EDD Jan 2013


Active Member
Maybe bring some sour prunes or mints....

Check out the previous page. Gender score board. Haa~

Mine oso 2 weeks time. Indeed, very looking forward to the revealing of the gender.
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New Member
Wow! There's gender score board??!! Think I missed it! Hehe! Will go check it out!! :)

I can't wait to know the gender n start my shopping trip!! Lol


Active Member
True. Without knowing the gender, hard to start shopping. I mean if I know it's gal, then I will shop pink :) I dont want her to wear flat or boy colors. LOL. Same the other way.


Active Member
wah so much posts since friday keke...well those numbing opt may not works for all. i tried the laughing gas and it is totally useless. :)wats the score now? did i miss reading that?Now is still 2-0 isnt it?2 boys - 0 girl ??


Active Member
Might be posts flowing in but score board has no change yet :)

You know some older folks think they are walking ultrasound scan machine.... they like to tell you what they think your baby's gender is.

I've been told I look like I'm carrying a boy. I mean not that I'm bias against a gender but I wish I can prove them wrong. LOL.

Especially those whom already know the gender, did you get that "prediction" and if they did come true or it was all just crap? :p


Active Member
Dragontail: those "walking ultrasound machine" are bs. no need to believe..some said that look at tummy will know.some said 1st half is certain gender then the next half is the other gender. alamak all these are just guesses..even the real ultrasound will show wrongly at times. :)anyway anymore new update on score board?Ajen : yup we are having a little fun to see how many boys vs girls for jan 2013 babies :)so far should be 2 boys -0 girl.


Hi ladies,

I went to taka yesterday to look at the babyfair.. We were so overwhelmed.. didn't know where to start!! There was so much range of strollers that you could look at.. the first thing I picked up was a baby hangar.. and I was like "OOhhh so cute. Need this to hang baby's clothes". My husband told me off.. and said that I can just fold the baby clothes.. It was probably the simplest thing I could have bought - a unisex hangar for baby clothes.. Nevertheless, we came back empty handed... We will prob start shopping during the last month of second trimester.. Not sure how I will be in the third trimester?? But I am pretty sure there will be sales in December!!!

My dad had a 'feeling' that he would have a grandson... I would have liked to prove him wrong.. but so far, high likelihood of boy ;P I told my mum that my body hair on my tummy has gotten a bit hairier since I got pregnant - she checked with her customer (a lady who recently gave birth to a boy) - apparently, her tummy was a bit hairier when she was pregnant with her first and second sons..

Not sure if this 'hairy' issue is true.. Asphere, you have a son.. did you have a similar symptom?

Ajen, if you are seeing a Chinese doctor, make sure you consult your OB before trying on any prescriptions. I still feel nauseous, vomiting at night, etc, during the second trimester.. not taking anything extra besides my prenatal supplements. I do however look forward to having a nice pre-natal massage after 16 weeks...


Active Member
no such symptom for me leh.. funny thing is that i always got a feeling that my hb side prefer girls and my side prefer boys haha..but both my hb and me prefer boys..even sometime we talk about my preg this time round my hb will keep saying boy boy this boy boy that.. haha.. but well i hope on my upcoming scan can see the gender keke..okie scoreboard updates:LeeTham - BoySenscgal - Boy


Active Member
LOL @ the hanger thing. Go home empty handed is kinda disheartening somehow... must grab something.

Oh talking about the hair...coincidentally on Sat when I was examining my tummy for any stretchmarks (finally I feel my tummy skin stretched for the first time at 16weeks!), I notice new tiny hairs that is lined down onto my naval. I never had that before ever. I thought it's just a preggie thing, which I didnt google if it's normal. So let's just see :)


Active Member
okie here are the names of those who are in this thread, gender of baby i put next to the name :)ajen - Asphere -crystaloves -Dragontail - etirine -FirstTimeDad -Gem2505 - helloyou - Hikari - jsu -l0r3tTa -LeeTham - BoyMelanie Massang -misspiiggy -pollie -senscgal - Boy


Active Member
okie here are the names of those who are in this thread, gender of baby i put next to the name :)ajen - Asphere -crystaloves -Dragontail - etirine -FirstTimeDad -Gem2505 - helloyou - Hikari - jsu -l0r3tTa -LeeTham - BoyMelanie Massang -misspiiggy -pollie -senscgal - Boy


sencegal: no worry whether there's any sales during DEC...we make a list for our husband to go over JB and buy some baby things from there...THE STORE... hehe


humm... im hairy by nature...hw?? hehe..before n during preggie..i'm still so hair at the area you mention. :)
Girl or boy is depends on husband family gens. if ur husband family trees has higher number of boys...ur chance of carrying a boy will be much higher. :)
ohh..my malay guy friend told me...if husband eat more fish..most likely during process...will have a gal..tat's how he tried for his 3rd baby gal.


sometime I also wander whether my baby understand what his father is reading to him every night b4 we go to sleep. Daddy read bible verse every night to baby...hehe putting his palm on my tummy n read the a verse each night. so far every night I have no problem slping eg: leg cramps. Only wakes up due to hot weather...hehe...

Mummies... I m curious what sleeping position u all are sleeping in at the point of the moment?? 16 week - 20 weeks...cos I tried to sleep by my side at the start...but in the middle of the night I will end up sleeping on my back again. I'm worry that the sleeping position will affect my baby... sleeping on my back n side...i scare of crashing my baby :)


Active Member
Well done, Asphere!

I'm starting to have cramps at the calves at night. Ouch.

I'm a mixture of back and side sleeper (I would include tummy sleeper too if I aint preggie. I loved sleeping on my tummy which is impossible now). I'm not so worried about being sleeping on the back. So long u dont feel uncomfy, should be ok for the unborn baby.


Active Member
I slp on my side as i feel more comfy that way :) i think end of year will have another baby fair.. but i suggest everyone to watch out for the offer every now and then if you are getting your items in singapore.. :)for now i need not buy anything untill i know the gender. and if the baby is a boy i only need to buy maybe 1-2 sets of clothes will do. then just wait for baby big day. if ger then omg i will need to buy many many gers clothes.. oh yah i only need to buy diapers only haha..


I have been restless at night.. changing sleeping positions once I start feeling uncomfortable.. sleeping on my left/right side or on my back. I use to worry about sleeping on my back but after the Oscar scan, which showed baby was comfortable (not moving much) regardless of my different position...

dragontail : yesss!! I just felt that I just needed to buy something for the baby!! anything?? hahah.. so far, besides the pregnancy guide book, I bought one small baby bottle (glass) and a somewhat baby parenting book called "Baby Whisperer".

Lee Tham : I am a bit hairy in nature too.. but I feel somewhat 'more hairier" and self-consious about the tummy area after being preg. Well, my husband came from a family of 2 boys.. his brother however has both daughters though... hahah~

Ladies, how often is your appointment with the doctor for the second trimester? Once a month?


Active Member
Anyone of you on formula milk for preggie mums? I have been given samples of Anmum and another brand I cant remember offhand. I never really like powdered milk in first place but I just try for the sake of my baby, yesterday. Alas. I had a bad tummy ache after that. I forgot I am lactose intolerance! But I drank those HL milk it's still not so bad so long I dont drink too much nor often. Somehow the formula milk just gave me nasty diarrhea. I drank the Anmum one and it taste really awful :( I will not ever ever touch those again.

About 2 weeks later then I will be visiting gynae for my first visit @ 2nd trime. Then 2 weeks after that, will have my FA scan. So not sure what's the norm frequency for 2nd trime.... I guess I will know during my next visit.


Active Member
Dragontail: i totally reject drinking those milk for preg mums.. they smell and taste weird.. I try the samples and i puke everything out.. it is just disgusting..senscgal : maybe you can just buy unisex clothes for your baby 1st? nv nv buy too many. coz baby outgrown v fast. my my case during the 1st preg, i bought 1 size bigger for my son. nv buy the newborn coz skali baby big then cannot wear. very wasted.my 1st visit for 2nd trim is on 18 aug. keke so i guess it will be 4 weeks before my full detail scan. :)


I haven't had formula milk since I was a kid.. I have been drinking a glass of fresh milk every night. Dragontail, Is there a difference between those formula milk for preggie mums and regular/low-fat fresh milk? I thought we are just drinking milk for it's calcium purpose?