EDD in Sept 2011

haha i wonder what will mine be on 6th august... hope she is growing but not too overweight....
yep being happy is important.. it change things around me :)

yeah... have to stay positive n happy at all times... like tt bb will b happy n positive like the mothers... jiayou mummies... its the last lap... jus 1 more month plus to go=))))
Hi my fren says that post natal massage is very painful, :embarrassed: is it true?
hahaahha... first session its painful... subsequently i kinda get immune to the pain already... its forceful I shld say... but for my case... i really can see... results(blood clot on my pad..) is clot ... really... one piece one piece de... so... have to bear to the pain lo.. to achieve maximum results=)


hahaahha... first session its painful... subsequently i kinda get immune to the pain already... its forceful I shld say... but for my case... i really can see... results(blood clot on my pad..) is clot ... really... one piece one piece ... so... have to bear to the pain .. to achieve maximum results=)
>.< serious?? O.O omg~~~ ahhhhh~~~!!!!


I cant wait for my next appt too. 3 weeks more... Can feel my baby is still sideways. Last nite his head pop up on my left like a tennis ball n a smaller bump on my right, maybe his foot. Rub his head... So nice. I plan already, next appt when doc schedule my c-sect i wanna ask for few days before hari raya. So one time big party at home! :)
Now laying in bed... All ready to go out n find the bean pillow but suddenly really hard to breathe n feel like fainting. So hubby ask me to lie down first. Feels like athsma but i dont have it. Hope will go away soon... Wear make up already! Wanna go out!


hubby no use.. lol~ but but ... argh~ >.< neva went for any massage before.. scary.. T.T
Dont worry... U'll like it. Ur body will feel so much better after months of carrying extra weight.

Can breathe a bit better now... Touch up my hair n go find my bean pillow. Catch up with u ladies later! :)


hubby no use.. lol~ but but ... argh~ >.< neva went for any massage before.. scary.. T.T
prenatal massage is fine de. very relaxing. but post natal jus like what the ladies said. cause my fren do 5 times then stop. says that cant tahan the pain.


prenatal massage is fine de. very relaxing. but post natal jus like what the ladies said. cause my fren do 5 times then stop. says that cant tahan the pain.
but i heard frm alot of ppl tat post natal massage is veri gd n it helps getting body back in shape faster. >.<


Active Member
hahaahha... first session its painful... subsequently i kinda get immune to the pain already... its forceful I shld say... but for my case... i really can see... results(blood clot on my pad..) is clot ... really... one piece one piece de... so... have to bear to the pain lo.. to achieve maximum results=)
Glad to know that your bb is gaining weight! :D
Does post natal massage really help to flatten the tummy etc?
I am contemplating whether to get the post natal massage package >.<"


Active Member
see your going to gynae, so happy. i still need to wait till 35weeks 10 aug den go check up again. my last chk up is week 31.

charlotte mummy, hospital leave definitely helps! u must always keep yourself happy and cheerful mood. so that baby will feel it and also start to absorb more foods!
My next gynae visit is also on the 10th Aug... Week 32 + :D
2 consecutive rest days! 9 Aug and 10 Aug =X
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I cant wait for my next appt too. 3 weeks more... Can feel my baby is still sideways. Last nite his head pop up on my left like a tennis ball n a smaller bump on my right, maybe his foot. Rub his head... So nice. I plan already, next appt when doc schedule my c-sect i wanna ask for few days before hari raya. So one time big party at home! :)
Now laying in bed... All ready to go out n find the bean pillow but suddenly really hard to breathe n feel like fainting. So hubby ask me to lie down first. Feels like athsma but i dont have it. Hope will go away soon... Wear make up already! Wanna go out!
take care and have fun shopping! :)
let us know which shop u find it cheaper :p hehehe
yeah... have to stay positive n happy at all times... like that baby will b happy n positive like the mothers... jiayou mummies... its the last lap... just 1 more month plus to go=))))
its seems to be so fast our turn :001_302:

hubby no use.. lol~ but but ... argh~ >.< neva went for any massage before.. scary.. T.T
i seldom go massage before.. i also cannot tahan some of the massages.. always ask them to do lighter.. haha

i have yet to decide my baby name hopefully can short list them soon...


its seems to be so fast our turn :001_302:

i seldom go massage before.. i also cannot tahan some of the massages.. always ask them to do lighter.. haha

i have yet to decide my baby name hopefully can short list them soon...
try searching online for ideas.. ^.^


Active Member
Been trying to look up websites for inspiration but so far still dont seem to find anything suitable.

My daughter's name is similar to mine so I hope didi's name will also be similar to his daddy (Jason) but almost everyone suggests Jayden to me... -_-"