Edd dec 2012

Sze sze

Mreow, Haven... Tat is my last resort... Hopefully no need to come to such extend... Else I becoming kangaroo already... :)


Mreow Mreow
How is your baby now ? Is the flu better ? It is good that you have not got the flu , coz u need to breast feed and that is the only source of nutrition for baby .
Try to stay away from cold drinks And air con . Keep fan a slow also.

Sze Sze
Seems like pacifier is the answer for you . Also have you tried the rocker , bouncer thing. We bought this rocker for baby, she love to be rocked in it, and we get some free time also to do our own thing.

Sze sze

Luckystar, tried rocker, bouncer; she can only stay there max 5 mins then cry, dunno is it because she very timid (even a sound of door open can make her jump and start crying... Aihz...


Hi mummies! How's d new yr going for u? For me it's been great so far. But d monthly issue had started again after almost a yr being
postponed. Hahahaha starting to feel d cramp again. Omg! It's terrible. Dunno how to tahan now dat have to look after princess too. Hope I'll have d strength.


Sze Sze.
MY baby opposite.. She slept through the ruckus of ppl cutting down trees and noisy neighbour

My mil train her to sleep thru everyday household noise. I switch on mp3 or tv. I put the songs I listen when preggy with her so that she is relaxed and while she sleeping too.

Perhaps u can try?


Any idea where I can buy cloth nappies online. I didn't see much options on GMarket. I am still in confinement so cannot go out. Hubby started work so he is not able to pop in to . So I need to buy online
happy new year mummies! I've been really lazy to surf the net except facebook hehe.

my boy can be quite cranky too and even after a feed, changed diapers and everything, he still wants to be cuddled to sleep or wants to drink milk even though he just drank. I've actually tried using pacifier to sooth him and remove it when he's asleep. I dunno how will I cope after my confinement nanny goes back home. :p

mreow how's your baby? hope she is better...

liza your princess getting more and more cute each day from the fb photos. :)


Luckystar:743228 said:
Any idea where I can buy cloth nappies online. I didn't see much options on GMarket. I am still in confinement so cannot go out. Hubby started work so he is not able to pop in to . So I need to buy online


Just an advice that if you are going to use cloth nappies, u must be extra careful as in.. u need to change the nappies as n when its damp to prevent nappy rash.. though using of cloth nappies could save up alot. Hope this advice helps.

Mreow Mreow

Cherry blossom long time no see. Haha.
Yes we are all so busy wif our lil ones now!! :)
My baby Danika is getting better! Still have mini cough though.
But Thank goodness she can breathe better thru her sleep.

Liza, ur period is here?
But it's good, at least we'll know that everything is back to normal..
Omg, i hope u dun have very bad menstrual cramps.. Hate the feeling too...
Hmm, When are we supp to get our period anyway?

Mummies, are ur breastmilk supply stabilizing already?

Im feeling worried that I have no EbM!!!
Cuz all the while till now I've been 100% latching.
Didn't pump at all!
Also cuz my pump died on me 1day after I delivered. :p


Anyone of u have ur bb boy circumcised? I'm going for it tomorrow at crescent clinic... Would like to know your experience


Morning mummies!

Cherry blossom hehehe yeah she's becoming chubbier n rounder. Hahaha milk monster also but now I supplement wif fm cuz bm depleting. I think shld be ending soon already cuz getting lesser n lesser already. :(

Mreow yeah my period came on 2nd day of 2013. Hahaha my hubby said its gd it started early so can take care whenever ml. I can't get pregnant for at least 1 yr since I went thru csect. If preggy too early uterus mite rupture. I was kinda worried dat d cramp wld be terrible dat I can't take care of Nurin well. Lucky d cramp wasn't dat terrible. Before preggy d cramp was worst! I think different mummies will get their period at different times. My cousin who gave birth naturally her 2nd child had her period before her baby reached 2nd mth. For me it's 2 n a half mths since giving birth thru csect. A friend of mine who gave birth thru csect got hers after 3 mths. :)
Babe glad to hear Danika is better now. Is she still stretching like u mentioned? Nurin still does it but not as much as before. I read dat babies will get over d stage at certain point of time when they are abt 3 or 4 mths.

lovepixie u also get ur period already? Is d cramp still d same like before preggy or worst or better? Mine was very light on d first day. Yesterday n tdy been quite heavy which is quite normal for me same like before preggy. But dunno how long will d cycle last.

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, me too, I also 100% latching... So far tried to feed once with 20ml ebm by bottle, successfully done by my husb, after that I still latch her awhile then she went asleep...

I tried to pump after latching, but this problem is I dun pump everyday and every 3 hrs because most of the time need to cuddle my girl to sleep...
by the time she wake up, I need to feed her again, end up no chance to pump!!
if I manage to put her to bed, I only left 1 hr before reaching her feeding time, so I am in dilemma as to whether to pump or not, if pump out, later I got not enough to latch her...

diff people would have diff time of having back the menses, my sis had it almost 9 mths later; so it depends..
but heard that milk supply will drop if menses come, but back to normal if menses over for the month...

liza, my gynae told us to use 'protection' to avoid getting pregnant now, but he said he had two patients who pregnant 2 months later after c-sec delivery, so the patient have 2 children born in jan and dec of the same year... It can be done but need to be very careful...


Any idea where I can buy cloth nappies online. I didn't see much options on GMarket. I am still in confinement so cannot go out. Hubby started work so he is not able to pop in to . So I need to buy online
I can sell you mine.. i bot cloth nappies but i din not use.
I also have the outside wrap for the cloth nappies.
Please let me know if you are interested.

Mreow Mreow

My gal still stretch alot! Haha..
She like to extend her neck backwards & see the ceiling.
Makes it difficult to burp her most times!
Like to punch kick & push her feet against things.

SzeSze, since u are 100% latching like me,
Do u find that ur milk supply is stabilizing?
Any more engorgement issues?

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, I not sure also, two days ago, I found a lump again, bcos miss one feeding and I din manage to pump out also... Feel engorgement, but when pump not much come out, hand express got alot, I guess the pump breastshield not suitable, it cannot empty my breast whenever it is fuller or engorged...
But so far, enough for my girl to drink, cos she is small eater, but dunno if pump out EBM, can satisfy her or not...

I going back to work in late apr... Wondering should I continue to intro bottle now, I tried to feed her with bottle, she rejected, dunno if she knows it is mummy to feed, she is expecting mummy to latch not to give bottle... But my husb can feed her using bottle (once) only....


Mreow really? Hahhaa Nurin also same. Now difficult to burp her by sitting on my lap. Can burp her only by carrying her on my shoulder n rub her back. She also same like Danika. Keep stretching n arching her back when I sit her on my lap. I thought only preemies like Nurin does dat. Hahaha so even full term babies do it too. I guess it's a normal stage in babies.

Sze sze

Momo, same here. Hard to burp, but I always need to burp Kate halfway thru the feeding, bcos she always kena choked!! Breastfeeding also kena choked, silly girl !!
Last wed, my mil not ard, I tried to take care Kate alone from morning to evening, but guess what, I cooked my lunch with one hand carrying Kate; ate my lunch with one hand; then Kate finally in deep sleep, I quickly put her to bed, and finished up my lunch, washed plate, go toilet, drink water... Then Kate cries again!! I am back to kangaroo~~
next week I am on my own already~~ I wonder what will be my lunch...


sorry to intrude...after burping if the baby vomit or became merlion means u have overfeed them..sometimes there will be a bit of white vomit but that is not consider vomit is the burp...

if u think when u r burping u sometimes bring some liquid up same with a baby...


Hi mummies! Morning!

momo my princess does dat too. Spit/vomit some milk even after burp. Got a couple of times she merlion. Think cuz too full n d milk from d feeding before haven't really digest yet. U monitor k how many times he merlion. If a lot of times no good. Mite have problem wif his digestion.
My Nurin also using Avent bottle n teat. Using d number 1 teat for 0m+. She hasn't got any problem sucking n swallowing. Only leak a little of milk at d sides sometimes. Nurin also sleeps 2 or 3 hrs in between feedings. D longest is 4 hrs which only happens after her 5pm feed. :)