :wong19:. so cute tho'. haha..i didn't know the result will not be out so fast. cus my friend went to kkh for oscar scanning, she knew the result immediately for the scan and next day for the blood test so yeah, we gotta play waitin game again. haha. when will be ur detailed scan ? mine's on july 27th. haha. so excited. dun worry ! our baby will be a healthy one ! stay positive. cheers !! :tlaugh:


Jaschy : haha yeah loh. so many pple there. my hubby still say " why everyone stomach all can see why urs cannot seee huh ? you got problem isit ? " .. -_-||| i even saw my secondary school teacher there. haha !! nop. mine's not out yet. also gotta wait for the report to be send to my gynae. the doctor press on my stomach quite hard for the scan cus baby is slpin. my god. no matter how the doctor shake my stomach baby just won't wake up :wong19:. so cute tho'. haha..i didn't know the result will not be out so fast. cus my friend went to Kandang Kerbau Hospital for oscar scanning, she knew the result immediately for the scan and next day for the blood test so yeah, we gotta play waitin game again. haha. when will be your detailed scan ? mine's on july 27th. haha. so excited. dont worry ! our baby will be a healthy one ! stay positive. cheers !! :tlaugh:
Mine also cannot see initially cos the doc say i didnt drink enough water and a lot of air in my stomach so cannot see the baby clearly..they even asked me to go outside to wait for 25 mins and drink more water then they asked me in to scan again lor.. :tlaugh:

Anyway i got my oscar result le.. i am in the low risk zone!!!!!:Dancing_wub::Dancing_tongue::wong19:.. phew.. so happy when my gynae clinic called me to inform me.. hehe

i haven make appointment for my detailed scan leh.. my next appointment is at 29 Jun leh.. so i suppose its not for the detailed scan ba..:wong10:


Mine also cannot see initially cos the doc say i didnt drink enough water and a lot of air in my stomach so cannot see the baby clearly..they even asked me to go outside to wait for 25 mins and drink more water then they asked me in to scan again .. :tlaugh:

Anyway i got my oscar result .. i am in the low risk zone!!!!!:Dancing_wub::Dancing_tongue::wong19:.. phew.. so happy when my gynae clinic called me to inform me.. hehe

i have not make appointment for my detailed scan .. my next appointment is at 29 Jun .. so i suppose its not for the detailed scan ..:wong10:
Hi Jaschy congrats! Happy to hear of your results! Well done! Enjoy your pregnancy, we still have some time to go since its end Dec LOL!


Hi Jaschy ! congrats on your oscar result. well, mine's not good tho'. in the high risk zone. 1:214 tho i'm only 23 this year. am going for amniocentesis in my gynae's clinic 3weeks later. hope is a false alarm and baby is fine. :wong19:


Hi Jaschy ! congrats on your oscar result. well, mine's not good tho'. in the high risk zone. 1:214 tho i'm only 23 this year. am going for amniocentesis in my gynae's clinic 3weeks later. hope is a false alarm and baby is fine. :wong19:
dont worry xynthia.. baby will be fine..now just relax and dun tink so much ya.. be positive and the baby will be fine.. jia you! :Dancing_wub:


Hi Jaschy congrats! Happy to hear of your results! Well done! Enjoy your pregnancy, we still have some time to go since its end Dec LOL!
yey.. now trying to get over my morning sickness.. hope it will be over soon.. so i can eat all i can! :tlaugh:


Hi xynthia18,

U will be fine. I finally made up my mind & went for my Oscar test last Fri. I was told that the results came out normal but I still have to visit my gynae on 2 Jul. Hope I dun need to go for my amino test.

My EDD is also on 15 Dec. :001_302:
Hi Jaschy ! congrats on your oscar result. well, mine's not good tho'. in the high risk zone. 1:214 tho i'm only 23 this year. am going for amniocentesis in my gynae's clinic 3weeks later. hope is a false alarm and baby is fine. :wong19:
hi, xynthia18

Dont worry ok...everything will be fine.. u must think positive..n relax.


sweety : congrats on your good results! :tlaugh: oh. i think it's just another routine scanning on 2nd july. dun worry too much. as long as your gynae didn't say anything about the oscar dat means you're fine. when is your detailed scanning ? mine is on the 27th july at TMC .. i hope my amnio results is negative den i can proceed on with my detailed scanning. hehe. hahaha. where are you planning to deliver ? i'll be deciding on Mount A.

Yvonne : thanks yvonne. yeah. i'll remain positive. dun wan to think about it anymore liao. haha !! mummy happy = baby happy. :wong19:


Hi xynthia18,

For my detailed scanning, I'll check with my gynae on 2 Jul. I'm going to deliver in TMC again. :001_302: I feel rather comfortable & secure with TMC.


Hi xynthia18,

For my detailed scanning, I'll check with my gynae on 2 Jul. I'm going to deliver in Thomson Medical Center again. :001_302: I feel rather comfortable & secure with Thomson Medical Center.
oh. is the nurses there and room good ? my hubby dun like it there as it's quite difficult to find parking lot... haha ..


Dec MTBs, this thread has been quiet.

How's everyone getting along?

My EDD is end Dec and am in Week 14. Find that my face has puffed up and have to wear stretchy pants already.

Can you ladies feel your babies? I sometimes feel my baby 'swimming' around.


Dec MTBs, this thread has been quiet.

How's everyone getting along?

My EDD is end Dec and am in Week 14. Find that my face has puffed up and have to wear stretchy pants already.

Can you ladies feel your babies? I sometimes feel my baby 'swimming' around.
hi charline ! yeah has been quite quiet. actually thurs went gynae to do amnio test but baby not in good position. found a space to poke thru BUT it's above baby's head and baby is moving her head up and down so have to go back next week to do. anyway gender 60% bb girl :wong29::wong19:. hubby was kinda disappointed. haha. im at week 17 now and i've gained 3kg but doesn't seem like it. hmm i can kinda feel baby kicking but very very mild... haha..


Congrats on knowing about your Baby Princess! Your hubby wants a boy, is it? There's always a next time! Girls are good as well, most important is to have a healthy and happy baby. Yar it's good that the gynae decide to see you again next week, best to be safe when poking. Hopefully your Princess will be sleeping and not move too much the next time you go so that the test can be successfully done. Don't worry too much, it will be ok.

Wah, I feel so fat compared to you. I gained 5kg already. However, these days my appetite is getting smaller and smaller, very easily full. Cannot eat too much.