EDD in December 2009


Dear all MTB... My wife and I have visited Tanny Chan. She was good but her consultation were way beyond our budget, spend $850+ on 1st consultation, thus need some recommendation on good and cost reasonable female gynae. If possible would you be able to share the cost of the pkg from the gynae and what is included in the pkg?

Thanks and have a nice day.
Hi Jws, my gynae is from KKH-TPS, she is Dr Chee Jing Jye, a female gynae, her consultation is 70 (first visit), i think subsequent visit is lesser (not sure how much, maybe 45). I have done some extra blood & urine test (i thk more than 5 tests) to check the liver & kidney cos due to mild hypentension, so my first visit rounded $380. I am very comfortable with her cos she is friendly & patient, and she seemed to be very concerned for my well-being.

Do u mind to share with us is it due to some complications that ur consultation was so high? :nah:Btw, when is your EDD? Hope u r also DEC MTB!!:Dancing_wub:


hi, just join the forum and a first time mum. EDD is 21st dec and now on follow up with Dr Goh Shen Li in KKH. Am confirmed 8 weeks gestation and ytd just went for my check up... can c the heart beat. So far only feel very tired, nausea during the evening time, sometime got appetite sometime don... then got funny craving and of cos stomach cramp....

Not a smooth one for me cos actually just had high fever for 3 days during the 6th weeks... keep going to c gynae cos fear for my BB.. hoping everything is ok as month goes by...


Active Member
Dear all MTB... My wife and I have visited Tanny Chan. She was good but her consultation were way beyond our budget, spend $850+ on 1st consultation, thus need some recommendation on good and cost reasonable female gynae. If possible would you be able to share the cost of the pkg from the gynae and what is included in the pkg?

Thanks and have a nice day.

My gynae's Dr JJ Chee at TPS (KKH).
Initial consultation was 80++ with some medication
2nd check up was consultation 70++, with blood tests for myself and my hubby coming up to be 110++

I signed up a consultation package with KKH that costs 448. It will throw in $100 voucher at the pharmacy (which you can use to buy baby products). If from the time you start your consultation till the time you sign up the package at 4 or 5 months there is remainder left, it can be deducted off your package (if you choose to sign). Else you can just continue to use.

If you finish the 488 value before you are due to sign the package at the 4 or 5 month mark, then after that you have an option to have each payment deducted off a specified credit card or bank account.

Saves time for me cuz i do not need to wait for payment etc, after i see my gynae i'll take medication (if any) and leave for the day. The receipts will be sent to your residence.

Downside is you may lose track of how much you are paying for the consultations etc.

However, i also understand depending on the condition of the baby/mother-to-be and the number of tests done and treatment (if any) the costs may vary. A good friend of mine had a difficult pregnancy throughout and by the time the baby was born, she had spent close to 10k just on consultations (excluding delivery charges)

Another factor to consider is the gynae which you have picked and the medical centre that you are going to. the charges between gynae may vary depending on experience and popularity etc.


Active Member
hi, just join the forum and a first time mum. EDD is 21st dec and now on follow up with Dr Goh Shen Li in KKH. Am confirmed 8 weeks gestation and ytd just went for my check up... can c the heart beat. So far only feel very tired, nausea during the evening time, sometime got appetite sometime don... then got funny craving and of cos stomach cramp....

Not a smooth one for me cos actually just had high fever for 3 days during the 6th weeks... keep going to c gynae cos fear for my BB.. hoping everything is ok as month goes by...
Hi catherlyn

Congrats :)
Ur baby signs are common, it will either get better over time, or worst case, get worse and then better :)

Please take care of yourself during the 1st trimester and enjoy the pregnancy :D


New Member
Hi Jws, my gynae is from KKH-TPS, she is Dr Chee Jing Jye, a female gynae, her consultation is 70 (first visit), i think subsequent visit is lesser (not sure how much, maybe 45). I have done some extra blood & urine test (i thk more than 5 tests) to check the liver & kidney cos due to mild hypentension, so my first visit rounded $380. I am very comfortable with her cos she is friendly & patient, and she seemed to be very concerned for my well-being.

Do u mind to share with us is it due to some complications that ur consultation was so high? :nah:Btw, when is your EDD? Hope u r also DEC MTB!!:Dancing_wub:
Thks Sufeit & Adelynn.
Yes, our EDD is 10 Dec 2009. Does Dr Chee JJ delivery at other hospitals? Is she experience?

Well, my wife has fast pulse rate and slightly hypertension. Thus her TMC doc recommend us to Tanny. However, being a 1st time parent, we really don't know what to expect and what test is required. Thus, we just flow their instruction. The tests we took are: -
1) Thyroid (~$60)
2) ECG (~$45)
3) Pap Smear (~$45)
4) Ultrasound Scan (~$180)
5) Blood Test (~$250)
6) Urine Test (Can't remember how much but ard $10 lah)
7) 1st Consultation (~$160)
8) Supplements (~$50)

Dr.Tanny was indeed very friendly, motherly and detailed in her work and we do felt comfortable with her. Unfortunately she doesn't have any pkg and the cost prior to delivery will amount up to about $5300 (based on the breakdown from the clinic staff) exlcuding her delivery fee and hospitalisation cost.

As we our companies does not have any maternity coverage, the cost is really coming hard on us.

BTW, can anybody advise what the cost if we want to take 1st trimester test? Some friend recommend Selina Chua from Mt.E and Jocelyn from TMC... can anybody share their recently experience with them?




My gynae is Dr Joycelyn Wong and she is amazing. When i went for my 1st appointment, she explained the whole 9 mths to me without me asking. She told me wat to expect during check-up, what i might be experiencing and lots more. 2 wks ago i had a very bad ms, so i went to see her without appointment. I told the nurse i'm willing to wait even if it takes a long time. When she saw me she gave me lots of words of encouragemnt to get me thru the ms and gave me mc to rest at home. Seriously, i have no regrets having her as my gynae. The only problem is u might have to wait at least a mth fot ur 1st appointment...but really it is def worth the wait... :)


New Member

My gynae is Dr Joycelyn Wong and she is amazing. When i went for my 1st appointment, she explained the whole 9 mths to me without me asking. She told me wat to expect during check-up, what i might be experiencing and lots more. 2 wks ago i had a very bad ms, so i went to see her without appointment. I told the nurse i'm willing to wait even if it takes a long time. When she saw me she gave me lots of words of encouragemnt to get me thru the ms and gave me mc to rest at home. Seriously, i have no regrets having her as my gynae. The only problem is u might have to wait at least a mth fot ur 1st appointment...but really it is def worth the wait... :)
Thks Haffa,
You are right that it's really a long wait... We have made an appointment with Dr Jocelyn on 10 June. Meanwhile, we saw another gynae near our place to get supplement and to do some scan.

Does anybody know the cost of doing the 1st trimester screening? And what is being test? I've heard that Blood Test and Ultra Sound Scanning are part of the screening. But other also mentioned that some fluid sample will be drawn out of the womb. Wondering which is correct.



New Member
Hi Gals,

This is my very first post in the forum. I'm a first time mummy. Gynae calculated my EDD as 30 Dec 2009 during my first visit at my 5th week. When I saw her again during my 7th week, we discovered I'm carrying twins during the ultrasound. It was also the first time we saw the babies' heartbeat. So cute.

Gynae said my EDD would most probably be earlier as it is common for multiples to be delivered before their full term. I pray that it is not too premature though.

Now, my husband and I are concerned about the hospital bills if the twins are too premature. Currently, we're seeing a private gynae in Punggol who delivers babies in either TMC or Mount Alvernia. We are contemplating if we should switch to KK.

Any advice for me? Any mummy in here having twins as well? :tsmile:


Hi Ladyminx,

Congrats!!!! How cool to be having twins... oh ya, welcome to this forum. I am sure you will find alot of helpful tips and advices from many mummies here...

I am not due in Dec but I like reading all the threads... (shows how bo liao I am)... haha...


Wah, twins leh... so cute.. Me juz like cream, EDD not in december but juz very boh liao n kapoh... haha!!! My gynae shud be same as urs... Hers at punggol too!!

Congrats to u!! 1 time gif birth to two so gd.... can close shop after dat... hehehe!!:Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub:


Hi Gals,

This is my very first post in the forum. I'm a first time mummy. Gynae calculated my EDD as 30 Dec 2009 during my first visit at my 5th week. When I saw her again during my 7th week, we discovered I'm carrying twins during the ultrasound. It was also the first time we saw the babies' heartbeat. So cute.

Gynae said my EDD would most probably be earlier as it is common for multiples to be delivered before their full term. I pray that it is not too premature though.

Now, my husband and I are concerned about the hospital bills if the twins are too premature. Currently, we're seeing a private gynae in Punggol who delivers babies in either TMC or Mount Alvernia. We are contemplating if we should switch to KK.

Any advice for me? Any mummy in here having twins as well? :tsmile:

Welcome and CONGRATS dear! Waahhh...u r soooo lucky coz u r having twins. Well..if u r worried abt the hospital bills, what u could do is call or go to the respective hospitals and enquire on the charges for the hospital stay, delivery etc. I am very sure they will answer ur queries. Then u can decide whether to stick to private doctor or KK. :)


Hi Gals,

This is my very first post in the forum. I'm a first time mummy. Gynae calculated my EDD as 30 Dec 2009 during my first visit at my 5th week. When I saw her again during my 7th week, we discovered I'm carrying twins during the ultrasound. It was also the first time we saw the babies' heartbeat. So cute.

Gynae said my EDD would most probably be earlier as it is common for multiples to be delivered before their full term. I pray that it is not too premature though.

Now, my husband and I are concerned about the hospital bills if the twins are too premature. Currently, we're seeing a private gynae in Punggol who delivers babies in either TMC or Mount Alvernia. We are contemplating if we should switch to KK.

Any advice for me? Any mummy in here having twins as well? :tsmile:
Hihi, congrats! You're super lucky to have twins! :D

Anyway, from what I know, though I can't be 100% certain, even if you switch to KK, if without the referral letter, the charges are more or less the same as Mt. A or TMC.

If you take referral letter, you cannot opt to see a specific gynae, meaning everytime you go for your checkup, you have to see whichever gynae they appoint you to. For delivery, gynae may not appear also. If you choose to see a specific gynae, then won't have referral letter subsidies any longer and must choose to stay in at least a B1 ward which works out to same as 4-bedded ward in TMC or mt. A.

Perhaps you could ask your present gynae to give you an estimation as to how much the hospital/delivery charges will add up to? For my gynae, he could tell us roughly how much everything would add up to and how much we need to fork out for cash after medisave deduction. :)

Take care! :D


New Member
Hi haffa and cui_er,

Thank you very much for your advice and the information that you have provided. I consulted my gynae during my last visit regarding my concern. She told me that I can continue to see her and pay per visit without signing up any package with her. If there is any complication, she'll refer me to KK immediately. She told me to just put up with class 'C' ward since I'll be there for a couple of days only and can save a lot on the hospital bill.

However, she told me not to worry too much as she is happy I am currently not working and therefore, no stress because stress is one of the contributing factors to premature babies, especially for multiples. Gynae also told us that as long as the babies are delivered on or after 35th week, able to breathe and suckle by themselves, they can go home. No need to stay in the hospital.

Since she feels that I'm doing pretty well for twins, my husband and I have decided that we'll stick to our current gynae, till delivery on the hope that all will go well.
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Dear December MTBs, does anybody already have visible tummy?
I put on a couple of kgs and now worry whether it is because of the baby or I need to keep to a diet... :embarrassed:


My edd when I used online calculator based on first day of last period is 8th dec. But on based on scanning size, my gynae gave the edd of 12th Dec. So still super long way to go!!!

I myself rarely feel nauseous, even with the first pregnancy. But a lot of books say it's best to not let yourself get too hungry or the nausea feeling with be even stronger. Also, during the rare periods where I do feel queasy, I find that eating sweet cornflakes like Frosties or Fruit Loops help quite a bit. :D

hihi,here another mummy....EDD is 12 dec 09...haha...same same wor.....well...u realli very lucky neh...i kep vomiting lo...lol....and appetite wasn't good too...haiz.....


Dear December MTBs, does anybody already have visible tummy?
I put on a couple of kgs and now worry whether it is because of the baby or I need to keep to a diet... :embarrassed:
congrats :). I am not pregnant or due in Dec, but I gave birth last Dec :). In total, till the time I delivered, I gained close to 13 kg I think. Upon delivery, your baby would be usually on average at least 3kg plus so the rest of the weight is yours which includes the fluid and placenta which don't really weigh that much either. think the gynae should be able to advise you if you think you are putting on too much. If you put on around 1 - 1.5kg or so each month I think, you are still ok.


shespice, HoneyLicious thanks a lot for your advises! My mum also said it's ok, when she was pragnent with me, she was quite overweight, but after delivery become thin as usual :)

Btw, congratulation, shespice! You must have 5 month baby now))) Lucky you are! All the best to you and your baby :)


Active Member
Hi Gals,

This is my very first post in the forum. I'm a first time mummy. Gynae calculated my EDD as 30 Dec 2009 during my first visit at my 5th week. When I saw her again during my 7th week, we discovered I'm carrying twins during the ultrasound. It was also the first time we saw the babies' heartbeat. So cute.

Gynae said my EDD would most probably be earlier as it is common for multiples to be delivered before their full term. I pray that it is not too premature though.

Now, my husband and I are concerned about the hospital bills if the twins are too premature. Currently, we're seeing a private gynae in Punggol who delivers babies in either Thomson Medical Center or Mount Alvernia. We are contemplating if we should switch to KK.

Any advice for me? Any mummy in here having twins as well? :tsmile:
i had DD at KKH last dec.. KKH only good whne they c the $$.. my gynae was the head of gynae n obs (dunno bout tat until i flip thru the flyers n brochures after discharge.. lol..), den + i pte patient.. so i think tat's y d ppl there all treat me good good...
m goin back to gynae for no.2, EDD expected to be in dec oso.. waiting 2 cfm later today.. will update u guys... (esp ye-ye.. lol...):tlaugh:

Dear December MTBs, does anybody already have visible tummy?
I put on a couple of kgs and now worry whether it is because of the baby or I need to keep to a diet... :embarrassed:
dun worry.. my weight increase from 45kg to 60+kg when i preg wib DD.. went back to 45kg when DD was bout 2+mths.. eat while u can.. cuz when mornign sickness comes, your weight will go down.. cuz u vomit wateva u eat..:shyxxx:

hihi,here another mummy....EDD is 12 dec 09...haha...same same .....well...you really very lucky neh...i kep vomiting ...lol....and appetite wasn't good too...haiz.....
did u puke our SAKURA???? :Dancing_tongue: