EDD in Sept 2011

i can sleep on any sides but mux c baby mood.. xD sometimes i sleep left he dont lik will kick lik no tomorrow then i turn right side he dont kick then can sleep. if both side also kick then sleep on back. sleep on back he still kick means he dont want mi to sleep yet.. lolx~~
she was kicking me last night but i was so dead tired and just want to rest on bed and gone to sleep until 3am in the morning... really the tirness is kicking in this 3rd tri.

yup, very tired. but im waiting for this friday and my ML start .
i got 8.5 days to go!! really quite unbearable to be here.....

Me too.. Hard to sleep well at nitz.. Ytd nitz think baby press on me somewhere again, make my whole hip and leg cramp and pain like hell.. No matter what position I try to sleep.. Today mc, got my belly button got infection.. Sigh!! And I got LS too .. But if we give birth now, I mean for me , isit too early early? Pre-matual right?? Me only going to be week 32 only..
do take care

yeah i have that kind of feeling like baby is ready to come out anytime now...
mine just reach 32 weeks another 5 weeks more she is full term!
time really flies


think 30th of august will be better... 24th is stil the 7th month.... 30th i thnk its the 8th month liao....=)
30th is my mom's birthday X] i told my mom if can i choose that date.. can save money on one cake.. very the gian peng =3

Charlottetan - induce usually when baby is late or water bag burst but no contraction or something like that only right?
Carisella - never ley.... Maybe next one. And im sure u can do it if baby is 3.3kg... My 1st was 3.4 n no problems at all.
Waterbag burst not necessary have to immediately baby have to come out straight away but must within 24 hours according to a webby i saw earlier this year.. induce if baby super overdue and don't want to come out or if there's complications in the pregnancy but still can normal delivery no need to straight away c-sect.

It s ok my dear!!! although im scared but still at least i seen it. so i know what will happen and wad pain to expect. cheers!
The video the woman don't seem to be in any pain one :( makes u think give birth "puttt" baby come out liao X]

zzzz i dont have enuff sleep i keep waking at odd hrs... with back pain.. back too hot etc etc
On Aircon + Fan!! X]

guess its more tiring to carry the extra weight?
Extra weight? what extra weight *looks down* oh!! the watermelon in front .. X] more like personal hand rest liao X]

me too.... wake up with braxton hicks everytime. today lao sai again.... my grandma says it's a sign labor is near. i wish it's true!
LS or BH is sign labor is near? or Both?

yup i start one month early. cannot take it already.
T.T my office don't let me go earlier .. lol.. ask me at least come to work tiao ka everyday and assist temp staff in work


this sentence make me LOL so loud in office.. hahaha
heh! don't tell me when u waiting for mrt, taxi, lift, go toilet, you don't put your hand on your tummy as if it's a hand rest X] cos i notice i do that a lot X] reminds me of my pastor in secondary sch.. he has a HUGE belly and always rest his hand on it with the bible.. X]

Ask you all ah.. the full month cakes hor.. if you buy for colleagues right, you buy individually or you buy maybe 2 to 3 boxes then all share?
heh! don't tell me when u waiting for mrt, taxi, lift, go toilet, you don't put your hand on your tummy as if it's a hand rest X] cos i notice i do that a lot X] reminds me of my pastor in secondary sch.. he has a HUGE belly and always rest his hand on it with the bible.. X]

Ask you all ah.. the full month cakes hor.. if you buy for colleagues right, you buy individually or you buy maybe 2 to 3 boxes then all share?
For me is when she kicking I just put my hands where she kicks and feel her kicking..
Sometimes if she kicks for long period of time, I will just tell her.. try to hold mommy hand.. my hubby says I am very nottie.. I just tell him I am playing with baby… she will stop kicking after that haha.. >.<||

Well depends on how big the department?
I was thinking if they renew me, then I will give them the box, now no.. forget it!! Lol
Hee hee but those friends who give something or hand me down I will get the small box for them as appreciation.
Family side will depends on my parents idea…
I saw some of my friend they just give relatives only. Friends don’t give.. so depends on their practice I guess.


30th is my mom's birthday X] i told my mom if can i choose that date.. can save money on one cake.. very the gian peng =3

Extra weight? what extra weight *looks down* oh!! the watermelon in front .. X] more like personal hand rest liao X]
LOL~~ i think i understand e watermelon thing.. hahahah~ i always do tat.. xD

heh~ my mom bday on 3sept, told her e same thing n she oso hope baby come out on tat day den can celebrate together.


heh! don't tell me when u waiting for mrt, taxi, lift, go toilet, you don't put your hand on your tummy as if it's a hand rest X] cos i notice i do that a lot X] reminds me of my pastor in secondary sch.. he has a HUGE belly and always rest his hand on it with the bible.. X]

Ask you all ah.. the full month cakes hor.. if you buy for colleagues right, you buy individually or you buy maybe 2 to 3 boxes then all share?

From what i know is only for relatives. but i think i will still get 2-3 boxes for them to share. cause anyway will still invite them to bb full month party.
I got mine during motherhood fair and the third one is hand made gift from my mom's friend. I think some websites also sell them.
There selling one at like 20 plus if I m
Not wrong... Quite ex outside... My MIL handmade a few for my first girl.. Now second one also can use:)