Edd dec 2012


Hi Mreow Mreow, so far i've only bought bb wipes, cotton balls, washing detergent for milk bottles and the steriliser set from Avent (comes with milk bottles & warmer), got them all from the Taka Fair in July. I've also bought 4 sets of bb clothings for my bb girl (all from H&M)....too cute to resist and price quite reasonable too! :D

I've started to ask around for bb items from family & friends and i'll be collecting from them around november. The rest guess i'll have to buy them soon before i'm too BIG to travel around.


Im glad to hear that your Gynae said all is well... :)

hmm, how about you do some light ab exercises on your bed?
Like breathing exercises that involve pulling ur Belly button towards your spine?
Might help... :)

Yep Yep, better stop those antenatal exercises..
Were they too intense for you?
ACtually Sometimes Sex can cause bleeding too!:Dancing_wub:

Hi Mreow Mreow

yah i can only do deep breathing technique and breathing stuff haha..

hopefully i can go for the baby market at expo in oct! hahaha need to stock up the baby's stuff already! have not bought all the big items..


Hi Mummies,

Need u to advise what's the diff for the following bb items and do I need all at newborn??

1) sling
2) Muslim cloth
3) receiving blanket
4) swaddle


Mreow Mreow

Hi Mreow Mreow, so far i've only bought bb wipes, cotton balls, washing detergent for milk bottles and the steriliser set from Avent (comes with milk bottles & warmer), got them all from the Taka Fair in July. I've also bought 4 sets of bb clothings for my bb girl (all from H&M)....too cute to resist and price quite reasonable too! :D

I've started to ask around for bb items from family & friends and i'll be collecting from them around november. The rest guess i'll have to buy them soon before i'm too BIG to travel around.

Waa! Actually u bought quite a gd amount of stuff!! :D
Ya, I've bought Avent BreastPump & the Steriliser Set at the Taka Fair!

Yeah, heard it's good for Newborn to Wear Preloved Baby items right?
I'm not very sure but is it like a chinese tradition? :)
But my hubby doesn't wanna use any 2nd hand items le....

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mreow Mreow

yah i can only do deep breathing technique and breathing stuff haha..

hopefully i can go for the baby market at expo in oct! hahaha need to stock up the baby's stuff already! have not bought all the big items..

Ooh, there's another fair in OCT?
Yay, I wanna go also!
I stay very near..
I'm sure u can go also, why not? :)

I've only got big items, no small items.
I think the big items easier to get!! Wahaha...
Small items like so many things....


New Member
My Doc is Dr TC Tan :)

Yep, will definitely have a go at Natural before anything else!! :D
Do you know your Baby's weight?

Are u keen to go for 3D/4D scan? :)
Hi, measured the weight when I'm around 23-24weeks,
The baby's weight is around 800g...

Oh, for 3D/4D scan might consider... But seeing ultrasound pic already
Super excited and happy already... Hehe... ;)

Mreow Mreow

Hi, measured the weight when I'm around 23-24weeks,
The baby's weight is around 800g...

Oh, for 3D/4D scan might consider... But seeing ultrasound pic already
Super excited and happy already... Hehe... ;)

Wow, ur baby same weight as mine!! :)
Haha, the 3D4D scan I'm going for sure.
Cuz hubby is very keen too.
Now I'm juz deciding where to get the scan done... :)

Mreow Mreow

Any mummies here feel strongly about episiotomy?

I'm quite against it & will rather not have it.
I'd rather tear naturally than be Snipped by doc!!

Have read Soo much about it & it's scary...

Child Birth and Episiotomy « Allied Health Blog

Of cuz, if intervention is needed to prevent Baby distress then I guess No Choice...
Muz do Perineal Massage starting late Oct...


New Member
Mommies who plan to bf need nipple cream for crack nipples due to latching, keen to buy medala purelan 100 37g BNIB expiry dec2013. Pm me for quick deal. More than 30% disc. Over bought as I have avent and sample of lansinoh.

Mreow Mreow

I heard it is a standard procedure in Kk.

I'm trying not having it for this birth. Hopefully it's possible. I've told Gynae he said depends on size of bb. But at least he is open to the option.

Standard Procedure in KK?
I'm dooomed :(

Kwokm, is this ur first baby?
Who's ur Gynae?


New Member
I had episiotomy for my first. The doctor had no choice but to snip cos my baby can't come out. It was very long. The healing process is so painful. Kept crying and eating painkiller. As for my second I give birth before doctor arrive so when he came he just stitch what was torn. It was small if I'm not mistaken about 2cm. So the healing process not that painful.

Mreow Mreow

I had episiotomy for my first. The doctor had no choice but to snip cos my baby can't come out. It was very long. The healing process is so painful. Kept crying and eating painkiller. As for my second I give birth before doctor arrive so when he came he just stitch what was torn. It was small if I'm not mistaken about 2cm. So the healing process not that painful.

Thanks for sharing ur experience!! :D
I guess if really no choice, for Baby's safety then of course we all have To do it.

Hmm, if any mummies here have a curious & strong stomach,
try searching 'episiotomy' on Google Images!!