Edd dec 2012

Mreow Mreow

I also got the same Avent one at taka! :) thought it was the best deal, does the same job..

but now i'm a bit swayed as my friends keep telling me I need a dual one, saying it's easier to pump simultaneously, something got to do with the simulation or sth.. Any one else think so too? but it's so much more ex.. :(

Stimulation? Really? Nv heard of that. Maybe juz get baby to Suckle on the other side while u pump? :)

HeeHee Nvmind, don't listen to ur Friends!!
We already bought it do let's love it & make full use of it!!
Wahahaha!! :D


New Member
Stimulation? Really? never heard of that. Maybe just get baby to Suckle on the other side while you pump? :)

HeeHee Nvmind, dont't listen to your Friends!!
We already bought it do let's love it & make full use of it!!
Wahahaha!! :D
LOLX, agree! haha.. I think I'll just try and see, if cannot then see how! :p

Btw, I'm also thinking of going for some antenatal excercise class.. anyone got any budget option to suggest? In 5th month now :) think i need some exercise..


mummies...i've set the FB group to a secret group..so if you wana join the group...can PM me :)


anyway...i'm a 2nd time mum... the breast pump is really subjective... bcos my sis in law has no milk to produce...so in e end she bought e pump and had to sell it to me.. luckily she only bought e single electric pump... on e other hand my friend has like almost 300 ml of milk to pump everytime and she needs almost an hr to pump cos she got e single electric pump...

so it is really very very hard to gauge on to buy a single or dual pump... dual pump saves alot of time.. e avg for me is about 150ml each time and i need 30 mins to pump with single electric pump... that 30 mins..is really super boring bcos u hv to sit almost upright..one hand hv to hold on to e pump and u r only left with one hand to play with hp... n in order to make sure ur milk flow is consistence..u hv to be VERY DISCIPLINE to do it every 3 hr...


New Member
Re: Nursing bras

Hi everyone,

Just ordered some nursing bras from this website Nursing Bras - FREE UK Delivery
Was recommended by friends to get the Bravado silk seamless which retails for $75 each in S'pore. But you can get it from the website above at S$55 after including shipping costs (only 1 UK pound per shipment)

Wanted to share this with everyone!


Thanks blu for sharing nursing bras =)

Thanks ladies for sharing ur view on breast pumps ^^ I think I will b getting single electric one coz one side feed baby one side pump... Then heard if working hours, u gotta massage one side to stimulate milk while the other side pumps... So single shd b goof enuff hahaha I think so bahhhhhh


I wonder any way to boost Milk supply now ? Haha.. Cos my first ones i feed till 4month then i stop already. This time i wish i can feed as long as i can.. Meaning safe cost & also good for newborn...
The following is what i hear

* Fish papaya milk soup when on confinement ** - Any mummy try before?


i tink the fish papaya milk soup is good...but also rest is very impt... my confinement nanny left after e full month...den i had no help and my milk supply just dropped! boo hoo! this time round i do hope i can supply as long as possible so i can give both my kids e breast milk to drink...


My first is done by myself haha at my mum place.. This time will be done by MIL. Plus my son will be going C.C in jan.. So far i hope i can supply as long as i can also...

i tink the fish papaya milk soup is good...but also rest is very impt... my confinement nanny left after e full month...den i had no help and my milk supply just dropped! boo hoo! this time round i do hope i can supply as long as possible so i can give both my kids e breast milk to drink...


i'm almost 25 weeks and i'm expecting a bb girl. :)
i'm feeling fatigue & more & more heavy. All thanks to my 'basketball' bump. lol!!!
I have signed up for prenatal yoga starting this coming Friday. Hope it will helps regulate my breathing and improve my stamina.
Looking forward! :)


Hi, i hear people saying when expecting Baby girl. Tummy is super round. Mine is about 25 week. Then feel liek bring a ball to work every day hahazzz

Mummy Ivyb, currently are u working?? If yes, then when u you plan to stop?? I bet you have the same edd as mine ^^ Mine is on 19 dec like tat

i'm almost 25 weeks and i'm expecting a bb girl. :)
i'm feeling fatigue & more & more heavy. All thanks to my 'basketball' bump. lol!!!
I have signed up for prenatal yoga starting this coming Friday. Hope it will helps regulate my breathing and improve my stamina.
Looking forward! :)


Hi ling.er, i'm not working currently and i'm realli thankful for being able to take ample good rest during my pregnancy.
R u also expecting a baby girl? Have u decided to opt for normal or c-sect delivery? My gynae strongly encourage normal delivery but he's gg back to his home town on the 16th so for sure i know my bb girl will be delivered before my edd. Depending on the situation during that time and i'll decide which mode of delivery is most ideal for us. :)

Mreow Mreow

i'm almost 25 weeks and i'm expecting a bb girl. :)
i'm feeling fatigue & more & more heavy. All thanks to my 'basketball' bump. lol!!!
I have signed up for prenatal yoga starting this coming Friday. Hope it will helps regulate my breathing and improve my stamina.
Looking forward! :)

Hi ivyb!

I'm keen in Yoga too but have been procrastinating to sign up. Haha.
Am quite keen in pilates too.
I'm also interested in Antenatal classes but I've not even signed up!
My procrastination is getting from bad To Worse during my pregnancy! :(
Juz feeling so lazy these days & it's only my 26week...

Wonder how 3rd Tri will be like..
At the moment I've no fatigue yet, still moving clumsily like my Pre-preggy state. Haha!
But I can feel the strain whenever I climb up the stairs!!

Went to see Gynae at 24wk & he said my daughter is 800g. Haha.
Any mummies know ur babies' weight? :)

I'm also going for the 3D/4D ultrasound scan!! :D
Hi mreow mreow!

I'm 25 weeks now going 26 tomorrow. During my scan last week, my baby boy also 800g! I've signed up antenatal classes at Tmc and started last fri. Not going for yoga cos I'm simply lazy to travel and those classes all quite far in town. :)
Just went for my check up last nite. At 23 weeks 6 days, baby is 678g. Doc encouraged me to do some exercises as well, like swimming. I've signed uo for the childbirth education class at Mt Alvernia, and will start next month :)


Hi!! Any mummies feeling tightness at the tummy nowadays? I felt tightness quite often recently and sometimes pain on left/right/above/below belly button. It's not the bb kicking kinda pain...

Wk 25 now... Hmmm wonder if everything is fine ..... Hmmmmm


New Member
Hi i'm 26 week but till now i still cant see my baby is boy or girl, my EDD is on Dec 11, anyone same as me
Hi mreow mreow!

I'm 25 weeks now going 26 tomorrow. During my scan last week, my baby boy also 800g! I've signed up antenatal classes at Thomson Medical Center and started last fri. Not going for yoga cos I'm simply lazy to travel and those classes all quite far in town. :)


Hi Ivyb, Yes im expecting a baby girl. This time i will C-sec, As my first one is C-sec .. Maybe will choose half c-sec ( As in only numb the lower part of body )

Hi ling.er, i'm not working currently and i'm realli thankful for being able to take ample good rest during my pregnancy.
R u also expecting a baby girl? Have u decided to opt for normal or c-sect delivery? My gynae strongly encourage normal delivery but he's gg back to his home town on the 16th so for sure i know my bb girl will be delivered before my edd. Depending on the situation during that time and i'll decide which mode of delivery is most ideal for us. :)