EDD Dec 2010


New Member
when are you due ? is it a bit too early for baby head to be engaged now ??:err:

hi jaschy... is it? i'm absolutely clueless. for a couple of my galfrens, baby got engaged at 30 weeks and another at 32 weeks...

maybe its due to their job nature. they're nurses and have to lift patients up all the time.

anyway, i think mine will not be so soon. i have been abstaining from lifting heavy stuffs and walking too fast. tho, i'm pretty concern abt this 'tight' feeling. it'll be another 2 wks before i see my gynae again. guess i'll just have to bear with it till then.


hi jaschy... is it? i'm absolutely clueless. for a couple of my galfrens, baby got engaged at 30 weeks and another at 32 weeks...

maybe its due to their job nature. they're nurses and have to lift patients up all the time.

anyway, i think mine will not be so soon. i have been abstaining from lifting heavy stuffs and walking too fast. tho, i'm pretty concern about this 'tight' feeling. it'll be another 2 wks before i see my gynae again. guess i'll just have to bear with it till then.
Hehe i also not too sure.. just read from other tread that baby head will start turning down at week 28-29.. not too sure abt the engaged part also..:Dancing_tongue:
Yah tink its better to check with ur gynae.. dun worry our baby will be healthy ! :wong19:


Hehe i also not too sure.. just read from other tread that baby head will start turning down at week 28-29.. not too sure about the engaged part also..:Dancing_tongue:
Yah tink its better to check with your gynae.. dont worry our baby will be healthy ! :wong19:
Hi, when i went to scan at week 28wk, my boy's head is already down...
Recently e tight feeling is getting so bad that I cannot even lie on my side to sleep (definitely cannot lie on my back). I have to sit up and fell deep asleep before lying in bed properly for the rest of the sleep....

I intend to go on ML on 22nov (week 39)..... is it too late???


That sounds interesting.. but after pregnant.. face become sooo round.. dont dare take much Photos on ourselves also .. :001_302:
Anyone considering doing maternity photography? Quite tempted to. Hee...
I am going for my maternity shoot next thurs... hee hee... once in a lifetime w extra 15kgs (so far) and e huge belly!!! hv to take la. Hahaha!!


New Member
I am going for my maternity shoot next thurs... hee hee... once in a lifetime w extra 15kgs (so far) and e huge belly!!! have to take . Hahaha!!
@EP20: Yep! So fun right? haha... Where are you going for the shoot? Hee.
N i was intending on starting my ML exactly on week 40 lo. Haha... So if the little one decides to arrive earlier then my colleagues will have to drive me to the hospital.

At wk 30 currently and I'm feeling quite tight especially in the evenings. I think there's still a lot of stuff I haven't gotten - panick! Hopefully I can complete the whole list by November with all the sales!


New Member
@EP20: Yep! So fun right? haha... Where are you going for the shoot? Hee.
N i was intending on starting my ML exactly on week 40 . Haha... So if the little one decides to arrive earlier then my colleagues will have to drive me to the hospital.

At wk 30 currently and I'm feeling quite tight especially in the evenings. I think there's still a lot of stuff I have not't gotten - panick! Hopefully I can complete the whole list by November with all the sales!

i'm at wk 32 now... so i guess this tight feeling is normal then.

wah clovbear, rilly salute u for wanting to work till wk 40. feel like my weight is too heavy for me to carry ard now... i have informed my employer that i wish to start my ML at wk 38... hopefully i dun have to wait out the full 40 wks for baby to pop!

i have not gotten the essentials as well... only a crib and stroller.. intending to wait for the baby fair @ expo.


@EP20: Yep! So fun right? haha... Where are you going for the shoot? Hee.
N i was intending on starting my ML exactly on week 40 . Haha... So if the little one decides to arrive earlier then my colleagues will have to drive me to the hospital.

At wk 30 currently and I'm feeling quite tight especially in the evenings. I think there's still a lot of stuff I have not't gotten - panick! Hopefully I can complete the whole list by November with all the sales!
Am gg to the studio loft...

ya, i also waiting for e expo fair. hee hee..


Can i check with u gals whether do all mummy have breast milk? Cos i m hesitating to buy a breast pump or not. Heard from some folks dat not all ppl have breast milk. Scare buy liao later no milk then waste of money..


New Member
Hi all mummies, just want to inform u guys that I have delivered a bb girl via emergency c-section on 15/10/10. My due date is on 15/12/10. So yah I delivered 2 months early at 31 + 3 days gestation weeks. This is all due to preeclampsia. My BP skyrocketed & there's protein in my urine. For safety of both mother & child, doctor adv c-section. My bb girl name Marsha is in neonatal intensive care unit & will be there for quite a while.
To all please pray for my bb girl. Hopefully she will pull through this difficult times. I know she's a strong girl. If other preemies can do it, she can too!


Hi all mummies, just want to inform you guys that I have delivered a baby girl via emergency c-section on 15/10/10. My due date is on 15/12/10. So yah I delivered 2 months early at 31 + 3 days gestation weeks. This is all due to preeclampsia. My BP skyrocketed & there's protein in my urine. For safety of both mother & child, doctor adv c-section. My baby girl name Marsha is in neonatal intensive care unit & will be there for quite a while.
To all please pray for my baby girl. Hopefully she will pull through this difficult times. I know she's a strong girl. If other preemies can do it, she can too!
Dear Suzy,
I will pray for u and ur princess. She will be all right. Keep us updated on her condition k?
Hi all mummies, just want to inform you guys that I have delivered a baby girl via emergency c-section on 15/10/10. My due date is on 15/12/10. So yah I delivered 2 months early at 31 + 3 days gestation weeks. This is all due to preeclampsia. My BP skyrocketed & there's protein in my urine. For safety of both mother & child, doctor adv c-section. My baby girl name Marsha is in neonatal intensive care unit & will be there for quite a while.
To all please pray for my baby girl. Hopefully she will pull through this difficult times. I know she's a strong girl. If other preemies can do it, she can too!

dont worry will pray for your baby. Get more rest for yourself and the rest leave it to God by Faith. Take Care and God Bless!
Hi all mummies, just want to inform you guys that I have delivered a baby girl via emergency c-section on 15/10/10. My due date is on 15/12/10. So yah I delivered 2 months early at 31 + 3 days gestation weeks. This is all due to preeclampsia. My BP skyrocketed & there's protein in my urine. For safety of both mother & child, doctor adv c-section. My baby girl name Marsha is in neonatal intensive care unit & will be there for quite a while.
To all please pray for my baby girl. Hopefully she will pull through this difficult times. I know she's a strong girl. If other preemies can do it, she can too!

Dont worry. Take good rest and the rest leave it to God by Faith. Take care and God bless!


New Member
Hi suzy86, will pray for u & baby. hope all is well.

On a side note, can i just check with the ladies here if u have a scan at every doc's visit? I am at 32 wks now and have an appt tmr. So far the doc did a scan for me at every appt and I was told they will do so at every appt till birth. Is this what your doc told you as well?
Becos I was also told that too many scans are not good for the baby and that in the US & UK they are only scanned at certain wks of their pregnancy according to the forums i read.


Hi suzy86, will pray for you & baby. hope all is well.

On a side note, can i just check with the ladies here if you have a scan at every doc's visit? I am at 32 wks now and have an appt tomorrow. So far the doc did a scan for me at every appt and I was told they will do so at every appt till birth. Is this what your doc told you as well?
Becos I was also told that too many scans are not good for the baby and that in the US & UK they are only scanned at certain wks of their pregnancy according to the forums i read.
mine is on every appt.


Hi all mummies, just want to inform you guys that I have delivered a baby girl via emergency c-section on 15/10/10. My due date is on 15/12/10. So yah I delivered 2 months early at 31 + 3 days gestation weeks. This is all due to preeclampsia. My BP skyrocketed & there's protein in my urine. For safety of both mother & child, doctor adv c-section. My baby girl name Marsha is in neonatal intensive care unit & will be there for quite a while.
To all please pray for my baby girl. Hopefully she will pull through this difficult times. I know she's a strong girl. If other preemies can do it, she can too!
Hi Suzy.. dun worry ur girl will be fine ! Very soon u will be bring her home and cuddle her to sleep everynight! stay positive ya:Dancing_wub: