Edd dec 2012


Hello mummies

It's my free time now coz I feel contraction of uterus and told my mum to help look after bb while I get full rest for today.

I try to bf as much as I can before feeding fm to bb... And also, Ebm everytime while my hubby/mum feed fm to bb...
I try to feed on schedule in day and feed on demand in middle of the night.
Momo, must relax ok... My bb is like urs... Haa
Mine is a super notti boy... Coz I hurt my wrist now I can't carry bb at all and pelvic area still hurts so can't do much turning and stuff.. And so bb seems to recognize daddy and my mum as his feeding companion and sleeping companion :( he is very active at night... And middle of the night. U feed him, he suckle awhile then after that u wanna pull away, he will suckle haha

I can't catch up with his frequency too... My milk now is only 20ml for both side each time I pump haha so gotta mix fm. But I tell myself to relax since I don't intend to take any supplements, I can only rely on water, milo, milk, soup, red dates drink and breast massage hoping to enhance milk volume..

I store my milk in bottle or bag... Depending on whether there's enough storage bottles :)

My Gynae check up is also to check uterus and wound... And have to review again 5 weeks from now...

And about confinement, mine is super traditional!, I secretly broke the rule by using my usual nice smelling bath gel and shampoo to bathe but using the confinement bath water to wash away. I feel so much better now :)
I also use cold water to wash the pumps and bottles in middle of the night. Then today I wasn't that well then all scold me like crazy... And make use of the chance to tell me to avoid washing hands or bottles with tap water.

Have fun pumping, feeding bb!! ^^
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Mreow Mreow

I haven't been following confinement man.

Have been washing and bathing everyday..
Sleeping aircon as well..
Also started to drink cold drinks already!

Mamadt, glad to hear from u!!! :D
Do u have painkillers?
Hope ur pelvic area don't hurt so much!!!
I'm sure d pain mk it very difficult for u to move about...

Actually wad u pump out doesn't mean that's wad u have..
U will have much more & Baby can remove ur milk more efficiently than the pump...
Babe, u said u try to BF whenever u can, Thn how come u gif FM?
Maybe ur boy has had enuff already?

Mreow Mreow

Dmummy, doc got give u a white liquid to drink?
I think it's stool softener...
I had my first urge to poop after 4days delivery.
Luckily it went ok... Haha.

HnM, I feel one kind below.
Not pain. It's a kind of feeling.
Not sure if it's sore or wad :(

Think we have to Start doing our pelvic floor exercises!!


Hi MamaDT,

Now 2nd week confinement liao. :) today my mum came and secretly let me bathe and take care of baby hahaha while pretending to sleep on my room. My MIL was taking care of me and her type of confinement is no bathe n no wash hair for 28days. I survived by using wipe off facial cleanser, baby wipes and sponge bathe myself with tea herbal bag using hot water. 2 days ago I went out salon wash hair n redo my braids. I told MIL my braids came off liao she said no wash hair ar.. But I told hairstylist pls wash I beg u hahaha. First shower n first bathe feels so heavenly. But the again after Christmas my mom go back le. I will go back to no bathing salt fish. :(
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Huh really ah.... I don't know leh... I thought that's all my breast can produce for bb at the moment so I just let him drink formula after bf... And he still can finish the fm...

Omg! How? I tot I shall wait till I can pump at least up to 50ml before I do total bf...

Mreow Mreow

If ur baby doesn't fuss n cry after ur breastmilk,
Has at about 3poop & 5pee,
He has had enough!

Have u tried squeezing boob after Tedmund finish drinking? Should have some drops right?

Gal, I think u dun need to give FM.
Now ur baby stomach about size of small Apricot only.

If overfeed will increase chance of milk regurgitation.

And now it's highly recommended that we feed newborn every 3H at least.
Even if they asleep at night, must wake them up.. Cannot on Demand, unless they wake earlier than 3H.
Their suckling will help to establish our milk flow in 2weeks.

Mreow Mreow

Little but frequent feeding of at least 15mins,
At least once every Every 3h
By our newborn will help increase milkflow..

Mamadt, u try that?
Don't gif FM unless necessary, since u are into total BFeed.
FM will decrease our milk supply.
Your body will start to think u only need 20ml so ur body only keep making 20ml...


Mreow Mreoe,

The hard lump I the right side of breast can't go away even though I massage n massage pump and pump or let baby suck n suck .
I think need go c breast specialists but dunno what r they called
Pain. And output from that beast becomes very little.

Mreow Mreow

Oh dear.... Lovepixie, u better go get it checked...

Most probably is a blocked Milk duct..

Hmm, could be it happened cuz u never let baby empty that breast entirely before going to the breast...

Hope it's juz a small matter and not severe like Mastitis...

Take some painkiller meanwhile!!!

Sze sze

Momo, What do u mean ( the "C" amd the "you" motion ) ?
i just used warm cloth to wipe and press on the areola, milk come out, but still feel breast is full, but no pain..

Anyone know How to tell if engorgement go away...


Mummy, wondering when will the umbilical cord's clip drop? Will it drop together with umbilical cord or it depends? My daughter one drop at second at stay in thomson, forgot to ask the nurse bcoz of her jaundice.

Mreow Mreow

Mummy, wondering when will the umbilical cord's clip drop? Will it drop together with umbilical cord or it depends? My daughter one drop at second at stay in thomson, forgot to ask the nurse bcoz of her jaundice.

My gal's cord dropped on 4th day..
It dropped tgt with clip! :)

Sze sze,
means use your thumb and index finger to form a U and C and massage mipples...
Means nipples are massaged at 3 & 9oclock for U
12 & 6oclock for C..

U understand? Heheh :)

Anybody still having period?? :)


Lovepixie & mreow mreow: my daughter umbilical cord not dropped yet but the clip drop when she's in thomson. Wondering is it normal???

Mreow Mreow

I'm not sure leh..
Since it dropped in Thomson, then the nurses should have seen it but they nv say anything ah?
Hmm, if never then I think should be ok right?

Or u can call the nurses hotline and ask?

Mreow Mreow

Hmm, I still have Lochia lo.
Its 13days for me already.
Wonder if it's normal... :(

Momo, thanks for the add!!
Jia you and don't give up!! :)
I still have weight to lose!
Juz that size wise almost bk to normal except for chest & shoulder area.
Omg, I feel lk my boobs is easily 3kg man..
And u and I have broke confinement rules Liao.
I also shower everyday but w/o the herbs!! :p

Today I went out to ICA and parkway parade!!
Ended ur feeding in car cuz after parking, my gal woke for milk!
Other than that she slept thru.. :)


How are you all doing? I managed to log in today after long time , or rather it feels like a long time coz of the sleepless days n nights with my baby Rhea. She is so naughty , sleeps whole day and awake whole night. I've managed to breast feed her most of the time. But Tomm I go to my gynae for checkup on the stitches etc so hv asked my mum to feed fm .
My baby seems ok, went to pediatrician yesterday , he says mild jaundice , almost negligible , and that most babies have it.

One thing to my Rhea had not pooped since yesterday morning . I'm a bit concerned . Is that normal for them not to poop for whole 2 days ? She is peeing alright many times a day. Could it be related to me being constipated ? Let me know if any of you faced the same .
Also the mummies with little girls , have the little ones have slight blood tinged urine sometime ? My girl has that some times . I read somewhere that this is normal coz of the mums hormones being in the baby . But it just wanted to confirm.


Hi Luckystar
Baby had not pooped maybe bcos the mummy is eating too much heaty food n not enough fibre. Maybe he will poop one big one tmr.

Perhaps consult paediatrician abt the red colour pee ?

Hi momopeachgirl
Wah u r getting the hang of things n enjoying ur confinement.
Good good. I wanted to bathe earlier but was warned of the repercussions of not following the confinement rules.
Hmm thanks to wipe off cleanser
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Sze sze

Momo, thanks, I get what you mean... Now I abit puzzled, dunno if engorgement go away or not, bcos cannot feel lump, but feel breast full and very uncomfortable whenever I wearing bra, looks like the bra cannot support the weight of breast...

my girl cord dropped on 15th day... I kept it, was thinking to use it to do a stamp as gift for her birth...

mreow mreow , I tot I dun have any lochia already but it somehow it show some in my panty liner two days later... I guess is remaining blood inside my body or due the inner wound not recovered...

Momo, mreow mreow.. I think I lose weight over these two week of confinement, due to limited rest, very zombie...
last thu I weigh myself, I was 3kg more to recover pre peg 's weight... But fats are accumulated at my tight & tummy!!! And my tummy belly area abit dark, dunno how... Should I apply cocoa butter now or after confinement?

i am in 3rd week of confinement, looking forward the end of confinement and the first bathe!!!
so far, I wash my hand using whatever water flow from tap (be it cold or hot water) ... It very hard to stop me from washing my hand before carrying or feeding my girl...
When my husb saw and qns, I told him off!!! How not to wash hand after go washroom... So he just kept quiet! Lol...
But of course, I dun eat cold food or drink just to shut his mouth...