Edd, Feb 2011.


New Member
Why is my baby so difficult to take care of? Everynight when i bring him home from my mom's house, he will fuss and cry until he fall alseep. I told the pediatrician that, and she said that i can solve this problem by ignoring him, just let him cry to sleep for 3 nights and he will stop crying when he realised that he isn't getting any attention. But i can't bring himself to do it....
Yeap, I was chatting with my friend (whose mum is a nanny) today too. She told me that's what they usually do, to let baby cry to sleep. I cant bring myself to do it too. But luckily my girl's still okay on sleeping on her own. Except on some occasions that she'll whine for some attention.


New Member
oh sorry for e many posts, forgot to share that my gal is teething! her milk intake has decreased which worries me, drools a lot n kept putting her fingers into her mouth to rub her erupting tooth. its on her bottom left. i m excited for her!
So early ??
My girl's feeding is still okay but she's been drooling a lot & puts practically everything & anything into her mouth but im not sure if she's teething..


New Member
Nowadays my girl loves flipping so much that she even flips when I put her in pram & she can stay that way while I shop the entire supermarket. People keep giving us weird stares. :(

My hubby & I are both sick now too. Had to wear mask all day in case we spread our germs to Aly...


New Member

Yup I'm going to buy from daiso $2 per bib is cheapest I found. When he start eat solid food, think I will buy the mothercare kind bigger and longer kind.



Hmmm... what is MMI? I think i must try to understand all these different terms. I'm still very confused as to which comes first? Play group? Nursery? What else is there? Hmm...
MMI is a sch name.. just like kinderland, Cherie Hearts. they have many outlets in SG.
Modern Montessori International Group

Infant care: 2months - 18months.
Play group ( some call toddler ) : 18months-3 years
Nursery 1: 3-4years
Nursery 2: 4-5 years
Kindergarden 1: 5-6 years
Kindergarden 2: 6-7 years.

till then, here comes Primary school... the list goes on n on..


ur gal so guai, my gal her neck still not strong yet, when i put her sitting on e sofa, she will look down, after a while she will slide down. sigh, but must train her neck, i read tat tummy time is essential for her to sit upright so tat she is ready to take solid food. Tats wat i read from baby center website.
my girl's neck not v strong still, but she just like to be seated. so i will let her sit on my thigh n her back on my tummy, so her head can read on me. but most of the time she wont want to rest on me. watch tv till v excited like that. so her head will move abit lo. just use my hand to support..

she now always push her tummy up den slide down wherever she's sitting at. -_-" my mum tried giving her taste abit of the porridge water, she will spit out. so i dont think she's ready for any semi solid food.


last sat went for her 2nd dose vaccination of the 5-in-1. she got a fever that night but after 1 feed of the panadol, she's ok liao. phew!
she's ONLY 5.48kg! super duper underweight lor. haiz. the nurse was saying some 3rd percentile thing. which i dont quite understand. search online, also dont understand. -_-"
intend to put brown rice into her milk since she cant bite or eat solid food yet. hope she gain weight from there...

she is in the process of learning how to flip. about 85% turn. left her arm area she cant move to be able to flip. so i have to push her each time.


So early ??
My girl's feeding is still okay but she's been drooling a lot & puts practically everything & anything into her mouth but im not sure if she's teething..
My bb feeding still okay too but he drool alot til the clothes get wet n put in his whole hand in the mouth....hahaha...but i not sure if he is teething..nw hw many mths, cm out teeth oready , is it too early?


My bb feeding still okay too but he drool alot til the clothes get wet n put in his whole hand in the mouth....hahaha...but i not sure if he is teething..nw hw many mths, cm out teeth oready , is it too early?
this is what i found..

Before Birth

  • Teeth begin developing while the child is still in the womb. Babies begin developing teeth between the third and sixth month of pregnancy, but some babies develop faster or slower than others. The mother's diet during pregnancy can impact the health of a baby's teeth.

Infants and Toddlers

  • While all children develop at different rates, most children begin to break their first tooth between 5 and 7 months. The crown of the tooth develops first and before the tooth even breaks through the skin is almost fully developed. Once the tooth is developed, it begins "cutting" or "breaking" through, often causing discomfort. However, it isn't until several months later that the root of the tooth is fully developed. This step will not cause the kind of pain that was associated with teething. The teething process lasts until a child is 3 or 4 years old, then begins again when a child starts developing permanent teeth.


  • By the age of 3, most children have approximately 20 teeth (10 on top and 10 on the bottom). These "baby teeth" are designed to fit a small mouth. When a child is 5 or 6 years old, the child's mouth becomes ready to erupt the larger adult teeth. Once the permanent teeth are fully developed under the skin, the baby teeth will become loose and eventually fall out. While some children may experience discomfort while their adult teeth erupt, most will experience little to no pain.


  • It is recommended that children begin to brush their teeth (with help) as their first baby teeth are coming in. However, dentists recommend that children under the age of 3 use water or a baby tooth cleanser to brush their teeth. Children 3 and up should use a children's toothpaste. Children should also begin an annual dentist visit on or around their first birthday. Brushing and dental visits will help prevent unhealthy gums and unhealthy teeth.



New Member

So the dentist is normal dentist? I don't see any kids dentist around.


Ps: I bought 2 bibs from daiso. Just to share if ur bb has a big neck he or she may not b able to wear as the circle cutting abit small


New Member
My bb feeding still okay too but he drool alot til the clothes get wet n put in his whole hand in the mouth....hahaha...but i not sure if he is teething..nw hw many mths, cm out teeth oready , is it too early?
Yeap, exactly.
I was wondering if my girl is teething too.

So the dentist is normal dentist? I dont't see any kids dentist around.


Ps: I bought 2 bibs from daiso. Just to share if your baby has a big neck he or she may not b able to wear as the circle cutting abit small
Jen, there r sizes for e bibs sold at Daiso. i think i got size 3.


awww.. my girl can slip on her own now. ^.^ now i understand how u all feel. changing diaper/clothes time, she keep wanna flip. but when she flip, her right arm still stuck under her body. so funny. den she will keep struggle. but still, she wanna flip.