EDD in APR 2010


Well-Known Member
Yeah taking care of baby has been really hectic, last few days, she kept crying during noon at first don't know why, later on, she'll only calm down when carried in a certai position and have to keep walking around, if stop or sit down, she'll start crying again.

I cannot do anything, any household chores or even eat lunch. Til someone come home and take over.

I didn't go back to the doc for her jaundice check anymore. Refused to let them do it. Everytime poke then say monitor monitor,then next day poke then monitor monitor, she barely settle down from the last needle, have to make her undergo the next one. Very heartpain..In the end, everyone says don't need to go back. so they help us sun her everyday, and make sure that she drink lots of fluids.


New Member
Dear April Mummies,

I have delivered my baby in April 7. He is turning 7 week old this week. Last saturday brought him for his 6 in 1 vaccination. He is having on-off fever for the last few days, and been very cranky. He used to drink 120ml of expressed breastmilk per feed. dont't know whether is it because of the jap, he is not finishing his milk, and seems to be throwing out the milk.

Does any mummy facing this kind of situation after having the jap? Indeed life after the baby is born been very stressful. I can considered myself an expressed MOM. i pump every 3 to 4 hours. What to do, my baby doesn't really want to take my breast.

Anyone has the same situation? Do advise on the side-effects of the jap.
Yeah taking care of baby has been really hectic, last few days, she kept crying during noon at first dont't know why, later on, she'll only calm down when carried in a certai position and have to keep walking around, if stop or sit down, she'll start crying again.

I cannot do anything, any household chores or even eat lunch. Til someone come home and take over.

I didn't go back to the doc for her jaundice check anymore. Refused to let them do it. Everytime poke then say monitor monitor,then next day poke then monitor monitor, she barely settle down from the last needle, have to make her undergo the next one. Very heartpain..In the end, everyone says dont't need to go back. so they help us sun her everyday, and make sure that she drink lots of fluids.
Renzie mummy, your baby might have colic as i have asked the pediatrician why baby cries at a certain time, she said when babies have colic, they will feel uncomfortable and cry only at certain time, you might want to give baby some colic drops, i am giving Dentinox but i feel dosage to heavy as per the packaging indication, so i am only giving my baby a little (less than 0.5ml) only when she is crying and tummy hard hard.

Dear April Mummies,

I have delivered my baby in April 7. He is turning 7 week old this week. Last saturday brought him for his 6 in 1 vaccination. He is having on-off fever for the last few days, and been very cranky. He used to drink 120ml of expressed breastmilk per feed. dont't know whether is it because of the jap, he is not finishing his milk, and seems to be throwing out the milk.

Does any mummy facing this kind of situation after having the jap? Indeed life after the baby is born been very stressful. I can considered myself an expressed MOM. i pump every 3 to 4 hours. What to do, my baby doesn't really want to take my breast.

Anyone has the same situation? Do advise on the side-effects of the jap.
My baby also refused to finish milk since yesterday coming back from KKH after doing full blood test, i think the poking is too traumatising for her. My baby drinks average 100ml but now drop to 80ml and kept struggling while i feed her. She has long refused my tits! Whenever i try to latch her on, she will take it for a while only and later give me that kind of want to vomit expression. I was like " my breasts very yucky meh? Even my baby dun want"
My hubby couldn't stop laughing when he sees my baby's reaction. Really a naughty girl.