Edd dec 2012


@ mreow mreow: u are rightt after the drip more painful..

@lovepixie: the contraction only reach 55 now wondering what's the max TT

@cherry: surrender myself, i'm induce now ald dilated n feel painful... Jia yo cherry, if possible go without induction ya...

Sze sze

Congrat!! Mreow mreow... Welcome to motherhood~ hohohoho~

My nipple pain only when I let Kate suck for longer time at one ago...
I din wear bra immediate after latching, I let it air awhile...
Mreow mreow, i feel very hot on my breast (but my other part of body is normal temperature), checked the lactation consultant that it means got milk flow already... Colostrum is very thick and concentrated but milk is a bit watery... It u use hand to express, u can tell the different...

If i feel pain when my girl sucks, I will talk to her that mummy is pain, ask her to suck softly... Hahaha... It think it works...
sometime if too pain, I will break the suction and restart by position her mouth correctly, or use nipple to press a bit milk and tease her lips, let her open mouth big big and quickly push nipple into her mouth!! Hahaha... My husb saw me doing that and said I very bad~~~

Lovepixie, u mean those bra shield that u can insert in ur bra so that it can store the milk ?
I think I saw it online, but din buy... I tot the container looks shallow....
Now I just use the disposable breast pad...
If wear sport bra, how to breast feed? I mean without taking off the bra?

Mreow Mreow

Yay, motherhood!!!! :D

The most I've slept since delivery 3days ago is 1.5h.
But strangely I don't feel sleepy...

I see.
Thanks Sze Sze and Lovepixie.

When I hand express I also realize it's super watery. Seems like what u both said that it's milk.
But so fast can come in ah?
My boobs don't feel hot or pain..
Do u massage before every feed?
Poop from milk is golden colour ah...

Tried pumping with Avent's single electric.
pain man.
I think Baby's suckling feels more bearable.
Do u pump too?

Ya, wonder where is Mamadt... :)

Dmummy, my contraction reached 114-120 on my delivery day... :p
Are u gg to ask for EPi babe?


Many items to clear for nb.. u might wanna consider purchasing..


Sze sze

Mreow mreow I only know the first few days the stools is thick and dark brown or black color, after that it will change to yellow-ish and not so thick
(I think it looks like adult having diarrhea that kind of color... Haha)

now I very dilemma, I can feel my breast very tense, but I cannot estimate when my girl Kate will wake up and drink milk... If I express and store it, I dunno if Kate got enough to drink or not... So far I only express 5-10 mins for each breast to relieve tense..
It looks like she is good at latching, and my sis in law told me baby latching is good for milk flow also, you can have better and faster milk flow....

MamaDT very qui et? Her due soon?

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, 3 days already since deliver, milk should be in... Mine also... Although some ppl milk flow only start a week later but it is normal...

maybe different ppl, my body more cold than breast, so I felt my breast super hot...
My gf said can use hand to massage to increase the milk flow...

Btw, if you have difficulties to latch properly, breast will be overflow, and if it develop a small lump, remember to clear it, if not it will just get bigger and might block milk flow...
I got such lump, bcos there is one night my girl Kate nv wake up and drink milk for more than 4 hours... It overflow and super tense and it turns into lump...


Hi dmummy

I gave birth when contraction 3 mins and less in between counting. Suck on laughing gas make u high. Baby come out also high high smile. Hubby so bad take pic of my high state n baby high smile.

Hi Cherryblossom , Mreow Mreow n Sze Sze
Sports bra supposed to b tight at bottom area below breast for support rite? So put the breast shield it will hold in place. I wore old sports bra so it can expand to fit d breast shield

Mreow , the nursing bra u buy is underworked or not? I regret buying too much underwired wan. Though I bought in diff size n slightly bigger cup to accomodate swelling
The non underwire ones should work like sports bra.
Sze Sze
I opened pigeon brand nipple pad n found it mouldy though still in plastics yucks n throw it away. Then I talk to my sis who in food tech and we found it unhygienic bcos cotton might get stuck in breast pores so decide to buy breast shield like what the nurse suggest.

One if the nurse who do house visits saw that my right breast which has lower production starts to get lumpy n suggest me to pump to prevent blockage

I have Avent manual and little bean auto pump. Avent manual suction is like 'meh' and little bean auto pump works for me. Expensive brand doesn't always mean good.

I manage to collect 20ml from both breast shield at single let down time today and I pump cos baby not yet wake up to suck n breast shield overflows. If I cont pump after emptying the breast shield will yield 10ml from both sides or so.
When pumping I prefer using maternity bra as the hole n clip serves as extra hand to hold it in place in case I need one of my hand to use d phone like now or hold baby one side and another side with one inner part near elbow pushing the pump to my chest while the hand can help the other hand to hold baby


@Mreow Mreow
Abt poop colour

There is a colour chart I saw somewhere but can't remember

At first after birth the baby poo is dark brown almost black cos its meconium like what overdue mummies like me worry abt that baby might poo inside n affect brain function?

Then it will turn into dark green maybe cos consume colostrum?

When asian baby got jaundice the best way to expel yellowness is the poo or pee. If pee yellow means mummy eat too heaty food causes jaundice n baby need expel. After a few days baby pee turn clearer. Means mummy effort reduce heatiness successful. Remember that what we eat eventually goes to baby. So my case I try reduce heatiness for baby's sake lo.

For the poo the yellow expelled poo is good poo hahaha. Some mummies take pic of the first golden poo n post in fb. I bet u seen it before.

Sze sze

Lovepixie, I bought the nuk brand disposable breast pad to use during confinement, after that will change to the washable breast pad... So far so good, except the pad easily get wet, and nipple feel not comfortable...
What brand of the breast shield u using ? Wondering if need to ask my husb to go get or not...

Oh, the nursing bra, better get those without wired... Underwired will make u feel painful especially when overflow... I got both type and found that without wired is better...

I using medela swing, although the suction not as strong as Pis adv or freestyle, I think it is fine for me...


@heartsmitch: after the induce, they monitor using ctg for almost 2 hours. After that i sleep, bcoz i admitted midnight to the hospital. If can, don't induce. Damn hurt!

@lovepixie: u are so brave mummy!! Endure 23 hours. I give up and using epidural... Try laughing gas n injection no use at all!!

@cherry: u too jia yo mummy. Are you decide to wait for baby to come out?



Good job mummy. I'm sure baby Glen appreciates the hard labour n ur hubby will remember this experience forever. It actually helps develop a bond between husband n wife , parents n baby to share the birthing experience together.


Lovepixie, I bought the nuk brand disposable breast pad to use during confinement, after that will change to the washable breast pad... So far so good, except the pad easily get wet, and nipple feel not comfortable...
What brand of the breast shield u using ? Wondering if need to ask my husb to go get or not...

Oh, the nursing bra, better get those without wired... Underwired will make u feel painful especially when overflow... I got both type and found that without wired is better...

I using medela swing, although the suction not as strong as Pis adv or freestyle, I think it is fine for me...
I'm using Avent. I'll post the pic on fb. It's made of plastic n rubber cover and hold ur breast milk like Tupperware.


New Member
Hello mummies! I just gave birth to my little princess via csect just now at 1840hrs with a weight of 2.99kg. We named her Airis. Currently trying to sleep.... Will update again. Saving my batt life.. Hehehe...



Latch or express , as long as baby get the mummy's milk, baby should be fine . Don't worry yourself too much about that. You have had a hard labour and a difficult time , just give yourself some time , and I am sure your milk production will go up.
Just read your birth story , you were really very brave mummy ! Very inspiring !!

Allele, Cherry , dmummy
What news of you ? Update soon !! All the best .

I went to the doctor for checkup today . Doctor say , baby quite heavy , but is is position now. Head quite low in the pelvic region . So just nice . We can wait for labour to start or can induce, coz if baby too big, then can hv problem with natural birth. She also checked and say I am 1 cm dilated. Also I have some protein in my urine , which is not good if combine with high BP. Thankfully my BP is in check .

We decided to wait till thursday , to see if baby come naturally . Also it is my birthday :)
If not then we induce on Friday :) fingers crossed . Going for another round of acupuncture tomorrow .