EDD in Sept 2011


So far!! But lots of nice babystuff there... And food!! Yummm... But no matter what nothing like Sg food right... So ur baby wont be singaporean then?


Hello mummies pls update!

Lydia -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 -> Princess-> Thomson Medical Center with Dr AL Lim
Carisella -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 - > Gender unknown - > Mt Alvernia / Thomson Medical Center (not yet decided between this two) with Dr Adrian Woodsworth
qian1984 -> EDD 15 sept 2011 > Gender unknown > Mt Alvernia with Dr C K Tho
Yun -> EDD 20 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
RabbitMummy -> EDD 20 Sept -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
Shannyang -> EDD 23 Sept 2011 -> Prince -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr Lawrence Ang


have u guys thought of a name? before the detailed scan we shortlisted Natalie/Victoria for girl, Arthur/Ethan for boy. anyway since we know that we are having a baby girl, she will be named Natalie Ng Rui En :)

ive also signed up for the breastfeeding workshop with Pigeon this weekend. any mummies going?


Hello mummies pls update!

Lydia -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 -> Princess-> Thomson Medical Center with Dr AL Lim
Carisella -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 - > Gender unknown - > Mt Alvernia / Thomson Medical Center (not yet decided between this two) with Dr Adrian Woodsworth
qian1984 -> EDD 15 sept 2011 > Gender unknown > Mt Alvernia with Dr C K Tho
Yun -> EDD 20 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
RabbitMummy -> EDD 20 Sept -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
Shannyang -> EDD 23 Sept 2011 -> Prince -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr Lawrence Ang
Here's mine.

Lydia -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 -> Princess-> Thomson Medical Center with Dr AL Lim
Carisella -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 - > Gender unknown - > Mt Alvernia / Thomson Medical Center (not yet decided between this two) with Dr Adrian Woodsworth
qian1984 -> EDD 15 sept 2011 > Gender unknown > Mt Alvernia with Dr C K Tho
Yun -> EDD 20 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
RabbitMummy -> EDD 20 Sept -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
Shannyang -> EDD 23 Sept 2011 -> Prince -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr Lawrence Ang
dolphyant -> EDD 25 Sept 2011 -> Gender Unknown -> Mt Alvernia with Dr Fong Yang


So far!! But lots of nice babystuff there... And food!! Yummm... But no matter what nothing like Sg food right... So ur baby wont be singaporean then?
Oh the baby will definitely be Singaporean. Cos over here there's no such thing like US's policy where if you're born in the country, you get citizenship.

But yeah, the children's clothes here are very nice. especially H&M, very affordable. Other stuff like strollers and cots are expensive though, priced several times more than what the same thing costs in Sg.

As for food, singapore is still the best place! Unbeatable in terms of variety and price.


ive also signed up for the breastfeeding workshop with Pigeon this weekend. any mummies going?
Hi lydiaveroni... Do u have the link or details to the workshop? I'd like to go....
And that's a beautiful name. I have a colleague named Rui Ern n she's so sweet... Im sure ur bb girl will be too.My husband is so sure we're having a girl as well, but we'll only find out next week. (hopefully bb will show) All ready with a name for her too. Told him he should start looking up boys name too just in case.


Oh the baby will definitely be Singaporean. Cos over here there's no such thing like US's policy where if you're born in the country, you get citizenship.

But yeah, the children's clothes here are very nice. especially H&M, very affordable. Other stuff like strollers and cots are expensive though, priced several times more than what the same thing costs in Sg.

As for food, singapore is still the best place! Unbeatable in terms of variety and price.
Are u in UK? Before i thought of of giving birth there, but then after thinking of future, i think Singapore citizenship better in terms of school, safety etc. So how long u'll be away for?

Anyway another baby fair this weekend! Anyone going? I wanna go so much but hubby said no. Must wait till i find out bb's gender. I think he's worried i will buy both boy & girl stuff again! Lol....


Both me and my hub wants gal as well.. We have think of all the gals name. Coz we felt tat i am expecting gal. scarly scan out is a prince.. faintz!!
Prince is Okie for us also la.. but of coz in term of boy stuffs is not as much as gal one nicer..


Here's mine.

Lydia -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 -> Princess-> Thomson Medical Center with Dr AL Lim
Carisella -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 - > Gender unknown - > Mt Alvernia / Thomson Medical Center (not yet decided between this two) with Dr Adrian Woodsworth
qian1984 -> EDD 15 sept 2011 > Gender unknown > Mt Alvernia with Dr C K Tho
Yun -> EDD 20 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
RabbitMummy -> EDD 20 Sept -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
Shannyang -> EDD 23 Sept 2011 -> Prince -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr Lawrence Ang
dolphyant -> EDD 25 Sept 2011 -> Gender Unknown -> Mt Alvernia with Dr Fong Yang
Will update once i know girl/boy this Saturday.. can't wait !!
Nowadays hardly feel any movements or those tumbling feelings from the baby :( plus haven't slpt in like 2 weeks :( and no one wants to give me any medications for slping cos got lil one in my tummy.. Advice from gynae is go to him take MC or take leave :( haiz :(
Will update once i know girl/boy this Saturday.. can't wait !!
Nowadays hardly feel any movements or those tumbling feelings from the baby :( plus haven't slpt in like 2 weeks :( and no one wants to give me any medications for slping cos got lil one in my tummy.. Advice from gynae is go to him take MC or take leave :( haiz :(
sigh i have been awaking up at 4am / 5 am lately... yes i feel it at times.. not like usual tummy stretching.. sometimes i play iphone games.. i feel a kick! lol... i cant take leave or mc as i am on contract and not much left.... :(
good luck hope u get to know!!
i also want to know whether mine is a boy or gal... i hope boy!! hahahaha


Both me and my hub wants gal as well.. We have think of all the gals name. Coz we felt tat i am expecting gal. scarly scan out is a prince.. faintz!!
Prince is Okie for us also la.. but of coz in term of boy stuffs is not as much as gal one nicer..
Yah!! Girl can play dress up etc... Me n hubs also feel its a girl. Let's see if both our feelings are right! :)


Im looking forward to kaypoh n know ur baby gender too Carisella! Lol... I think at this trimester most of us are feeling the same. Just wanna know bb's gender n feel the movements..


Im looking forward to kaypoh n know ur baby gender too Carisella! Lol... I think at this trimester most of us are feeling the same. Just wanna know bb's gender n feel the movements..
Haha.. yes, very true.. especially since this Saturday when i go for the detailed scan, the baby fair at expo is also on.. just nice can go buy buy buy !! :D

Been so sleepy lately that whenever i lie down on the bed, i only get 1 hr of sleep until my hand becomes numb :( i will wake up walk ard the house then no more numb go back to slp, but then will numb again.. haiz.. it's like

i go to slp at 8pm, wake 10pm.. go pee, walk ard, sleep back 11pm, wake up at 1am.. then go out stand at the window see see look look then go back to sleep at abt 2am then wake up at 4am .. change position to sleep head at hubby's feet, feet at hubby's head liddat but then wake up at 5+ again.. then in the end i'll go sleep on the study table and when i feel the tiredness come, i quickly jump onto the bed and slp.. but by then i slp is about 6+ and 7.30 wake up already .. :(


New Member
Alamak.... Ya lah, registration closed liao. How did u know about this workshop? Maybe I can look out for the coming ones.
My EDD is 19th sept, a facebk page would be nice!Post pics n sales n etc.... :)

I would also think it is a good idea, faster way to share and talk