Edd dec 2012


For me, I will pump in between feeds coz i find that after direct latch on not much milk left ady. Haha..
Usually I will get the max pump volume on each morning. That's when the breasts feel the heaviest. And i dont like the feeling the milk just leak by its own. Sheesh..
Maybe u try not to pump after each latch on coz the yield will definitely be lesser :) Alternatively u can try Sze Sze's method, latch on for one side and the other one for pumping only.

@Sze Sze:
I also didnt bath baby by myself.. though nurse ady taught me how to bath a baby doll but real baby is different! So fragile. So far my mother in law was the one who helps my baby to bath all this while. Maybe after full month i shall give it a try.

Wah.. good for u! 2 days left for ur confinement! U didnt touch water through out the month? I mean no bath and wash hair?

Thanks for ur tips.. i will include ginger in my diet :)

Yah i watched that jap video clip before! Looks amazing.. but then i dun think i got the time to get a mouth of water coz by that time baby ady cry like earthquake!
Anyway i downloaded an app which has similar concept using sound to calm down baby. It's known as 'Baby Soothing Sounds'. It has sounds of hairdryer blowing, waterdrops, slurping of noodle etc.. can experiment it on ur baby. haha


Baby farts.
Wah my girl lets out a super stinker I sometimes think is pangsai n check see
Sometimes sound watery fart. -.- what I ate n my BM cause her to hv this fart

Gripe water.
A good ol PD told us not to feed gripe water but instead use it to wash the mouth. -.- so put in soft gauze n wipe on mouth n gums like antenatal class taught us

My baby looks like just back from drunken party after milk milk. Got many super hilarious video n photo of her doing the drunken stupor. -.-

Sze sze

Allele.. I did bathe but using the traditional Chinese medicine da Feng Cao to shower, but I found it as good as no bathe at all!!
i miss the days that using 'cold water' to shower during pregnancy, so shiok!!

And I got touch water (tends to use hot water) I.e. after to pee & poo, eat, brush teeth, before carry my baby girl, wipes boobs before feeding, wash pump accessories etc....

mreow mreow, feel sorry to hear your girl is sick, hope she get well soon!
I stop my husb carrying baby right after he come back from office to avoid any virus or bacteria from outside, so he usually carries baby after bathe...
it is good to get anyone sick to stay away from your baby at this moment esp baby not full month yet...


Hi Mreow Mreow,
Sorry to hear ur baby is sick. Did u try natural remedy? I mean u intake more Vit C and u breast feed baby maybe antibody will pass down to baby thru breast milk

Hi allele,
I breastfeed in car while bring baby to PD to check jaundice. I wear a bf shawl la n cover essential parts. I think if go clinic n places frequented by families with children they will not care ba. It's ur right to breastfeed baby n it is nt rude lol
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Mreow Mreow

Hi mummies.
Thanks for all ur concern.

Yesterdays at KKH, the nurses used a long thin drip looking thing to suck her running nose mucus out. :(
Told us baby will Def cry & if we wanna witness it.
Waa, I saw baby like that I actually tearrrr man... :'(
Hubby Kp covering his ears to block out her wails...
We really feel the heart pinch man... :(

Doc gave us drops to drop into nose & hopefully it clears the blockage.
Also to monitor temp.
Cuz if ANY babies under 3months get fever, it's a must to be admitted to hospital...

Hope she get well soooooon

Sze sze

Momo, the confinement period is a super hard time for me to pass!! I dun like!!
I think c sect delivery also better than this~~

I taking 4 mths leave, plus thinking to clear some annual leave of this year, so taking leave till end of apr...

Sze sze

Lovepixie, thanks for the advice on how to bring the EBM out... I had the same thought just wondering got anyone thinking like me ...

Mreow Mreow

Lovepixie, yes, I'm 100% latching, Bfeeding baby.
Doc say BM got antibodies so it's good & it'd help fight off virus...

Mummies, I bath my baby everyday alone! :)
When Hubby is home, he will do it...
My gal enjoys bathing!! :D

U all can do it! Don't worry!
After the 1st time, it juz gets easier!! :D

I've a nursing cover too.
But i think now a lil difficult to maneuver newborn into Gd position w/o exposing my boob.
Cuz have to support neck & sometimes she squirm squirm.
I prefer nursing in private nursing rm.
Wait till she's older than I'll use nursing cover in public :)

Oh mummies,
Gripe water can only be used after baby is older than 1month!
I think I saw it written on the packaging.

Are ur babies' tongues white wif milk?
Mine is..
So u all juz use wet towel/hanky to clean?


Hello mummies! Hope u all had a great time celebrating Christmas. :) we stayed hm for d holiday as going out will surely be a bad idea wif so many ppl ard. Only went Kiddy Palace in toa payoh to get some clothes for my princess for her thanksgiving ceremony this coming Sunday. It's sort of like celebrating baby's first mth but for us Malay/Muslims we usually have this celebration after baby n mummy has finished wif confinement. Baby will have bits of her hair cut by d elders who will say prayers for her health n wellbeing. It's gonna be first time too my other relatives n friends will get to meet my princess. Hope all will go smoothly n princess wun be cranky on dat day. Hahaha

Mreow Mreow: hope ur gal will get well soon. Yeah it's heartbreaking when u hear ur baby cry in pain or discomfort. When my princess was in nicu she had to be pricked on her heels so dat they can get her blood to check for her blood sugar. I witnessed it many times n every time i feel like tearing especially when she cried so hard. It came to a time when she nvr cry at all when they pricked her heel as she got used to it. Thank God my princess is not infected from my mom who had d flu n cough last week. Juz make sure anyone sick who comes into contact wif ur baby wears a mask. I'll have to be careful this coming Sunday as many ppl will be ard n dun wanna princess to be infected by any flu bug.

Abt babies' tongues white wif milk u can use gauze on ur finger or u can get this baby tongue scraper at kiddy palace. for my princess she does have white milk residue on her tongue at times but it will disappear after i give her some plain water. :D

Yeah gripe water can be used for babies 1 mth n above. I gave mine a little d other day n she seems to be relieved of wind after she had farted like an old man. Lolz mom n me was laughing so hard!


Hi Liza
All the best for little Nurin's thanksgiving ceremony . I'm sure this will be a very special moment for your whole family.

Perhaps you can buy a bottle of hand sanitizer and keep it prominently where she is placed. So anyone who comes to greet her can use it


U all taking how long de maternity leave? Or not working anymore?? Who help take care bb when u all work ?
I am taking 6 months maternity leave.
4 months paid and 2 months without pay. After that I hv to put my girl in infant care , don't really hv an option here
U all taking how long de maternity leave? Or not working anymore?? Who help take care bb when u all work ?
I'm taking 4 months maternity leave...and after that my MIL and parents will take turns to come over to help take care of baby.

I guess all Dec mummies here have popped by now. My original EDD was supposed to be tmrw...but my princess made an early appearance on 16 Dec :D


New Member
Hi mummies.
Thanks for all ur concern.

Yesterdays at KKH, the nurses used a long thin drip looking thing to suck her running nose mucus out. :(
Told us baby will Def cry & if we wanna witness it.
Waa, I saw baby like that I actually tearrrr man... :'(
Hubby Kp covering his ears to block out her wails...
We really feel the heart pinch man... :(

Doc gave us drops to drop into nose & hopefully it clears the blockage.
Also to monitor temp.
Cuz if ANY babies under 3months get fever, it's a must to be admitted to hospital...

Hope she get well soooooon

Hi Mreow Mreow, hope your baby get well soon. I also just went to kk hospital on wed cos baby was having runny nose since mon. Baby was having fever 37.8 but didnt ask to admit. Only if fever is more than 38 or 38.5 then have to admit. My second girl was admitted when she was 2 months for fever more than 38.5. Anyway, dont stress yourself too much k? Just used the oxymetazoline nose drop given by the hospital. I will put the nosedrop 8hourly at 8am, 4pm and 12 midnight. Suction out the mucus from the nose before applying the nosedrop
You can buy the suction from pigeon brand. Then in between the interval apply the saline drops. Eg. 12pm, 8pm and 4am to prevent nose block. Hope it helps. I did for my girl and she sleeps peacefully.


Hi Liza
All the best for little Nurin's thanksgiving ceremony . I'm sure this will be a very special moment for your whole family.

Perhaps you can buy a bottle of hand sanitizer and keep it prominently where she is placed. So anyone who comes to greet her can use it
Thank u mummy. :) yes it's a very special moment for all of us. I'm also feeling proud to be a mummy. Managed to achieve a lot which I nvr thought I cld before. Hahaha

Dats a gd idea u noe. I might juz do dat. I'll get d dettol hand sanitizer. :) I have it in a small bottle for my own usage so gonna get d bigger bottle. :D


For infant care , it depends on the location and popularity of the place . But mostly I hav heard , it needs to be registered abt 6 months in advance for the popular ones. For me I need to find someplace close to my office , coz it is better that baby is close to where mummy is rather than where daddy is. My office was supposed to shift to changi business park , so I was looking there. But just before I went on maternity leave , it was announced that the shift won't take place in 2013, so I have to now find an infant care in city CBD area . What a pain !!
If you know any good infant care in that tea please let me know also.

About the feeding , I am feeding BM on demand for now. If BB is sleeping too long more than 3 -4 hrs then I wake her up and feed. I feed formula only when there is no EBM stored , and I am not available to feed , ex, when we have guests or my massage lady has come .


Hi Luckystar
By the time u work baby will b 6 mth? Do u bring baby carrier to infantcare or wear those strap on carrier ? I'm in d midst of finding babysitter n considering to let my mom take care back in hometown. Decisions decisions.

Hi Mreow
How's ur girl now? Hopefully mucus cleared soon.

Hi Sze Sze
I think it's normal baby regurgitate some milk just make sure baby didn't get shaken after feeding n baby head higher than body during n after feeding to prevent reflux
Mine trickle down some milk not merlion yet lol

Sze sze

Momo, me too~ my confinement food is quite like normal food , like yours, steam fish, pork, black bean soup, green papaya soup, herb soup, vinegar pig trotters, rice wine cooked chicken or pork or pig liver, sesame chicken... All with gingers and black fungus....

no i dun keep any maternity leave, I just clear all, because I need to cover my leave till end apr, be it maternity or annual leave, reason being my mil will help to take care of my girl, but she needs to do confinement for my sis in law in apr, so I got to take care my girl during apr...
it is quite weird if I back to work in mar but taking leave for whole apr again right?

I think should have some excess of annual leave that can be used to take my girl for vaccines (I managed to keep all my annual leave of 2012 to be brought forward to 2013 to clear - I haven used any of them, purposely to keep till 2013 to clear together with maternity)

but again I considering to either change job or resign to take care my girl... Aihzz, I foresee I need to take leave for 3 weeks for jun to take care my girl, because my bro in law going to Germany, and asking my mil to go his house to take care of his wife and one 3 years old child plus his newborn bb in mar...
So must well just resign first.... I still thinking...

Lovepixie, ya, mine too... She still somehow got vomit a bit, very minimum... I am quiet ok with that...
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