EDD Jan 2013


Active Member
I am also adviced not to buy too many clothings/shoes. My gf, being a FTM, told me she got out of control then and bought all those cute stuff for her gal. End up too many things just couldnt be worn anymore soon. So that's a good advice.

Actually I have no idea what's the difference :p Maybe formula milk is more fortified with something that normal milk doesnt have? But in any way, now I think of such powder milk I get queasy already -_-. I will stick to my soya bean and HL milk.


Active Member
so good u can have soya milk.. i cant even have that as it will make me feel uncomfortable. so i am sticking to fresh milk and eating more ikan bilis..


Try Pura milk...I'm going to try it. I saw one of the kid in my area...his mum gave him pura milk since baby..and he was only 2 years only and his height like is like a 4 yrs kid!!! tall n strong! I might be thinking to let my baby drink pura milk instead of formula if i'm done with breast milk ;)


Active Member
i have a qns.as i cant take those calcium pill, can anyone recommend me kids multivitamin ?my gynae asks me to take the kids one since i cant take the normal adult one.best is gummy bear type so can chew keke any recommendation?


maybe go mothercare and get those 7 in a pack rompers. pure white. i bought 3 packs for my #1 girl and can still pass down to #2 regardless of the gender. hehe! cost $33 for 7 pieces. after a few months, the colour will not be so "white", throw away also not so heartache coz its like so cheap and the quality is GOOD! i love mothercare clothes!
anyway, cotton on kids and baby and Fox having sale now.. maybe you just go n get those unisex colour and design clothes. less than $20 can get really nice clothes.
i bought 3 bottoms for my girl, 2 denim skirt and a cotton legging with the layers of bloomer at the back, ultra cuteness! cost less than $50 for 3 pieces. i think its a good catch.
i hope tml when i go for my 15 weeks scan, gynae can "predict" the gender. hehe! hope for a girl again. but if boy i also ok la.. but alot of clothes can re-use in that case. =)


Active Member
Gem2505: you hope for ger and i hope for boy so can recycle the clothes..you #1 also born on yr 2011?my #1 also 2011 :) my is 4 march kekehope you get to see the gender tomorrow. Do update us so we can add onto the score board :)


i have a qns.as i cant take those calcium pill, can anyone recommend me kids multivitamin ?my gynae asks me to take the kids one since i cant take the normal adult one.best is gummy bear type so can chew keke any recommendation?
I have that gummy sweet as a replacement for the calcium pill. maybe i have the mental block that its still a "medicine", i find the gummy taste weird. lol! i ate 1 and stopped taking after that. i can sell u cheap if u want. haha!


Hey ladies.Not been follwing this space for some time.Seems like all of you are more and more exited to be mummies=)I've been so busy..just threw my customary last saturday..alot of my guests dont know im preggers yet.lol.after worrying abt my wedding nw looking forward to holding my baby!!


Pura Brand Fresh Milk. u can find in all Supermarket along the Manoglia Fresh Milk section. I tasted it...no bad..not too milky taste. ;)


Active Member
Asphere, you mentioned ikan bilis. Why didnt I think of that? I think my diet doesnt have enough calcium as I cannot make myself drink milk everyday. The current multivits from gynae only has 25% of my daily needs. What kind of ikan bilis you consume? Those that are fried and crisp with perhaps a little chilli and sometimes with roasted fragrant peanuts? LOL I love those but I know it's not too healthy ya.


New Member
Senscgal - wow! Congrats! When is your EDD? hope I'll get to know mine soon! Hehe!

Dragontail - ive just started drinking emfa mama chocolate flavor. But I still prefer soya bean :)


New Member
Senscgal - ok, thanks for alerting me. Will check with my gynae during my next appt. When can we start massage?? Haa! I love going fr massage!! U have any gd places to recommend for prenatal massage?

Does any of u consume fish oil? My gynae was telling me can start on fish oil, he gave me multi vit fr nw. I'm wondering is it necessary to start on fish oil?


Active Member
Dragontail : i took those with abit of chilli haha and the crispy type haha but they have good calcium so i just consume lor.. seaweed also has good calcium content :)ajen: fish oil is a no no for me.. i am those who hate pill and supp haha.. just feel weird tasting those..LeeTham: then maybe i should go try out the pura milk. been taking meiji milk :)so far food craving still okie..no need die die eat.. keke


Good morning Ladies,

Leetham : No food cravings yet. I have been eating a bit more than during the first trimester although still struggle when nausea strikes.. Still repelled by the smell of beef being cooked!! I find it terribly pungent~~

Ajen : My EDD is on 26 Jan 2012 but I noticed during the Ultrasound that the EDD seems to be adjusted according to the baby's growth. I guess the term "estimated"... heheh. when is yours? I love massages and my sore back is aching for some TLC. I have a masseuse in mind so I will call her once I reach 20 weeks. I can pass you the no if you are interested.

Ajen & Asphere : I'm not taking any additional supplements besides the Blackmores prenatal supplements as it already contains calcium and fish oil. I'm scared of overdosing on certain vitamins & minerals; which may then have harmful side effects.

Dragontail : I love crispy ikan bilis with chili too!! yum yum.. how much calcium is a pregnant lady expected to consume once a day?

Hikary : Congrats on your customary!! I trust everything went well!!
OMG! GIRLS!!! I went to the taka fair and i spent LOADS on baby stuff. zomg. I totally spent. i bought cot, pram, breast pump, sterrilizer, diapers enough to last for freaking 6 months... and others I totally forgot... haha. I thought once I was there I should be confused enough to not buy anything but turns out I did enough reearch. haha plus husband not helping! He was as excited as I am >< We spent about... 1200 for everything. but okay la, saved about 600 plus a lot of free stuff. like wipes and toys and bottles, teats etc etc.

Feeling a bit guilty now. LOL. but no regrets. :)
Today's my birthday! And baby's 15 weeks old! I cannot wait. CANNOT WAIT. for my scan next tuesday. :) I WANNA KNOW THE GENDER! I'm still feeling tired though :( And my scans are once/ twice a month for 2nd trimester. I miss my baby. Feel like very long never see it.

ME TOO! I'm reading to the baby nursery rhymes and bedtime stories. Ahahaha, don't do it very often cause I'm so super exhausted at the end of the day after work -.- But still, hope things pick up soon!