EDD in Sept 2011

Yup... what everyone say is true, u have to look on the bright side of everything. :)

So what is everyone eating today? Hehehehe... I havent eat, sooooo hungry. This morning woke up feel like wanna sh*t, but never. Few times already... my hubby so excited, he thought baby coming. Told him no lah, maybe it's Braxton Hicks cos my lower back, tail bone area was painful too. Took deep breaths like wanna give birth.... in my heart i was a bit kanchiong too. thought it was really labour, but after a while gone. phew!
ur first bb is induced or naturally come out bu himself????


i dont mind kicks are not painful.. but sometimes she really like kicking football...

can everyone see the belly button out of the tummy? mine still cant be seen yet.. i saw some woman belly button out of the tummy....
yesterday i went for the doctor talk.. wow i saw some moms to be so sexy! i feel like a fat ugly ducking.. lol....
yahx!! i hate it when he kick my ribs. -.-" but other den tat still okay. lolx~

my belly button out since 2mths ago i think. if urs is baby girl dun think e belly button will pop out at all. heard only baby boy den will.
LOL @ fat ugly duckling.. i feel like tat too thou hubby say i look more sexy now. -.-"
yahx!! i hate it when he kick my ribs. -.-" but other den tat still okay. lolx~

my belly button out since 2mths ago i think. if urs is baby girl dun think e belly button will pop out at all. heard only baby boy den will.
LOL @ fat ugly duckling.. i feel like tat too thou hubby say i look more sexy now. -.-"
isit really true that carrying boy belly button will pop out? n carry girl belly button wun pop????


ohh.. so sweet! ur bb respond to u... mine to lazy to move sometimes.. especially in the morning... she will usually kicked at night... haahah
LOL~ yahx.. it's super cute. will ask baby to kick when hubby put his head on tummy.. xD he doesn't like to respond to hubby thou. wahahaha..


ur first bb is induced or naturally come out bu himself????
my 1st was induced cos already over EDD still nothing. i hope this one wont take so long, dont think i can take it. i have a feeling this one will be earlier. tomorrow my grandma insist on getting the confinement lady to come n massage me. she said my feet so swollen, olden days people believe if feet get swollen might mean going to give birth soon. but i told her last time no doc mah... they anyhow say. hehehehe.... anyway, she will come tomorrow, feel my tummy etc.... let u all know what she say.

nevermind now we together look like aunties, after birth we be pretty & show off ok? hehehehe....
i think so. tat's wat my mom says too. n my friends carrying girl till b4 she gave birth also never see her belly button popped out at all.. =x
mine also... 2 girls no popped out... mayb its true... but my friend carrying boy also nv popped... so not very sure though. heehhee
my 1st was induced cos already over EDD still nothing. i hope this one wont take so long, dont think i can take it. i have a feeling this one will be earlier. tomorrow my grandma insist on getting the confinement lady to come n massage me. she said my feet so swollen, olden days people believe if feet get swollen might mean going to give birth soon. but i told her last time no doc mah... they anyhow say. hehehehe.... anyway, she will come tomorrow, feel my tummy etc.... let u all know what she say.

nevermind now we together look like aunties, after birth we be pretty & show off ok? hehehehe....
yeah man. after birth become hot n sexy mummies.. my feet nv swell for the first one... now the second one still haven swell * cross finger*

anyway... mummies... the stretchmark attack u all already???


yeah man. after birth become hot n sexy mummies.. my feet nv swell for the first one... now the second one still haven swell * cross finger*

anyway... mummies... the stretchmark attack u all already???
i dont see any obvious one yet, but i have veins around my boobs. my 1st i only have 1 small stretch mark above my pubes, lucky me... but sides of my nipples have a few. i think this time same....


your's is a boy? or a girl? hhahahah i think boy ... respond to female. ahhahaha
baby boy.. hahahahx~~ tat's y he likes to kick his daddy's face? xD

so good... i think he belly button popped out very sexy.... ahahahah
sexy?!?!?! omg~ e belly button popping out is my worst fear when i know is baby boy.. -.-"

yeah man. after birth become hot n sexy mummies.. my feet never swell for the first one... now the second one still have not swell * cross finger*

anyway... mummies... the stretchmark attack you all already???
we'll all b pretty & sexy mommies aft this rabbit year!! =D
thank god for mi, no swelling at all.. only cramps.. *pray!*

my belly button area got stretchmarks! i dunno y. >.< but e rest nope. mayb cox of e anti-stretchmark cream. =D start applying every now and den since 3mths preggy.


I am expecting baby boy but belly button no pop out le..
Went for 3D scan on Monday.. Baby was like no room for him already.. so cramp like tat..
Den hor, my tummy rash le.. mayb in the evening go to see doc for some rash cream.. :(
i dont see any obvious one yet, but i have veins around my boobs. my 1st i only have 1 small stretch mark above my pubes, lucky me... but sides of my nipples have a few. i think this time same....
for my first.. i dun have any ard my tummy n breast area.. only a lil on my hip there... pray hard this one also....=DDD
baby boy.. hahahahx~~ tat's y he likes to kick his daddy's face? xD

sexy?!?!?! omg~ e belly button popping out is my worst fear when i know is baby boy.. -.-"

we'll all b pretty & sexy mommies aft this rabbit year!! =D
thank god for mi, no swelling at all.. only cramps.. *pray!*

my belly button area got stretchmarks! i dunno y. >.< but e rest nope. mayb cox of e anti-stretchmark cream. =D start applying every now and den since 3mths preggy.

yeah yeah same... me too... wat stretchmark cream u use? i using coco butter=D nice nice but i hate the smell.=(
I am expecting baby boy but belly button no pop out le..
Went for 3D scan on Monday.. Baby was like no room for him already.. so cramp like tat..
Den hor, my tummy rash le.. mayb in the evening go to see doc for some rash cream.. :(
i went for 3d scan but cannot see bb face at all! so sad.! from the beginning till now... not even once i see her lil face!

mayb ur belly button will popped very soon.... =D
ahahahahahahaha! my hubby whenever see my boobies will say "Ooooh fresh milk!"

where was the doc's talk?

first doc was funny guy the 2nd one abit boring.. but learn about baby more...

I dont know whether my english was so bad yesterday when i took a cab to SCGS

Taxi Lady: Aiyo! that gal just bang my lights.. dont know dmg anot?
Me : SCGS please Dunearn Road
Taxi Lady: Dunmearn road just go straight right?
Me : Not sure its Singapore Chinese Girls School at Dunearn Road
Taxi Lady: Yeah yeah just straight ahead... how come you dont know how to go to school?
Me : Huh? Just an event there i never been there before.
Taxi Lady: Ok oK go straight...

She bring me Dunman Road and dont know what school.... I show her the Iphone with the Dunearn Road..

Taxi Lady : Oh Singapore Chinese Swimming School.. just at amber road there..
Me : Huh? Singapore Chinese Girls School Not swimming School......

Bring me to Swimming school at amber road i am so confused and keep checking my iphone for map and show her.
and told her NO.. DUNEARN ROAD.. NEAR BUKIT TIMAH THERE.. i was really getting fed up and frustrated with the headache...
plus the sunset was quite bright to the eyes.. dont want to look and her taxi ride was bumpy.... I feel like vomiting and she still give me wrong locations....

End up show her the map then my trip cost me 23.75.... sigh.........

My england is so bad.. Singapore Chinese Girls School can become Singapore Chinese Swimming School at Amber Road
Dunearn road can become Dunman road....