EDD in Sept 2011


Just had my checkup today - baby is 1.8kg at 32 weeks and gynae says she's big?!?! Wonder why all the gynaes have different standards.

Anyway he says this means that baby may come a few days earlier than the expected due date, but should still be within the same week 39-40. Anyone else's doc saying similar things..?

So far my gynae has also been checking cervix for dilation at every visit since 28weeks. So not fun at all.. :(
Just had my checkup today - baby is 1.8kg at 32 weeks and gynae says she's big?!?! Wonder why all the gynaes have different standards.

Anyway he says this means that baby may come a few days earlier than the expected due date, but should still be within the same week 39-40. Anyone else's doc saying similar things..?

So far my gynae has also been checking cervix for dilation at every visit since 28weeks. So not fun at all.. :(
er... for wat i noe is... 2nd birth will be earlier.... like 1 to 2 weeks earlier... but gynae will only chck the dilation from 35 weeks on... correct me if i m wrong...


New Member
I heard that the kicks by our bb is not really an indication that bb is hungry. It's actually mainly cos we r hungry hence our tummy will make alot of noises so bb is disturb by such noises inside so they r more active n therefore kicks more. If a mummy does not have food for 2 wks the bb also won't go hungry as bb can tap onto our body's reserve for at least 3 wks. I went for my 32wks checkup, bb is 1.8 kg n my doc said it's normal range n healthy.


er... for wat i noe is... 2nd birth will be earlier.... like 1 to 2 weeks earlier... but gynae will only chck the dilation from 35 weeks on... correct me if i m wrong...
ACtually i don't mind my baby coming on edd leh, cos its 09/09 very nice... earlier a bit sian. =)

Yah regarding the checking for dilation, my previous gynae at kk only did it from 39 weeks onwards.... dunno why the european doctors so kiasu start checking this early...


Hi mummies, im back today. Ystd was on MC. Down with flu and fever. Oh dear. everyone drink more water and stay healthy!!

I had a bad dream ystd night. My team manager and team leader chasing me for sales number. i was so frighten and wake up at 3am. So stress till i can even dreamt of their face and so clearly. How i hope i can start my maternity leave immediately, but its 2 weeks later. thou its fast but to me is so far and slow. :embarrassed:

32 weeks now. so scare of giving birth now. haha stretchmark everywhere.... oh dear.... disappointed.
Hi mummies, im back today. Ystd was on MC. Down with flu and fever. Oh dear. everyone drink more water and stay healthy!!

I had a bad dream ystd night. My team manager and team leader chasing me for sales number. i was so frighten and wake up at 3am. So stress till i can even dreamt of their face and so clearly. How i hope i can start my maternity leave immediately, but its 2 weeks later. thou its fast but to me is so far and slow. :embarrassed:

32 weeks now. so scare of giving birth now. haha stretchmark everywhere.... oh dear.... disappointed.
take care fion!!! drink more water... I also had nightmare.... eversince my third trimester starts... nightmare almost 3 to4 times every week... sure wake up in the middle of the night de.=( well...

did u apply stretchmark creams from start??? i apply stretchmark cream from 3 months pregnant till now.. so far so good... mayb u wana try????
ACtually i don't mind my baby coming on edd leh, cos its 09/09 very nice... earlier a bit sian. =)

Yah regarding the checking for dilation, my previous gynae at kk only did it from 39 weeks onwards.... dunno why the european doctors so kiasu start checking this early...
yeah.. i love ur edd... if i were to induce i will induce on that day on 12 of sept... cos is mid autumn fesitival.=)))


Hi mummies, im back today. Ystd was on MC. Down with flu and fever. Oh dear. everyone drink more water and stay healthy!!32 weeks now. so scare of giving birth now. haha stretchmark everywhere.... oh dear.... disappointed.
I thot pple always said preggy time easier to get sick and stuff. And i always get sick easily.. seems like being pregnant, i hardly get sick!! all thanks to baby :D

huh... but if no need for C sect den better dont ba. natural birth better... =(
Yes!! agree to the max!! no need c-sect i won't opt for it one.. dangerous and expensive.. plus pregnancy has been so smooth, don't see the need also .. plus he damn stubborn want me go c-sect at 37 weeks cos ALL DIABETIC moms NEED to C-sect at 37 weeks to avoid complications =.=" what sort of complications are we looking at now? No Hypertension, Sugars ok, baby weight normal.. =.=" damn angry and pissed off..


take care fion!!! drink more water... I also had nightmare.... eversince my third trimester starts... nightmare almost 3 to4 times every week... sure wake up in the middle of the night de.=( well...

did u apply stretchmark creams from start??? i apply stretchmark cream from 3 months pregnant till now.. so far so good... mayb u wana try????
i got apply since 3months. the first brand is not so good then after which i change to coco butter. but it doesnt seems to works on me... =( no use le. now can only pray it will lighten off after birth...mine is light pink color hope its not so bad...


I thot pple always said preggy time easier to get sick and stuff. And i always get sick easily.. seems like being pregnant, i hardly get sick!! all thanks to baby :D..
No choice, after i pregnant. my hubby start to work for my brother as a bus driver. too tough for him le. need to wake up 5.30am everyday. so i always accompany him on the bus whenever im free, scare that he cant coop with the children etc. and i need to work too. So ended up, im overtired, restless plus im stress on my job as well.


yeah.. i love ur edd... if i were to induce i will induce on that day on 12 of sept... cos is mid autumn fesitival.=)))
charlotte, i also aiming for 12 Sep! hahah... i hope bb will come out on that day although that will be in WK 38 for me. since my bb is huge and obese, I'm already mentally be prepared that I will be asked to induce earlier. if i'm asked to induce, i will definitely opt for mid autumn festival date so tat bb can come out n 'tun yuan' with us! :p

carisella, maybe should ask your gynae what type of implications? my fren was also advised to go for csect for her 1st bb but she refused to listen to her gynae. she strongly believes tat it is because her gynae want to earn extra which is why she suggest that. she dun have any diabetes history. in the end, she was in labour for 18 hours but yet still cant deliver and had to do emergency csect. your gynae is a very popular gynae with so many patients, i don't think he needs to resort to csect to earn that extra bit more $$$ and risk his reputation being smeared badly. just my 2 cents worth of opinion.


Hi mummies, im back today. Ystd was on MC. Down with flu and fever. Oh dear. everyone drink more water and stay healthy!!

I had a bad dream ystd night. My team manager and team leader chasing me for sales number. i was so frighten and wake up at 3am. So stress till i can even dreamt of their face and so clearly. How i hope i can start my maternity leave immediately, but its 2 weeks later. thou its fast but to me is so far and slow. :embarrassed:

32 weeks now. so scare of giving birth now. haha stretchmark everywhere.... oh dear.... disappointed.
should try to relax more and dun stress urself up. i had nitemares pretty often too.. >.< but i dreamt i gave birth to my handsome little prince last nite. soo swt. =p

i also scare giving birth haha.. there's stretchmarks lightening creams around that u can try using after birth. ^.^
i got apply since 3months. the first brand is not so good then after which i change to coco butter. but it doesnt seems to works on me... =( no use le. now can only pray it will lighten off after birth...mine is light pink color hope its not so bad...
=(((( yes... the scares will lighten after birth de dun worry=))) jus keep applying the cream to keep ur skin moisturise=)))
charlotte, i also aiming for 12 Sep! hahah... i hope bb will come out on that day although that will be in WK 38 for me. since my bb is huge and obese, I'm already mentally be prepared that I will be asked to induce earlier. if i'm asked to induce, i will definitely opt for mid autumn festival date so tat bb can come out n 'tun yuan' with us! :p

carisella, maybe should ask your gynae what type of implications? my fren was also advised to go for csect for her 1st bb but she refused to listen to her gynae. she strongly believes tat it is because her gynae want to earn extra which is why she suggest that. she dun have any diabetes history. in the end, she was in labour for 18 hours but yet still cant deliver and had to do emergency csect. your gynae is a very popular gynae with so many patients, i don't think he needs to resort to csect to earn that extra bit more $$$ and risk his reputation being smeared badly. just my 2 cents worth of opinion.
YEAH!!! so that every mid autumn fesitival, we will remember our bb chinese bdae.=) so unique right=DDDDD
should try to relax more and dun stress urself up. i had nitemares pretty often too.. >.< but i dreamt i gave birth to my handsome little prince last nite. soo swt. =p

i also scare giving birth haha.. there's stretchmarks lightening creams around that u can try using after birth. ^.^
urs is a sweetdream! how nice.... mine is nightmare every night.. hais.... they say drink hot milk helps to slp better.... mayb can give a try???=DDD


urs is a sweetdream! how nice.... mine is nightmare every night.. hais.... they say drink hot milk helps to slp better.... mayb can give a try???=DDD
i've also heard tat hot milk helps, but m too lazy to make hot milk at nite. normally would jux play iphone games till tired den knock out.. >.<


hi five!! will usually play games in IPhone... surf the net using iphone n knock off automatically=DDD
^5.. heex.. but i got problem slpin at nite.. -.- usually if i slp frm 11pm-630am, i will wake 3times at least in e middle of e nite.. esp btw 4-5am will wake n toss n turn doze off n wake again.. >.< den morning i super tired.. zzz dunno isit cox hubby comes back ard 6am den body auto will wake n look at time.. =(