EDD in Sept 2011

Lol… I am glad my mom n mother in law don’t say much too..

Hmm I am free only after April to go any classes or baby seminars….

cant wait to see my baby tomorrow.. hope i dont need to wait too long at the clinic again... :shyxxx::shyxxx:
Hi mummy!
remember to take good care of your health! =)

Bird's nest is...

  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Rich in Collagen and Amino Acids
  • plenty of natural nutrients and mineral

Some of the function of the bird's nest according to the chinese medicine practitioners are:
  • <LI class=style23>Enhancing the rebirth of cells and tissues(Epidermal growth factor) .
    <LI class=style23>Improving the immune system functions of our body(strengthening ones body regulating actions and resistance to diseases).
    <LI class=style23>Improving heart functions and reducing blood pressure.
  • Regulating internal fluid supply.
Pregnant woman who consume bird's nest during pregnancy will help improve their health and benefit the foetus. It also help in post natal recovery better.

Children who consume bird's nest regularly will enhances their immune system, building up their resistance against flu and common cold. It also reduces fatigue and improves focus

Click here for more information: Http://birdnestdistributor.blogspot.com


ive got mooncake craving........ help.
lol.. by the time your baby come out your craving should be gone already.. Mooncake festival is in September.. haha!!
I think i know why i feel like vomiting already ..
I've not eaten macdonalds for a few weeks already =_=" I forgot we promised baby Macdonalds once a week .. will try later and see how it goes


:err: when does craving really starts? throughout the pregnancy?
i have craving for chicken and macdonalds at the beginning.. no chicken i won't be full no matter what i eat..
now is got craving for beef almost everyday and also lambshank :( told to stay away from lamb but i really cannot tahan already :(

my hubby says craving dont start so early and he says mine is always fake craving.... :err::err:

but i do like to eat beef more too

why cant eat lamb??



my hubby says craving dont start so early and he says mine is always fake craving.... :err::err:

but i do like to eat beef more too

why cant eat lamb??
u got hear the old pple say will get fits and seizures? then my stupid sis say cannot eat sotong or cuttlefish else umbilical cord will wrap ard baby's neck.. all these are stupid myths.. but it scared me so badly :(

and macdonalds nuggets worked .. i don't feel like vomiting anymore
u got hear the old pple say will get fits and seizures? then my stupid sis say cannot eat sotong or cuttlefish else umbilical cord will wrap ard baby's neck.. all these are stupid myths.. but it scared me so badly :(

and macdonalds nuggets worked .. i don't feel like vomiting anymore
dont know why today i keep feel like vomitting and tummy aches.. well i am off from work to see the gyne!!
hope to get to see how much my baby grown.. :D see ya


I everyday must have sushi. Try not to eat the raw ones but cant help it. Salmon... Yummmm!!

I didnt know cannot eat lamb... Isit true??


My grandma say will have more headaches if eat too much lamb/mutton. Luckily i dont really like meat.

Anyway, has any1 heard of or been to a baby mart at ubi??
I never eat mutton/lamb already a lot of headaches already..

Oooo.. Baby Mart? Selling baby stuff at cheaper price?


Active Member
The place is not at ubi, is at kaki bukit. Full address is

Baby Kingdom
83 kaki bukit Ave 1,
Shun Li Industrial Park
Singapore 417954

Hyperstore is just a few unit away from Baby Kingdom.

Another place can consider is

Cheong Choon Store
Blk 34, #03-132
Upper Cross Street
Singapore 050034

i was reading this forum....old one but asked my friends they said both places still there.



i think my stamina dropped drastically. played 2 rounds of mahjong last night now backache whole day.. anyone still taking kopi now? im very tempted...