Edd dec 2012


Hey hey mummies! Im back!
Finally I have given birth to my baby girl Maryse on Monday 10-12-12 @ 7.07am!
Me and hubby feel very happy, touched and relieved to see our little precious has finally come to this world after the much long awaited 41 weeks and 1day ^^

I have quite a long birth story.. but one thing i must highlight here, EPIDURAL is the BEST INVENTION man! I didnt hesitate to ask for it despite i only experienced mild cramps when i had 3cm dilation because u will never know how long the whole dilation process will gonna take. My anesthetist given me the right dose of epi and through out my 13 hours of waiting (for full dilation) I had the chance to reserve my energy for my final pushing.. Me n hubby actually sleep through out the waiting period (in between doc got wake me up to check for cervix dilation) and it was pretty a relaxing experience without worrying of the pain. The epi works so well!

Of coz when the full dilation reached, they reduced my epi's dosage so that I can feel the contractions and to be able to push using the correct muscles. Yes at this point pain can be felt but deifinitely much lesser than without epi! It took 1.5hours for me to push and it was pretty exhausting (cant imagine if i didnt take epi) and gynae almost wanna try to suck baby out using vacumn.. I was like oh no i dun want my baby to have long neck, so I used all my energy and push... Baby's head was so close but still couldnt pop out and suddenly i hear a cut and there with a final push my baby is finally out. Thank goodness! And i get to have skin to skin contact with my gal right after her birth.. The feeling of carrying a wet, bloody warm little new life is so special! Me and hubby were so touched.. Especially for this little long awaited overdue baby Maryse. Gynae, midwife and hubby were pretty surprised that Im still look energetic after giving birth, I guess epi works good for me. Do not hesitate if you are afraid of pain.. Haha.. but Im really salute mums like Lovepixie who are able to give birth without epi! I cant make it without epi.. :p

Anyway Im still in KKH now.. Should be discharging on wed. Yay!


Congrats Allele
We were awaiting your news!!
Your birth story sounds so nice and relaxed !! All mummies should have the same exp . I hope I do :)
Enjoy motherhood :)


Mummies! I just checked in Tmc for induction. Strapped to ctg now.. hope I can have a fast delivery but I doubt so cos no contraction yet. :(
Hi cherryblossom! Have they inserted the prostin pill for u? The effect of the pill differs from person to person.. Within 24hours one person can only be given 4pills of prostin to trigger contractions. For me the pills take effect only when i was almost to be given the third dose of prostin, which is like 28hours later and they told me that i got 3cm dilation and ready to go to delivery room for waterbag bursting.

I hope urs will be a short one and be able to give birth on this nice 12-12-12! Dun worry too much about the contraction part, induction always requires patience. Jiayou cherryblossom! Wait for ur good news ya!!


It's been 12hours! But my cervix still didn't dilate at all :( depressed. Lol and earlier I was having very strong contractions like 1 min interval so not possible to insert 2nd pill as they worry if insert again might cause uterus to rupture. So now waiting again, but got no more contraction..... So confused? I didn't know contraction can come so strong and go off like that? Lol. So gonna take a quick nap to save up my energy. It's gonna be a long night. Jiayou all mummies!!! Motherhood is not easy!
Hang in there Heartsmich
At the end of it, it will all be worth the pain and effort !!! Jiayou !!


Mummies!! I am in TMC! Pls wish me luck!!! As of last night dilation is only 1cm! But cramps like mad whole night... Now waiting for doc to come and check see if there's any better news!
How are you?
Has the little one come along ?
Keep us posted


Congrats Allele
We were awaiting your news!!
Your birth story sounds so nice and relaxed !! All mummies should have the same exp . I hope I do :)
Enjoy motherhood :)
Hi luckystar.. Ur turn soon huh! :) U will be going for delivery on thur or fri right? All the best to u first!
Have u thought of whether to take epi? What's ur birth plan?


I am going to be admitted to bs induced on the 13th ( Thursday )
Any tips on how to be prepared for it ?
Also in Gleneagles do they allow hubby to stay also in the labour ward when I will be admitted to be induced?


I plan to try without epi first , but if I cannot take it will op for epi. Hope I am dilated enough !! Do nervous now. Trying all natural things for dilation !!


Mizzy & Dmummy: Congratulations for becoming a mummy!! Welcome to parenthood together-gether!! Haha..

Heartsmich & mummyDT: How are u doing?? Hope u all have a smooth delivery ya!

Beenies: Hi! Are u still in KK? How are ur lovely twins doing? Are u on breastfeeding? Must be quite busy to take care of 2 babies huh? Do take good rest!

Lovepixe, Momo & Mreow mreow: Hi! I just started to be a mother for day 2.. A lot of things im still need to learn from u all.. Just started to let baby latch on today and she sucked well but i dont have enough milk for her and she cried.. Poor thing lor. So is kinda partial feeding on formula milk and breast milk now. Hopefully my milk will flow in soon.


I plan to try without epi first , but if I cannot take it will op for epi. Hope I am dilated enough !! Do nervous now. Trying all natural things for dilation !!
Yup.. It's good that to go as natural as possible. Hubby's support and help are very important! Even small little thing like giving you a sip of water during delivery is a way of showing emotional support which really helps a lot.
Dont have to be nervous now.. Coz usually delivery is a long process (esp for first child) change your fear to energy for the final pushing part! Support you!!

Btw.. Sleeping is also a good way for relieving nervousness.. ^^


Hi. Any mummies went for massage already experience cold sweat at night?
I did my Malay traditional urut and tie bengkung. It felt great n expel a lot bad wind. Cracked a lot knuckles n joints. But 11pm till now cold sweat like just recover from fever. Help!! Hubby n MIL exhausted over helping to change nappies n feeding my baby n collapsed in deep sleep. I regret didn't employ maid or CL.

Mreow Mreow

My massage will start in 2days.
Wonder if I'll have same effect as u :)

My baby awake every 1-1.5h, suckles about 15mins.
Dunno whether normal not.. Haiz

I'm sure Mamadt has give birth!! :)
Hope she's well :D

Mreow Mreow

Allele, did try hand massage ur boobs?
Then express out some to see if anything comes out?

Think ur transitional milk will come in soon.
Don't give up!
Juz Kp latching!!


Hi Mreow Mreow

My milk really kick in but baby can't suck so much so got slight engorgement. Wah painful even to massage.. Pump n pump away. Tmr either I get prescription or I'll get hard breast.

Btw my pump session is getting a lot yield than before. Milk can ooze out. Not in drops anymore

Sze sze

Congrats, allele... Finally!!
welcome to motherhood session, hohoho~~
dun worry about the milk flow now, the first 2 days, baby shouldnt be much hungry, because they has retained sufficient food when birth.. And the bb stomach is very small, like a belly size (as what the pediatrician and lactation consultant told me).
Just keep latching, it stimulates breasts for milk flow...

Even if milk flow has not kick in, just continue to breastfeed, if really not enough then consider fm... Dun stress yourself or blame yourself not having enough milk to breastfeed~~
Afterall, fm not so bad also, because still have a lot of ppl are feeding fm, and the child grows well...
(These are the advice from my husb, and I know he meant good for me, esp dun want me to stress myself and end up depression.. Lol)

Mreow mreow, allele, I asked my sis in law, she said each breastfeeding baby is different from each other, her elder son, cannot latch properly, always latch for 10-15 mins then sleep, end up she wake up to feed him almost every 2 hours ( is from the starting time of your last feed count till the next time u start to feed again); her second son is good at latching, she only need to wake up 4-5 hours to feed, there is one time the baby sleep from 7pm-7am then wake up and eat...
I also asked pediatrician before, he said baby can sleep up to 5 hours before the next feed... But my lactation consultation said we should feed bb every 3 hours... So it think it depends what u choose to believe...

My girl Kate can wake up 5 hours later to drink, sometime wake up 2 hours later to drink, I take it as she might drink differently each time, i still observing... Most important is make sure she eat and poo and pee regularly (and the stools color is correctly) :)
Mummies... I admitted 12 midnight last night ... inserted tablet at 3plus... now 1.5cm dilated... started to feel pain... it's bearable but uncomfortable. Dont like feeling of being strapped to the bed cannot move.

After breakfast will insert a second tablet... hopefully I can have a 12.12.12 baby haha if too long might be 13 Dec le. :)

Dmummy when u discharge? MamaDT u give birth already?

Other mummies will join u all soon! Have a good time with your babies!

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, I not sure if bb will get confuse on the nipple...
maybe can consider, if feed by bottle, get ur mum or husb or someone else to feed; you do breastfeed...
I think bb is clever enough to differentiate the one who always breastfeed her and who will do bottle feed... (By the smell??)

I plan to intro bottle when my girl is after 6 wks old...


Allele, did try hand massage ur boobs?
Then express out some to see if anything comes out?

Think ur transitional milk will come in soon.
Don't give up!
Juz Kp latching!!
Yes.. Nurse over here is very helpful. They teach me to do massage first before any pumping or breast feeding.
Now i can see droplets of thick liquid (i think must be colustrum) flowing after i do breast pumping. Yayness!
Thanks for ur advice! Hope to see more milk coming in the next few days!