EDD in July?


Hi Raindrop, wkday is $224.70 and wkend is 267.50. So far kk is the cheapest of all
Thanks crankywoman! I have joined the FBI programme with Thomson so I think I can get some discounts...but not really sure yet. Need to call and enquire about when the next class still start too. Dunno if there any sessions in March.


Thanks crankywoman! I have joined the FBI programme with Thomson so I think I can get some discounts...but not really sure yet. Need to call and enquire about when the next class still start too. Dunno if there any sessions in March.
i think the discount is $20 or $50, not alot lar...hehe


Jennifer, every night my hubby will make me listen to 儿歌 like those ABC songs.. At times i feel baby moving, but not much. Do you feel baby move outside tummy area?

some say week 20 or 21 then can feel it. hmmm.. i dont know .. but i do feel and hear bubbles so do hubby when he listen.
I can already feel baby move with my hands! :)

Hi Tiggee, my mum will be my confinement lady.

I am staying near my parents so she decides to help me take care of baby. Actually, i do consider hiring a confinement lady so my mum can take care of baby and CL can take care of me on cooking or maybe provide more advice on taking care of baby. but when i raise out, my mum scolded me.. LOL :D

Do CL do some housework for us? or she only take care of baby and us?
My parents can do my confinement for me. So no choice, need CL. As for housechores, I got ppl to do them as well.

Most CL only do basic housework.

how old is everyone? i think some of you still quite young...hehe
I would think I'm the youngest? Hahas.

so far i am okay. first trimester, i do have morning sickness but not that serious as i think. I took at most 3 days MC during that period.
I came to know i am preg only when baby already 6weeks old cause my menses always delay so didnt take note of it. I came to feel stomach very bloated and keep running toilet then i decides to test. Then also feeling very exhausted everyday even i have more than 8 hours of sleeping time. I slept at 9 everyday during the 1st trimester but still feel tired.

Now second trimester, i feel my energy coming back. My pace of walking is back to normal as times fast then feel easier while working.

how about you guys?
I lost weight I'm my 1st tri due to morning sickness. So up till now nv really gained any weight from pre-pregnancy.

Hi Mummies, anyone of you will be attending the antenatal classes?
I would most prob be attending. My hubby is dumb dumb when it comes to babies.


Wao it take me sometime to read finish all the post of today.. so active today! Nice

Yeah tml shall meet my little one la hahahaha so happy. Hopefully can tell is a boy/girl.

I am 1st time mom too, really alot of things to buy but I guess talk to experience ppl, get feedback is good.Will help to cut down unessary purchase and get the right item right from the beginning. I also have make a list of item to purchase, so I can compare price and review from ppl and see what's suitable to buy.

Is the taka BB fair really much cheaper? never been to one before.

Every morning and night both my hubby and me will talk to baby, say good morning, good night to baby and at night will spend alittle more time to talk to baby about what we experience during the day. I love talking to my tummy hahaha is kinda fun coz baby inside me ma.. baby will share all the feeling and experience I have 24hr a day! Sometimes I eat sth nice I will also ask if bb u like it? is my fav. food u know hahahaa or just talk anything to baby hahaha.

I did read some books on prenatal education, per my understanding, as long as you listen to music that you like and more simple tune one not those heavy metal type will be fine.. is not a must to be those baby song / instrumental one coz the pt of listening to music is to make u relax.. feel good ... ease the tense in you.. so when mom listen to music they like (even is 933 also ok) they feel happy feel good is already good for the baby... hubby and I also started reading story to baby, once a week now coz still quite early more like practise for us haha will slowly do it more frequent :p I got this big story book with min. words and colorful big picture, it will help to build bond with baby and also mom see the big colorful picture will some how train the right brain of baby (That's how baby learn) hahaha well.. that's according to the books i have read, just sharing

Preg. is just so fun! hahahahha
Hey uksportgal, I agree preg. is fun but is tire too keke. For me I can't really eat much due to morning sickness... n also is different for my pass 2 preg. I feel more tire n keep having flu hai... But when now can feel baby moving inside my tummy all tire is gone haha ^_^


New Member
Wow! Everyone so on today? Must be the happy weekend syndrome.

I must the oldest at 37 :shyxxx: This baby took all of us by surprise, everyone's too busy
With daily schedule, no time to talk/sing to him :(

For the record, I'll be delivering at Gleneagles. Have fun, all New Mummies. I sure have a lot of shopping to do becos all my 3boys are VERY BIG already :p


Good Morning All!

I will be attending the antenatal class at Raffles with my hubby.
The price for it is S$179.75(exclude GST) also a 6 lesson courses. it conducts every Tuesday. Will sign up on that day during my detail scan. :)

Besides Taka BB fair, is there expo BB fair too? actually not necessary must onli get at taka. There is one place which sell wholesale BB products at Kaki Bukit, quite cheap. They make delivery if you purchase alot. In details, I will have to check out.
Do anyone knows?


Hey mummies,

There are 2 warehouses in Kaki Bukit

- Baby Kingdom
- Baby Hyperstore

If you have cars easier to drive in to buy. if not have to walk into the industrial area.

I have also google that there will be an expo baby fair in Apr:-
Baby Superstore

22-24Apr (Fri-Sun) 11am to 9pm Expo Hall 6A

Think i will go for this fair.


Hohoho back from scanning! Is a boy! :) well wanted to be bunny girl but nvm, as long as is healthy baby.. all my friend's kids so far majority is boy so they all can play soccer together just like their dad hahaha.

Can start shopping looo... ya I will wanna go the baby expo too! can't wait~ must start to do more market research on price then will know if the fair price is really good :p
Hohoho back from scanning! Is a boy! :) well wanted to be bunny girl but nvm, as long as is healthy baby.. all my friend's kids so far majority is boy so they all can play soccer together just like their dad hahaha.

Can start shopping looo... ya I will wanna go the baby expo too! can't wait~ must start to do more market research on price then will know if the fair price is really good :p
Cong. To u. N have a happy n wonderful shopping


Hohoho back from scanning! Is a boy! :) well wanted to be bunny girl but nvm, as long as is healthy baby.. all my friend's kids so far majority is boy so they all can play soccer together just like their dad hahaha.

Can start shopping looo... ya I will wanna go the baby expo too! can't wait~ must start to do more market research on price then will know if the fair price is really good :p
Congrats to you hee.. yup buy more things lo.
I am researching them now le, will share with you all where and what i buying. hee.. 1st time BB alot need to buy lo.
Congrats to you hee.. yup buy more things lo.
I am researching them now le, will share with you all where and what i buying. hee.. 1st time BB alot need to buy lo.
Thks mixue84, although is my 3rd kid, I have to buy all the item again... N still haven't start searching keke ^_^
Jennifer, since this is ur 3rd kid, may i know where you usually will buy BB stuffs?
Stroller, milk bottle, pamper, oil for baby, cream, etc but I wouldn't but baby clothing cos some old peoples say let baby wear other baby clothes so next time baby wouldn't be so selfish (if u can get fr ur friend or relative). For milk powder, u can wait till u give birth than see wat brand of powder the hospital give ur kid but if u have the brand in ur mind u can buy but it later.

Can't really remember have to go shopping than will know keke.


Stroller, milk bottle, pamper, oil for baby, cream, etc but I wouldn't but baby clothing cos some old peoples say let baby wear other baby clothes so next time baby wouldn't be so selfish (if u can get fr ur friend or relative). For milk powder, u can wait till u give birth than see wat brand of powder the hospital give ur kid but if u have the brand in ur mind u can buy but it later.

Can't really remember have to go shopping than will know keke.
Yup i will be getting the clothing from relatives. a relative give birth 6 months ago so they will give us some clothing and BB stuffs.

Hospital will provide some samples of milk powder for BB, anyway i will breastfeed first and see how.

Think if i go shopping for BB stuffs i will go crazy and may spend over budget.. :p
Yup i will be getting the clothing from relatives. a relative give birth 6 months ago so they will give us some clothing and BB stuffs.

Hospital will provide some samples of milk powder for BB, anyway i will breastfeed first and see how.

Think if i go shopping for BB stuffs i will go crazy and may spend over budget.. :p
Yes I agree wif u keke


Hohoho back from scanning! Is a boy! :) well wanted to be bunny girl but nvm, as long as is healthy baby.. all my friend's kids so far majority is boy so they all can play soccer together just like their dad hahaha.

Can start shopping looo... ya I will wanna go the baby expo too! can't wait~ must start to do more market research on price then will know if the fair price is really good :p

congrats to you....hehehe......i still hv to wait till 24 then can confirm another 20% that its a ger for me...hehehe.....

well, my MIL neighbour very KPO lar...tat day CNY saw me and noe im pregnant go and see duno wat calculation and say its ger and my MIL come and tell my hb this one confirm ger....me abit pissed lar...cos so KPO de...ger or boy, wats that to do with you....sigh....

in fact i got went and see from one website someone gvn and its ger lar...but duno hw true cos duno its base on western age or lunar age...cos bth answer different wor...

talking abt buying things, theres another place to go at chinatown, their stuffs also cheap...i bot quite alot from them, i must go dig out the namecard then gv the infos to you all...hehe