EDD Feb 2012


New Member
Dear mummies and mummies to be,

I've bought this belly belt and I would like to share this wonderful product with you!

Is your little one growing in your tummy right now?
Like most pregnant ladies, do you have the headache of not being able to fit into your pre-pregnancy bottoms (shorts, skirts, pants)?
But you dont feel like buying maternity pants because they are so so expensive.
And you cant get normal bottoms in bigger size because though they fit your bulge and bum, they are too roomy for your legs!

Belly belt can solve your problem!

Even new mummies who have given birth can use this belly belt to fit into their prepregnancy bottoms almost immediately after birth!

So, how does it work?


It has four elastic bands, the belts.
Two shorter ones for earlier stages of pregnancy and two longer ones for later trimesters.
It can be fitted on buttons as well as metal clasps on bottoms.

In addition there are three pieces of cloth for you to tuck into your bottoms when your tummy grows bigger and the "gap" in your bottoms gets wider
Different colours to match different clothes, how thoughtful!

This is how it looks on my shorts.
This is the button belt without the cloth.
button belt on shorts.jpg

This is the metal clasp belt with the cloth.
clasp belt with cloth.jpg

And all you have to do is to wear a long top to cover it and no one can tell you are having the belly belt on!
with top over.jpg


Each box is selling for $29.90. Last few boxes left!

To order, email me at leeminyu@gmail.com
Order early and you'll get to enjoy your purchase longer!

Some reviews from satisfied mummies


New Member

I'm also a first time mummy and EDD is in Feb'12. I just did my Oscar test last week; blood test and scan. Baby was in sitting position and only on our 3rd scan, baby was finally lying down and Sonograher can finally do the required measurements of my baby. It was a touching moment to see my baby pulling some punches and kicks.

So far i have not put on any significant weight even though i'm starting to show a little. Wonder if that is ok.

I do have some food cravings, but they are all not very healthy food, like fried chicken. Is it ok to succumb to food cravings, at least once in a while?

I plan to put my baby at infant care or with a babysitter before i return to work, estimate in May'12. Anyone can recommend infant care or babysitter at Senja (bukit panjang area)?

I'm really glad to see this thread!!




I'm also a first time mummy and EDD is in Feb'12. I just did my Oscar test last week; blood test and scan. Baby was in sitting position and only on our 3rd scan, baby was finally lying down and Sonograher can finally do the required measurements of my baby. It was a touching moment to see my baby pulling some punches and kicks.

So far i have not put on any significant weight even though i'm starting to show a little. Wonder if that is ok.

I do have some food cravings, but they are all not very healthy food, like fried chicken. Is it ok to succumb to food cravings, at least once in a while?

I plan to put my baby at infant care or with a babysitter before i return to work, estimate in May'12. Anyone can recommend infant care or babysitter at Senja (bukit panjang area)?

I'm really glad to see this thread!!

i guess each of us have some unhealthy food cravings now and then. like what my gynae says, this is ok, as long as you do not eat them in excessive. everything in moderation is ok. for me, my unhealthy craving is soft drinks for now, i try to share with hubby or not to finish the entire can each time.


Thanks Clap,

I am still not used to taking 6 small meals, but now, I try to eat more during lunch and cut back during dinner, like smaller portion of rice or take only soupy stuff. In fact, bloating will start normally after dinner, that's why i am changing my diet:) I know I have to ride it through only it's quite a ride for me now....

I guess i will only enjoy my pregnancy when i am in 2nd Tri.... that's where eating is an enjoyment and not a torture like what I am going through now :(

Cheers and hope all mummies out there having the joy of pregnancy!
Hi Momomum, your body is getting used to the new growth in you so that's why all the discomforts come in. you will experience them, but it really gets better after the 1st trimester. i'm almost in my 15.5 weeks now and i must say my morning/night sickness got much better (touch wood).

wow, your hubby really pantang. Initially, when my hubby and I got to guess that i may be preggy when i missed i period, my hubby was the one who brought it up and we could only discuss it amongst the 2 of us. My gynae was the one who suggested not to tell anyone including our parents as the foetus was not stable yet in our 6-7 weeks. We were only given the go ahead around the 12 weeks to "announce" to our parents and family members only.


Hi all, I m new here, EDD 8th Feb. I have not decide on which hospital as I can choose either Mt Alvernia or Mt Elizabeth. Anyone has any idea about this two hospitals?

Btw, did anyone sign up for antenatal course?


Hi All MTB, has anyone generated a list of what to prepare for post natal as well as for baby? For post natal, I think most of us worry about the slimming issue. My friend told me to get really the tummy shaper and bla bla and made me real confused.. Never come across these things before... How about u gal?


Hi hi... I am also kinda "pantang" this round. I had a miscarriage Jan this year. I was so happy when I found out I was preggy end last year and start spreading the news so that all my friends and family can share my joy. But many older ppl would suggest not to reveal the news till 3 months, but I simply dun believe it.

But now, I would rather believe it.. But of cuz I did tell one or two of my best frens and they have the same reaction when heard of my good news.. "shhh... Dun tell other ppl"... So cute!!!!

So I am now 15 weeks 5 days.. Haha!! Really keen to know the gender...


Active Member
Hi hi... I am also kinda "pantang" this round. I had a miscarriage Jan this year. I was so happy when I found out I was preggy end last year and start spreading the news so that all my friends and family can share my joy. But many older ppl would suggest not to reveal the news till 3 months, but I simply dont believe it.

But now, I would rather believe it.. But of cuz I did tell one or two of my best friends and they have the same reaction when heard of my good news.. "shhh... dont tell other ppl"... So cute!!!!

So I am now 15 weeks 5 days.. Haha!! Really keen to know the gender...
Congrats !

yup , i think alot of people are very pantang about this but did u ask gynae what was the cause of ur miscarriage of it?

if baby is a boy and you are lucky , u might be able to see the gender by 12 weeks .. =)


It's still really hard to tell at 12 weeks what sex your baby is :(

I had my 12 week scan last week and the sonographer could see under the baby but said its very hard to tell at this stage. Likely to be a boy though but can't tell until the anatomy scan around 20 weeks. The heartbeat is 158bpm which also points to a boy..that's another old wives' tale... We shall have to wait and see.

My baby was sucking its fingers during the scan hahahah


Hehe, thanks chjean :) If my body is getting used to the new growth, I don't feel anything other than the bloating and the gas I have in my tummy. Is this a normal sign???


Active Member
It's still really hard to tell at 12 weeks what sex your baby is :(

I had my 12 week scan last week and the sonographer could see under the baby but said its very hard to tell at this stage. Likely to be a boy though but can't tell until the anatomy scan around 20 weeks. The heartbeat is 158bpm which also points to a boy..that's another old wives' tale... We shall have to wait and see.

My baby was sucking its fingers during the scan hahahah
if baby is in a good position it could be confirmed , however due to luck too .. if just nice the baby is in the position for doctor to scan den bingo.. lol ..


New Member
Medela Mini ELect Plus to let go

Hi All,

I have a Medela Mini ELect Plus ( DUal pump ) and city pack ( Cooler Bag ) to let go.
Used it only twice n no fluid pass through the parts.

this is bought locally in Feb this year and I still have the receipt and warranty.

PM me if interested =)


New Member
Hi all mothers to be in Feb'12 :)

I was silent follower of this thread for quite sometimes.. :p When I intend to join this thread my doctor confuse me again..dotz! All along doctor told me my EDD was around 1st week of Feb'12 but yesterday after he measure the size of the bb in the scan, he said 29 Jan..lol..so I dunno which 1 now...:001_302:

Since I get familiar to names here, i just start the talks here :001_302:


Hi minfatong,

no worries be it Jan or Feb, you can always tread at these 2mths. My EDD around 2nd week of Feb, just went for my scan today is a baby girl... no words can express how much i feel, tears just rolled down...

Enjoy the rest of our pregnancy!


Hi minfatong,

no worries be it Jan or Feb, you can always tread at these 2mths. My EDD around 2nd week of Feb, just went for my scan today is a baby girl... no words can express how much i feel, tears just rolled down...

Enjoy the rest of our pregnancy!
Hi Keke, my EDD is 1st week of Feb, but i still can't see the gender of my bb when i went for monthly check up at my gynae's on Monday. hopefully i will know when i go for my 20 week scan at NUH at month end..

you can get girly things now! yay!


any mummies experiencing weight gain? how's your progress?
i went to my gynae's on monday and found I only gained 1 kg in this 1 month! I'm 50kg now which is a normal weight for my size.
i'm now almost 18 weeks, but my gynae says the growth is normal so not to worry!