EDD in Sept 2011


Me ops le.. I dun gain much weight at all.. Now is like only 50plus.. Den recently dunno why weight drop 1.5kg sia.. But my Gayne said nvm.. As long as my baby growing..

I can feel baby kicking too.. Usually at nitz time when was abt to slp.. Little monster is an nitz owl.. Haha.. Once my coll still said he is make in USA la, but no le, little monster is make in HK de.. 

But when my hubby put his hand on my tummy and he dun wan to kick anymore.. Den when he remove his hand and he start to kick.. Faintz!!
Me ops le.. I dun gain much weight at all.. Now is like only 50plus.. Den recently dunno why weight drop 1.5kg sia.. But my Gayne said nvm.. As long as my baby growing..

I can feel baby kicking too.. Usually at nitz time when was abt to slp.. Little monster is an nitz owl.. Haha.. Once my coll still said he is make in USA la, but no le, little monster is make in HK de.. 

But when my hubby put his hand on my tummy and he dun wan to kick anymore.. Den when he remove his hand and he start to kick.. Faintz!!

good that you didn;t gain much... cos third trimester will grow like mad...=(
dont really like that that 3rd trim to gain more weight.. :( sob sob.. now my weight slowly increasing and my tummy getting more obvious...
yah.. the tummy area gain nvm other area dun gain... it means that bb gaining not us... anyway... did u all apply stretch mark creams on ur tummy?


yah.. the tummy area gain nvm other area dun gain... it means that bb gaining not us... anyway... did u all apply stretch mark creams on ur tummy?
Really?.. only my tummy bigger actually.. other parts not so big..
Have to consider going to KK to deliver instead of TMC already.. My sister in HUGE financial crisis and keeps loaning from my dad and if you calculate.. it's more than 20k and u only see the money go but never come back :(
Very sian.. it's not like we can't afford TMC at all, but the financial crisis will go one big round.. my dad give her the loan, money no come back, money keep going, daddy no more money, ask us to loan her (but will not come back) :( haiz.. and worst.. my dad's retiring in June and my Dad can't look aft my baby and if my mom quits her job to look after baby, then the entire house expenses plus her debts (if she continues to come and loan from us), all on us :( seriously, why don't pple plan before they do anything? It's like they get into trouble, they hope that we can be their solution :( so unfair..
Really?.. only my tummy bigger actually.. other parts not so big..
Have to consider going to KK to deliver instead of TMC already.. My sister in HUGE financial crisis and keeps loaning from my dad and if you calculate.. it's more than 20k and u only see the money go but never come back :(
Very sian.. it's not like we can't afford TMC at all, but the financial crisis will go one big round.. my dad give her the loan, money no come back, money keep going, daddy no more money, ask us to loan her (but will not come back) :( haiz.. and worst.. my dad's retiring in June and my Dad can't look aft my baby and if my mom quits her job to look after baby, then the entire house expenses plus her debts (if she continues to come and loan from us), all on us :( seriously, why don't pple plan before they do anything? It's like they get into trouble, they hope that we can be their solution :( so unfair..
ouch..... sorry to say but baby medical bills are getting higher by the month.. are u going to loan them more $$?


ouch..... sorry to say but baby medical bills are getting higher by the month.. are u going to loan them more $$?
We already planned and have enough for the baby and ourselves.. but we didn't expect her financial problems to run so deep.. and it's getting deeper and deeper and it makes you wonder what in the world they are doing with the money.. If she continues to loan from us.. I can confirm, the entire family is going to get pulled down by her.
I did ask my dad to probe her, but then he just say they have 3 kids to feed, blah blah blah, then make excuses for her like, ur sister cannot work, work already no one look after the kids.. they are 13, 12 and 8.. I believe the 13 yo and the 12 yo can look after the 8 yo one.. Kinda unfair that I had to walk home myself from school eversince I was 9.. and i was a latchkey kid too..
And when we suggested that she works Part Time, she said, "PT so little money, i might as well don't work".
To us, she's just lazy and hopes that money will drop from the sky.. :( I pity my unborn child for not being to have the best in the end :(


My 1st was 2 weeks late. Hope this 1 wont be...

I use Palmer's cream for stretch mark. I think it's good. I only have 1 mark from my 1st. Use it every night before bed. My tummy n boobs n butt getting bigger! I also feel like a penguin sometimes.... :-S

Fionn, dont worry about hospitals ok. KK is just as good. I know some people complain about it but i really dont see it as bad. Me n hubby love it there! Stop loaning ur sis the $ then, maybe she's getting spoilt cos there's always u or ur dad to loan her.
We already planned and have enough for the baby and ourselves.. but we didn't expect her financial problems to run so deep.. and it's getting deeper and deeper and it makes you wonder what in the world they are doing with the money.. If she continues to loan from us.. I can confirm, the entire family is going to get pulled down by her.
I did ask my dad to probe her, but then he just say they have 3 kids to feed, blah blah blah, then make excuses for her like, ur sister cannot work, work already no one look after the kids.. they are 13, 12 and 8.. I believe the 13 yo and the 12 yo can look after the 8 yo one.. Kinda unfair that I had to walk home myself from school eversince I was 9.. and i was a latchkey kid too..
And when we suggested that she works Part Time, she said, "PT so little money, i might as well don't work".
To us, she's just lazy and hopes that money will drop from the sky.. :( I pity my unborn child for not being to have the best in the end :(
but this doesn;t solve the problem if she continues to lend money from you n ur dad... your bb, your family needs the money somehow... not say dun lend. but if this thing continued... how?
yeah ... i felt palmers was good too . i used it throughout my 1st preggy n no marks on my tummy at all... but but... the second one very hard to say le... have been applying since 2nd trimester ...


We already planned and have enough for the baby and ourselves.. but we didn't expect her financial problems to run so deep.. and it's getting deeper and deeper and it makes you wonder what in the world they are doing with the money.. If she continues to loan from us.. I can confirm, the entire family is going to get pulled down by her.
I did ask my dad to probe her, but then he just say they have 3 kids to feed, blah blah blah, then make excuses for her like, ur sister cannot work, work already no one look after the kids.. they are 13, 12 and 8.. I believe the 13 yo and the 12 yo can look after the 8 yo one.. Kinda unfair that I had to walk home myself from school eversince I was 9.. and i was a latchkey kid too..
And when we suggested that she works Part Time, she said, "PT so little money, i might as well don't work".
To us, she's just lazy and hopes that money will drop from the sky.. :( I pity my unborn child for not being to have the best in the end :(
Oh dear!!! though i have alot of bills and loans to pay.( too spendthift last time) But i still settle things with my hubby. Rather than getting my family member into the picture or trouble.