EDD in July?


Yup i will be getting the clothing from relatives. a relative give birth 6 months ago so they will give us some clothing and BB stuffs.

Hospital will provide some samples of milk powder for BB, anyway i will breastfeed first and see how.

Think if i go shopping for BB stuffs i will go crazy and may spend over budget.. :p
mixue84, if u are hvg a ger, u will really buy until siao cos u cant resist buying the clothings for ur ger ger...thats what i hv done for the past 2yrs+....until nw i really feel wasted...so if confirm my #2 is ger...at least someone can continue to wear, but #2 kelian lar...wear mostly old clothes...hehe
congrats to you....hehehe......i still hv to wait till 24 then can confirm another 20% that its a ger for me...hehehe.....

well, my MIL neighbour very KPO lar...tat day CNY saw me and noe im pregnant go and see duno wat calculation and say its ger and my MIL come and tell my hb this one confirm ger....me abit pissed lar...cos so KPO de...ger or boy, wats that to do with you....sigh....

in fact i got went and see from one website someone gvn and its ger lar...but duno hw true cos duno its base on western age or lunar age...cos bth answer different wor...

talking abt buying things, theres another place to go at chinatown, their stuffs also cheap...i bot quite alot from them, i must go dig out the namecard then gv the infos to you all...hehe
keke me too have check the website too.. and due to my age... is western n lunar age different... (wat goat head and monkey body - haha hope u know wat i say) than i have to see 3 age haha... therefore, i have wait so many year which have 3 age is ger.... than to get pregnant again keke... to hope to get a ger... ^_^ but still have to wait till 25th then know is ger or boy again....
mixue84, if u are hvg a ger, u will really buy until siao cos u cant resist buying the clothings for ur ger ger...thats what i hv done for the past 2yrs+....until nw i really feel wasted...so if confirm my #2 is ger...at least someone can continue to wear, but #2 kelian lar...wear mostly old clothes...hehe

usagibb, not kelian... at least she can help u save a bit here and there.... n baby grow very fast... than u will start to buy clothing for ur ger ger again ^_^

And for people tat KPO... hahah i also get it on CNY... 1st SIL say hmm... i think u boy again.... than another SIL no this time should be ger bcos her tummy not same, etc etc.....than the 1st SIL again ya should be girl... (aiyo, i thought she at first say is boy) OMG... dont say anymore juz give me a break....they juz give me headach..... hai
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usagibb, not kelian... at least she can help you save a bit here and there.... n baby grow very fast... than you will start to buy clothing for your ger ger again ^_^

And for people that KPO... hahah i also get it on CNY... 1st sister In law say hmm... i think you boy again.... than another sister In law no this time should be ger bcos her tummy not same, etc etc.....than the 1st sister In law again ya should be girl... (aiyo, i thought she at first say is boy) OMG... dont say anymore just give me a break....they just give me headach..... hai

i got a gf, her #2 ger is out growing than the #1 ger...haha.....she say next time maybe the #1 has to wear #2 clothings instead....i agree lar...maybe 1st yr will wear all jiejie clothings, but then i still will cont to buy new clothes for #2 cos its unresistable to buy for ger ger...wahahaha

ya....really cant stand all this people lei...everyone tell me this one better be boy...can be 'hao' zi...so what....its not something we can choose ourself de...boy or ger also destined de lor...haha....as long as healthy and next time grow up, kuai kuai, listen to parents is better than having the hao zi lor...haha....

anyway my SIL got 2 gers lei and i got 1 ger now, if my #2 is boy...also kelian, cos he will mix more with gers in future lor...i also worry he cant click with his cousins and sister...haha....cos u noe lar...now our family not big de...just few cousins only....hehe
i got a gf, her #2 ger is out growing than the #1 ger...haha.....she say next time maybe the #1 has to wear #2 clothings instead....i agree lar...maybe 1st yr will wear all jiejie clothings, but then i still will cont to buy new clothes for #2 cos its unresistable to buy for ger ger...wahahaha

ya....really cant stand all this people lei...everyone tell me this one better be boy...can be 'hao' zi...so what....its not something we can choose ourself de...boy or ger also destined de lor...haha....as long as healthy and next time grow up, kuai kuai, listen to parents is better than having the hao zi lor...haha....

anyway my SIL got 2 gers lei and i got 1 ger now, if my #2 is boy...also kelian, cos he will mix more with gers in future lor...i also worry he cant click with his cousins and sister...haha....cos u noe lar...now our family not big de...just few cousins only....hehe
ya.. than u have to start buying clothes from 2nd year... haha we can't switch our tummy right kekek ask it to switch to boy or ger keke...as long as baby is healthy and next time will listen to us... than we will be happy liao...

over my side here... all boy... about 10 over r boy and onli 3 or 4 r ger... and my elder son say if this is ger ask me give born 1 more ger than they can play to their partner kekek


ya.. than u have to start buying clothes from 2nd year... haha we can't switch our tummy right kekek ask it to switch to boy or ger keke...as long as baby is healthy and next time will listen to us... than we will be happy liao...

over my side here... all boy... about 10 over r boy and onli 3 or 4 r ger... and my elder son say if this is ger ask me give born 1 more ger than they can play to their partner kekek
4th one....hehe....

yday my gf came my place for CNY gathering and tell me this one boy better, so can form 'hao' zi...i told her boy or ger, doesnt matter cos im gg to close shop...haha....stressful to have so many kids...2 will be more than enough for me, too bad, i cant help govt to gv birth to more...hehe....


Hey mummies,

There are 2 warehouses in Kaki Bukit

- Baby Kingdom
- Baby Hyperstore

If you have cars easier to drive in to buy. if not have to walk into the industrial area.

I have also google that there will be an expo baby fair in Apr:-
Baby Superstore

22-24Apr (Fri-Sun) 11am to 9pm Expo Hall 6A

Think i will go for this fair.
Thanks Mixue84, this is very useful info for me as 1st timer too!

I still have not bought much cuz still trying to gather whatever my cousins, friends and colleagues can pass to me before buying on my own. Always good to save money since baby grow things out so fast! And I was also thinking of setting up a wishlist so friends know what they can get for baby, instead of getting items I already have - bit wasted that way. Anyone does that in Sg?

Things I have been buying currently for mostly clothes for myself! Since I am outgrowing the normal clothes I have and still not big enough for maternity. headache! also don't want to buy too much too early cause won't know how big I will get. haha...not sure if you all buy online. ASOS, UK brand, they have sale for maternity clothes and they offer free international shipping, can browse if interested.


Thanks Mixue84, this is very useful info for me as 1st timer too!

I still have not bought much cuz still trying to gather whatever my cousins, friends and colleagues can pass to me before buying on my own. Always good to save money since baby grow things out so fast! And I was also thinking of setting up a wishlist so friends know what they can get for baby, instead of getting items I already have - bit wasted that way. Anyone does that in Sg?

Things I have been buying currently for mostly clothes for myself! Since I am outgrowing the normal clothes I have and still not big enough for maternity. headache! also don't want to buy too much too early cause won't know how big I will get. haha...not sure if you all buy online. ASOS, UK brand, they have sale for maternity clothes and they offer free international shipping, can browse if interested.
raindrop, ya...ON also alot of maternity clothings...hehe...can browse that too...hehe...anyway i dun think i wana get any clothings liao, enough to wear except for a jean skirt bah...thats what i need bah...hehe
raindrop, ya...ON also alot of maternity clothings...hehe...can browse that too...hehe...anyway i dun think i wana get any clothings liao, enough to wear except for a jean skirt bah...thats what i need bah...hehe
me too... did not buy cos my sis give birth liao... and she pass me alot... so can save there abit keke


Thanks Mixue84, this is very useful info for me as 1st timer too!

I still have not bought much cuz still trying to gather whatever my cousins, friends and colleagues can pass to me before buying on my own. Always good to save money since baby grow things out so fast! And I was also thinking of setting up a wishlist so friends know what they can get for baby, instead of getting items I already have - bit wasted that way. Anyone does that in Sg?

Things I have been buying currently for mostly clothes for myself! Since I am outgrowing the normal clothes I have and still not big enough for maternity. headache! also don't want to buy too much too early cause won't know how big I will get. haha...not sure if you all buy online. ASOS, UK brand, they have sale for maternity clothes and they offer free international shipping, can browse if interested.
Raindrop, I am same as you been buying clothing for myself instead and been looking out for BB stuffs from cousin and frens. Maternity clothing is so expensive. Luckily, i buy those clothing after i give birth still can wear. I have been spending 100 over bucks on myself each time i go shop.
I havent get to see the webby on the maternity clothing they offer. Will look through them this weekend.


Raindrop, I am same as you been buying clothing for myself instead and been looking out for BB stuffs from cousin and frens. Maternity clothing is so expensive. Luckily, i buy those clothing after i give birth still can wear. I have been spending 100 over bucks on myself each time i go shop.
I havent get to see the webby on the maternity clothing they offer. Will look through them this weekend.
mixue 84, it wun be wasted if u are gg to gv birth for #2, #3...thats what i did previously, also buy alot of maternity wear, so now dun need to waste money...hehe


Raindrop, I am same as you been buying clothing for myself instead and been looking out for BB stuffs from cousin and frens. Maternity clothing is so expensive. Luckily, i buy those clothing after i give birth still can wear. I have been spending 100 over bucks on myself each time i go shop.
I havent get to see the webby on the maternity clothing they offer. Will look through them this weekend.
haha...i thought I was the only one, indulging myself. =þ Yes, maternity is so expensive! I have also been searching for larger sized clothes for now, instead of maternity wear. ASOS sale might end soon leh. I join a spree to buy. u wan the contact? The spree ends tonight I think.


mixue 84, it wun be wasted if u are gg to gv birth for #2, #3...thats what i did previously, also buy alot of maternity wear, so now dun need to waste money...hehe
that's what i thought oso. invest in better maternity wear for #1 then can use for next one. maybe won't have #3 ba....so expensive to raise kids in sg. =þ


that's what i thought oso. invest in better maternity wear for #1 then can use for next one. maybe won't have #3 ba....so expensive to raise kids in sg. =þ
this one i agree lei.....not easy lei....and exp also...hw to hv more kids...hard lar
this one i agree lei.....not easy lei....and exp also...hw to hv more kids...hard lar
i agree too... but bcos i have 2 boys and i saw all around me, daughter have more parent heart... although i know tat boy is still our kids. but bcos i scare next time they will juz follow their gf/wife heart hahaha....... and i wish to have a kid which can understand parent more.. tat y try again... if no i wouldn't be trying cos really is too exp liao....


haha...i thought I was the only one, indulging myself. =þ Yes, maternity is so expensive! I have also been searching for larger sized clothes for now, instead of maternity wear. ASOS sale might end soon . I join a spree to buy. you want the contact? The spree ends tonight I think.
Raindrop, Its okay i will look through them over the weekend.. so busy with work now.. hee.. Thank you for informing us. :)