EDD in APR 2010


anyone have trouble sleeping at nite due to the ache in the pevis area and difficult in turning from 1 side to another side????

I can't sleep well these 2 days a my pevis area painful... and if sleep on 1 side for a certain period of time, i can't turn over to the other side, it will be very painful, i have to turn over carefully and endure the pain.... and also suffer from backaches..... sometimes have to ask hubby to pull me up first in order to get out of the bed... feel like a bu dao weng.....

wonder if any mummies experience this too??? any way make me sleep better? Or the mattress too hard??? my hubby suggest to buy 1 soft soft mattress/ comforter to place on top of the current mattress so it will be soft soft and i can slp better... wonder if it works, cuz dun feel like wasting $$ at this point of time...

any suggesstion??


me!! i was tossing n turning in bed last nite right up to 5am! yup it's getting difficult to turn n change positions.. i always pull my bed's headrest when i need to turn.. dont think it's e mattress.. it's just that we are getting bigger n heavier! haha! e only way i can slp well is when im really really sleepy but then when i get up can feel e aches n pains again! im now having a bad backache right dwn to my legs! sigh.. what to do.. just bear with it for a while more lor.. =(


Well-Known Member
Have difficulty in turning, although not much pain in pelvis area, but turning can be quite a chore. Getting up of bed also need to exert quite a certain amount of energy. And the whole night need to keep adjusting myself and keep turning to find a comfortable position, the problem is compounded if the baby starts exercising in my tummy.

Only can fall asleep when I'm extremely tired by the wee hours of the morning. In the end, I can get so tired during the daytime, that I have to resort to taking naps. Have to be careful when I stretch my legs, very easily to get leg cramps.
Hi littlemoomoo,
YOU MUST talk alot to your baby to move.thanks to god.so not to worry ya.
i totally agree! now must continue to talk to baby as she has not engage so might turn head up again anytime.

must be a relief, mine not engaged even tho head downwards. i also got my admission letter. you going for natural rite? I'm half hearted thinking about c-sect now... coz i'm not too positive about being alone in the delivery room...

ps. *cross fingers* no stretch mark... and hope won't have.. the vein already very devastating.
Shi san yee, i would encourage u to try for natural, can ur mum accompany u inside? Natural birth u will heal faster and no scar on tummy.
I think c-sect has its limitations like u cant have more than 2 or 3 c-sect? Then might limit ur chances of having more children next time.


Only can fall asleep when I'm extremely tired by the wee hours of the morning. In the end, I can get so tired during the daytime, that I have to resort to taking naps. Have to be careful when I stretch my legs, very easily to get leg cramps.
yah lor renzie.. then if nap in e aftnoon, when night comes nt sleepy again till early morn.. i think bb wants us to be prepared cos once bb's here, we'll lose more slp! :001_302:


Active Member
Congrats to all mummies delivering in April. Jia You and updates us once your little bundle of joy arrive.. Waiting for your good news.. hahaha.. Relax and wishing all have a smooth delivery. :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
yah renzie.. then if nap in e aftnoon, when night comes not sleepy again till early morn.. i think baby wants us to be prepared cos once baby's here, we'll lose more sleep! :001_302:

haha yeah, its a vicious cycle, can't sleep at night, get so tired in the day, then take a nap, then night time not so tired, then can't sleep. ahhhh!~ I'm getting used to taking 2 hours nap in the day, and about 6 hours sleep at night already. haha


New Member
saw my gynae too n baby's engaged already.. phew! asked him if baby might change position again n he said shld not .. then told me to tell baby to stay put! :001_302:

baby's now around 2.65kg so gynae dint tell me to eat more already.. haha! he passed me my admission letter n will book e hospital room for me.. *panics*

re: stretch marks
i just noticed a few stretch marks too! :eek:

i think nsync su has delivered.. waiting for her update! :Dancing_wub:
Hi MrsMorgan!

Glad to know that your baby has been in its right position...Me too just seen my gynae today and was told that i need to go for another scanning as my placenta is quite low..i'm just wondering how come till now i have yet to receive my admission letter? Instead, at the last minute i was told that my chosen gynae had to go for a course and won't be able to make it till i give birth...so i was seen by another gynae instead....


yah renzie.. then if nap in e aftnoon, when night comes not sleepy again till early morn.. i think baby wants us to be prepared cos once baby's here, we'll lose more sleep! :001_302:

haha "preparing us" ... my hubby everytime tell my baby, you now bully mummy, naughty boy right?? Come out i smack ur backside then you know.... Sometimes as if the baby can understand what we are saying, he will move the in tummy, shaking his backside... haha


New Member
saw my gynae too n baby's engaged already.. phew! asked him if baby might change position again n he said shld not .. then told me to tell baby to stay put! :001_302:

baby's now around 2.65kg so gynae dint tell me to eat more already.. haha! he passed me my admission letter n will book e hospital room for me.. *panics*

re: stretch marks
i just noticed a few stretch marks too! :eek:

i think nsync su has delivered.. waiting for her update! :Dancing_wub:
i saw my gynae too yesterday, and doc say baby's engaged already and now baby around 2.8kg. she did the dilation check, n said that i dilated 1 cm. then asked me to do CTG to check the baby's heartbeat, and thanks GOD, baby's heartbeat also good, baby not in distress, though i got some contractions :tlaugh:

this early morning, i suddenly woke up and got quite bad mensus cramps feelings, feels like crying already :wecry:

did any1 noe if we've dilated 1cm, how many days left till delivery? :001_302:

anyone have trouble sleeping at nite due to the ache in the pevis area and difficult in turning from 1 side to another side????

I can't sleep well these 2 days a my pevis area painful... and if sleep on 1 side for a certain period of time, i can't turn over to the other side, it will be very painful, i have to turn over carefully and endure the pain.... and also suffer from backaches..... sometimes have to ask hubby to pull me up first in order to get out of the bed... feel like a bu dao weng.....

wonder if any mummies experience this too??? any way make me sleep better? Or the mattress too hard??? my hubby suggest to buy 1 soft soft mattress/ comforter to place on top of the current mattress so it will be soft soft and i can sleep better... wonder if it works, cuz dont feel like wasting $$ at this point of time...

any suggesstion??
i got this pain feeling too, since last sunday (sharp pain on my pubic bone, when i try to turn over / pull up my feet), and yesterday i asked my gynae, she said, it's due to baby pressing down. nothing we can do, just endure a while more :wefrown:


Hi MrsMorgan!

i'm just wondering how come till now i have yet to receive my admission letter? Instead, at the last minute i was told that my chosen gynae had to go for a course and won't be able to make it till i give birth...so i was seen by another gynae instead....
when's ur nxt checkup n which hosp u going to? hw's e new gynae? maybe u'll get ur admission letter on ur nxt checkup..

haha "preparing us" ... my hubby everytime tell my baby, you now bully mummy, naughty boy right?? Come out i smack your backside then you know.... Sometimes as if the baby can understand what we are saying, he will move the in tummy, shaking his backside... haha
yah sometimes when hubs tells bb nt to disturb mummy, i'll just tell him, like father like son what! both like to irritate mummy! :001_302:

did any1 know if we've dilated 1cm, how many days left till delivery? :001_302:
hmm.. frm what ive learnt frm e mummies here, we cant really tell hw soon till delivery.. some mummies can be 3cm dilated but only deliver 1 or 2wks later!


today check up doctor day baby alr engaged very deeply now..he is kicking a lot every day.so difficult to sleep now..

doctor also hand me the admission letter today..

gg for my maternity leave soon...work 4 more days.:Dancing_tongue:


i thought i was going into labour this aftnn! had stomach upset on n off so i called my gynae n was told to go to hosp but luckily i decided to wait n see if it's just a false alarm.. turned out to be diarrhoea.. nw feeling much better.. some say diarrhoea is a sign that bb's coming soon! *panics* :err:


New Member
yup natural if possible.. oh you'll be alone cuz you're going for c-sect with ga right? if im not wrg you cant use epi cuz of your spine? dont think so much.. you'll be alone but you wont be awake so just be strong for your baby ok! *hugs*
:tlaugh:thanks... just so scared, it's so near, yet still so far. I feel like i've had enough of being pregnant, another week is just tooo long... if c-sect under GA i won't be awake so alone is ok... but even natural i will also be alone... so that's what's making me feel so half hearted and sian to try... :embarrassed:


New Member
Shi san yee, i would encourage you to try for natural, can your mum accompany you inside? Natural birth you will heal faster and no scar on tummy.
I think c-sect has its limitations like you cant have more than 2 or 3 c-sect? Then might limit your chances of having more children next time.
I also wanna try, i think at MT A mum can come on in, except my mum won't want to. I'm just quite scared of doctors and nurses being very authoritative and start to intimidate me then even if i'm so much in pain that i swear i'm about to pass out also don't dare to tell them... hehe. YEah the faster healing is the only factor for me to wanna wait for natural, coz i need to go back to work in a mth. *stress*


Well-Known Member
i thought i was going into labour this aftnn! had stomach upset on n off so i called my gynae n was told to go to hospital but luckily i decided to wait n see if it's just a false alarm.. turned out to be diarrhoea.. now feeling much better.. some say diarrhoea is a sign that baby's coming soon! *panics* :err:
yeah me too, I have stomach aches on and off as well, turn out to be diarrhea and/or gas.


New Member
when's your nxt checkup n which hospital you going to? hw's e new gynae? maybe you'll get your admission letter on your nxt checkup..
My next checkup is this coming Wed 31/3 at KKH. So far, the new gynae is ok but still wondering what she told me as the next check up is gonna be another gynae as she will nt be ard for the nxt 2 wks. By then, if i were to deliver, i can take the relief gynae instead...haiz...


New Member
yeah me too, I have stomach aches on and off as well, turn out to be diarrhea and/or gas.
I noticed also I'm having more bouts of diarrhea and gas which becomes very painful and causes bloat... already so bloated still bloat somemore very uncomfortable. And i'm not even engaged yet


Well-Known Member
Yeah same, not sure if I'm engaged yet, probably will know when I go for the next check up.

Bloating, I can't really feel, probably because I'm already bloated, but its the pain that causes great discomfort. In the end, hubby is worried about me going out for walks.