Edd dec 2012

Mreow Mreow

My milk overflows alot too.
I Juz throw it away..

It's quite annoying cuz for me when it overflows, means my boob is full of milk.
Thn it's super difficult to get her to Suckle as the Areola is too full for her to Latch...

Thn gotta hand express till she can latch.

Any mummies have this problem too??


Dear Mummies, would love to spread the news that that is one more channel to learn about ante natal class besides hospital is MOM N BABY ! we are absolutely focus on the well-being of moms n babies and mainly to create more awareness since mummies
said nw tuck in age where tradition meets science n technology n mothers .. Drop me a email to know more about the program contact@momnbabystore.com

Dont be shy, My daughter always remind me sharing is having more..


Mummies.. I have this problem of handling my boy.. he is so so so noti...

he keeps crying.. even after feeding and changing diapers.. He cries whenever we put him down on the bed before he fall asleep. he die die wants ppl to carry him and walk around until he fall aslp.. If he is awake and we put him down, he will cry until very fierce as if he wanna tear his own throat down..

Anyone's baby is like that? Actually I am going crazy soon by his cries.. but i cant just let him cry like that.. scared he kena fits...
it looks like ur boy need sense of security .. you can start to massage him after shower and talk to him, eventually he will fall asleep after massage..


Mummies.. I have this problem of handling my boy.. he is so so so noti...

he keeps crying.. even after feeding and changing diapers.. He cries whenever we put him down on the bed before he fall asleep. he die die wants ppl to carry him and walk around until he fall aslp.. If he is awake and we put him down, he will cry until very fierce as if he wanna tear his own throat down..

Anyone's baby is like that? Actually I am going crazy soon by his cries.. but i cant just let him cry like that.. scared he kena fits...
Hi momopeachgirl
I let baby bite n try suckle for the first 2 weeks till she become expert in sucking. Initially I will talk softly to her say ouch! Or relax! And for the first 2 weeks my nipple cracked. Bleeding etc n only soothe it using medela purelan. I think this is only way to train baby bah. Or u can try diff position carry baby when suckle. The sleep position is better for mine to suckle longer n less pain n stress to my arm n back

Abt the carrying baby around u still hv time to change his habit. I usually have baby sleep in cot, sarong, or my own bed so she got diff environment. Of at cot n sarong I hang daddy's teddy bear. ( got it from Mc D--lol) and told her dun cry ah daddy's teddy bear watch over u. U can try various hang toys bcos baby can c 20cm in front of them n need to stimulated their vision etc (dunno I read from where).

Sze sze

Momo, I can feel ur stress!! My girl is like tat also...
First few days, she drink about 45 mins to 1 hr then sleep.. I straight away put her to bed, then she continue sleep...
Few days later, her pattern changed!!! She still drink, drink till enough and sleep (with eye closed, mouth opened, released the nipple)... So when I tried to put her to bed, her eyes will instantly open!! Aihzzz....
It has been like this for past 1 week, plus recently there were raining and thundering in the afternoon, my girl scared till cannot sleep even she drink fully, in the end I got to hug her into sleep! The same situation happened during night time, I got no choice and hug her to sleep while I trying to get some sleep also....

Now I latch her on bed (sleeping position) during night bedtime, so she will fall sleep right after drinking, and I can rest as well...
During day time after I latch her, I will hug her for awhile and make sure she sleep tight before I put her to bed...

My gf fren told me to put on some music to calm her or accompany her.. Somehow my hour area very noisy, dunno why got a lot plane flying here n there, making very big sound... :((


New Member
Hi mummies! Seems like everybody is busy with their newborn. So far im fully breastfeeding my girl. She is less fussy from my firstborn. She even sleep thruout the night that i have to forced her to wake up for bf as my breast will be full. And to avoid for cracked and sore nipples that ive encountered with my firstborn (i gave up bf at 2wks), im using avent breast shield and it does wonders!

Anw here is my birth story. Very short actually..

10/12/2012 - 4.00pm
I just stepped my foot at geylang with my family to survey for my brother's wedding necessities.

I have this sudden pain on my pelvic bone that i cant even walk. It got worst as my previous csect scar starts to hurt too. My family rushed me to KKH

Reached KKH and they staright away rushed me to delivery suite. Waited for my gynae to reach.

My gynae came. Checked my cervix and it was still 1cm dilated. She asked me what happened. And since my previous scar was acting up, i have to go for csect to avoid cervix rupture. She motivates me and calms me down.

They inject my spine for half body numbness. I was shaking throughout. The operation began. I can literally feel their hand tugging in mu stomach

Gynae told me to push. After 3 pushes, i heard my baby cries. I cried when i heard her first cry.

I was wheeled to the recovery room before being pushed to my ward

There goes my labour story.. Very unexpected but seeing my lil princess just warms my heart.

I hope all mummies are doing fine... Welcome to the zombie world waking up at odd hours!!

Mreow Mreow

Luckystar: firstly, congratulations for ur baby's arrival! read ur birth story and i felt angry for u.. Ur gynae is really omg.. if me i will definitely pursue this matter.. but then i think now u have to also fully concentrate in spending time with ur bundle of joy... Hopefully everything goes well!

Wanna remind mothers try not to take D.O.M okie.. I heard that it will stop milk supply..

btw.. I am so envy that you all can latch baby.. I cant latch baby.. He keeps biting my nipple whenever i trieed that.. and he will start crying after i try to pull him away from biting my nipple..

In the end i have to pump my milk out.. very troublesome.. anyone have this same problem as me?

and ya, i am feeding breastmilk expressed and formula at the same time.. No choice cos i am pumping the milk so the frequency baby is eating is too fast for my pumping speed.. and my milk sometimes a lot sometimes little..

by the way.. my first pump of the day is always having like 120ml for both breasts.. After that subsequently it gets lesser and lesser... really hope i can latch my baby one day... :(

MreowMreow... U r using avent breast shield ah..y don u keep the overflowing milk into a storage bottle??

Hi Momo!
So glad to hear from u....
Pls dont stress urself up ok!

U are already providing EBM for Baby Glenn, Which is very good..
Dont be too hard on urself k... :)

Hmm, i dont kp the milk cuz I dont intend to BottleFeed her until at least maybe 2months?
Dont want her to get Nipple confusion...

Actually, first 2 days I also tahan My baby's Biting cuz she still doesnt know how to latch properly and Open Her mouth Bigger..
She will keep fussing and bite too..
As Days go by, She can latch so much better..
Now, only the first 3-4 sucks Are hard, then after that I juz feel normal Tugging...

U wanna try again with ur baby Glenn?
Did nurse teach u to pinch ur areola and stuff boob into baby's mouth?

Mreow Mreow

Momo, I can feel ur stress!! My girl is like tat also...
First few days, she drink about 45 mins to 1 hr then sleep.. I straight away put her to bed, then she continue sleep...
Few days later, her pattern changed!!! She still drink, drink till enough and sleep (with eye closed, mouth opened, released the nipple)... So when I tried to put her to bed, her eyes will instantly open!! Aihzzz....
It has been like this for past 1 week, plus recently there were raining and thundering in the afternoon, my girl scared till cannot sleep even she drink fully, in the end I got to hug her into sleep! The same situation happened during night time, I got no choice and hug her to sleep while I trying to get some sleep also....

Now I latch her on bed (sleeping position) during night bedtime, so she will fall sleep right after drinking, and I can rest as well...
During day time after I latch her, I will hug her for awhile and make sure she sleep tight before I put her to bed...

My gf fren told me to put on some music to calm her or accompany her.. Somehow my hour area very noisy, dunno why got a lot plane flying here n there, making very big sound... :((

SzeSze, u are also doing full-time latch and nv intro Bottle right?

My area is very noisy too.. Juz above Coffeeshop!
Morning always have delivery trucks too.
When i was preggy i did alot of noisy things Like massive vaccumming... HAHA..
Now my gal sleeps thru all sounds and hardly ever startles awake...
Wonder if it helps.. :p

Babe, u still wake ur baby every 3h?
Mine usu drinks 10-20mins thn she'll push my nipple away..
Does ur Boob get hard and makes it difficult for baby to latch?

Mreow Mreow

Mummies.. I have this problem of handling my boy.. he is so so so noti...

he keeps crying.. even after feeding and changing diapers.. He cries whenever we put him down on the bed before he fall asleep. he die die wants ppl to carry him and walk around until he fall aslp.. If he is awake and we put him down, he will cry until very fierce as if he wanna tear his own throat down..

Anyone's baby is like that? Actually I am going crazy soon by his cries.. but i cant just let him cry like that.. scared he kena fits...

Nvmind Babe,
Juz tahan..

All babies are different ya? :)

Hand in there..

Hopefully he will be more settled after 1month!! :D

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, ya I do full breastfeeding, plan to intro bottle in late jan or early feb...
Because I din intro bottle now, so no one can help me to feed her...

In fact I din wake her up to feed every 3 hrs, I let her sleep until she wake up and cry for milk... About 2 times of feeding...
But, very often, my husb also kena wake up by the little monster cries...

So now I let her sleep beside me, so I feed her as and when she wake up and start making noise...
I usually feed about 2-3 times during night...

Mreow Mreow

SzeSze, same lk me.
Plan to intro bottle much much later.
Hmm, wad do u do with the excess milk that flow out?
Do u Kp or throw like me?

Haiz, I would love to let her sleep and feed only when she wakes but everyone at Hospitals insist on waking newborn up every 3h for feed...
To prevent dehydration..
How Ah...

And If I don't wake her, my boobs will be full of milk, will overflow and difficult to latch her after that...
U have this problem?

Sze sze

Mreow mreow Previously I got kept some by expressing using a pump... 20-50 ml for different days...
But it is very hard to pump when engorged, hand expressed can do better job, can u imagine i can get 20 ml by using hand express, but engorgement still there..
Now I use warm cloth to msg breast while hand expressing, I din keep any breast milk... It is quite painful..
plus I still let my girl suck on the engorged breast, the breast tends to lend due to overflow, so even my girl dun suck at the areola area, still have a lot milk flow to her mouth...**i can hear she drinking sound...**
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Sze sze

Luckystar, feel sad to hear ur bad experience...
in fact my hubs said he felt the biases from the nurse esp the older and experience one, we guess because we choose to stay in 2-bedded... The funny thing is even you want single bedded also dun have!! I stayed there for 3 nights, I changed 2 neighbour, and one of the night i have no neighbour
**all my neighbor wants single rm but not available!!**

Of course, I still met some nice nurse, and few are foreigners *can tell from their language*



Any of u mummies do the post natal check at gynae? I was so busy until I forgot to go. What is the checkup all about? Anybody knows?

Mreow Mreow

My postnatal check up is scheduled 2 months later in early feb!
My doc said no need to see me so early.
I think cuz I didn't hVe episiotomy ...
Hmm, think they check if our womb has retracted and check stitches..

I get wad u mean!
I can Hand express 20ml too.
Even My Avent breast shield can collect up to 30ml on it's own..
Yup, when baby not sucking, milk will drip into her mouth too..
Maybe our letdown reflex is fast?

I think milk causes small red dots on Baby's chin area!! :(

Haiz, when boob is full of milk, damn difficult to latch la...
The Areola is full n hard.

Wonder when our boobs will know exactly how much milk to make so there's no engorgement...

Sze sze

Ya, the breast milk left on chin will cause the little red dot, but no worry, it will go away after tat...

everytime when I start feeding or carrying my girl, the overflow breast drip faster....
Slowly I will use pump to express it out n keep it, after the engorgement go away...

mummies, how u store ur EBM ?



Any of you mummies do the post natal check at gynae? I was so busy until I forgot to go. What is the checkup all about? Anybody knows?
Just came back from the checkup, gynae checked my uterus and the wound, see if the uterus has strech back (at least smaller). Mine everything ok and ask to come 5 weeks later for papsmear.

Mreow Mreow

Momo, yes yes.
Miss those days...
We were all still talking about food cravings and wondering when our pop day will be. Haha...
Now it's like our entire life n schedule revolve around our baby ya? :)
Mine is, I hardly haf tym to wadsapp. Haha.
Babe, I've added u in FB. When u are free, juz accept k! :D
And pls don't call urself stupid.
Don't be too hard on urself!!
I'm very sure u are already doing ur best for baby Glenn!!

Mummies who doing massage, how is it going? :)

Dmummy, do u feel sore below?
Or any kind of feeling?


Mreow mreow: yep can feel sore below, esp the first 3 - 4 days!! Always ate painkiller, when i walk or sit too long. Painfull...also don't dare too poop!! Miserable to the max!! Now better already, i can sit but not too sore. I have not eat the painkiller anymore. Just now doctor check below and insert her hand. Now abit painful lor....wondering when will be ok. How's urs?