Edd feb 2014

sigh... Just came back from Dr appointment... my baby didn't gain any weight at all for the past 2 weeks... she's only 2.4kg @ 37 weeks.
Going for a placenta test to check for blood flow, Dr suspects blockage that's why baby not absorbing nutrients.
if confirm got blockage, need to induce & deliver baby to feed instead of starving inside me. :(
Hope everything is Oki now... Take care
Thanks everyone...

going for blood test tmr morning @ 8am. Then seeing Dr after the test to see what are the results...
hopefully no blockage.
really hope not a blockage issue... Don't want to be induced.


New Member
Hi Everyone! Am at 38 weeks now with baby at 3 kg. Gynae says quite big so have been told to cut down on carbs... Seeing her again this weekend...hoping she won't need me to be induced.
Yesterday my mil called me to try drinking coconut drink twice in my last week. She reminded me not to drink too much cos her friends daughter drank like 5-6 times n ended up early labour n also too 'liang' for baby. N baby got phregm
Thanks all your concern.

blood test went well, no blockage! phew!
as per sonographer's scans, weight is 2.76kg. she even commented my baby is chubby.
dunno why the difference... make me scared for nothing.
think the machine in the Dr office is spoilt!
Thanks all your concern.

blood test went well, no blockage! phew!
as per sonographer's scans, weight is 2.76kg. she even commented my baby is chubby.
dunno why the difference... make me scared for nothing.
think the machine in the Dr office is spoilt!
glad to hear that!! Take v good care from now :)

Is it the amk clinic? Hope mine is not heavier than wat he measured ... =/

rinacheong:852367 said:
Thanks all your concern.

blood test went well, no blockage! phew!
as per sonographer's scans, weight is 2.76kg. she even commented my baby is chubby.
dunno why the difference... make me scared for nothing.
think the machine in the Dr office is spoilt!