EDD Jan 2013


Active Member
Diydee: yes just drink more water so urine test can pass easily :D

I am so tired. cant wait to go home :D
anyway bad day at work. boss is making me to act idiot. but cant reject coz is boss sigh~
Morning all. Welcome new mummies..

Asphere: really? Then I better drink more on my next visit in case i got to take test. My next appt is on the 9th. Urs?


Hehe drink lots of water so i can skip the glucose test hopefully.
Why, what did he make you do?

Your now at how many weeks?


Active Member
i took 2 times of urine test on last friday. coz too high of protein in urine and too yellow lor.. sigh~ then i kenna from my gynae. then kenna ban from icecream, choclate, cakes.. omg ~~ faint.


Diydee:can.we be neighbours.middle of the night we both pak ka sneak out buy food.Hahah!Diydee my glucose test in 28 wk.it depends on individual I guess.I told my gynae i kp peeing alot..and my family gt history of diabetes..so she say better to arrange for glucose test.You can ask for it too?

tweety04:mine nt popping out..more like disappearing haha.glucose test 28 wks on can request or they will arrange for u?

kiwimummy:Nope not buying stroller cos people passing down to us..haha want to save where we can so I can afford to give my boy more when he is out!maybe nv mention cos u dun nd to have glucose test?you can always request to have peace of mind.

Asphere:my urine test ok lei..is urine test same as glucose test?I am so blur sometimes..but if i really kena ban frm sweet stuffs I think I will become super cranky!(as if im nt already)
Diydee: 24th week now..

Asphere: wah sey. Kanna ban.. Must ctrl.. Tat day I ate prata with many sugar. Lucky no prob. I better guai guai gulp more water.. If don't pass ur last trim will be quite xin ku. My fren say got special diet to follow..


Can, gynae come in to check on us both missing. They thought we MIA.
I cannot imagine being in a delivery suite room for hours without food, the pain will make me so hungry.
2 hours without food is already a torture!
Normally when i was in the subsidized clinic i will need to go for the normal routine check, they said clear.
Next week ill start my follow up at TPS, will update you ok how it went so you can opt for it :)

Yours due end of Jan?


Must be too tired of waiting, can't wait for her arrival right?
Yours is baby girl too if im not wrong?


Mybeautyrights: you sure will have company. Hahaha.

Diydee: you better control your sugar intake. You will pass to baby.


Active Member
Hikari ger: you need to take the test too? then u bette drink more water!! no more sweet stuffs for you :D
i only know they let you drink a very very sweet bottle of liquid then i dunno how they test lah. hope is just urine bah. 1st time take the test also. haha. heard is that in our body if the insulin is able to control the sweetness then pass bah. if not suay~~

so now i am drinking lots of water and control my sweet food intake.


Diydee- this is my 1st child. Hehehe!

I also have a family history of diabetes and for this pregnancy I drank alot of sweet drink ley. Hopefully its nothing serious. But again if u have diabetes while pregnant the only good thing is it will be gone once u give birth.
My fren quite particular about it when she see me drink fruit juice. She a mother of 2. She say if you got diabetes, even for fruit like grapes we can only eat 4 daily.. Doc did tell me eat more berries if I craving for sweet. He say bb not affected but i will be.. Though I still indulge but I think I must ctrl a bit too..


Asphere:Wah so scary..dun scare me=(.I hate blood test the nurse always cant find my vein and keep slapping my hand!The very sweet liquid is glucose(sugar in liquidated form).I think they will take ur blood before u ingest the glucose..and than take ur blood again after u drink to check the sugar level in ur blood and also the insulin levels.

Diydee:alright girl let me know.cos im really considering.But I plan to convert after my next detailed scan/check up on 6th November..at least my next scan still under more subsidy dun have to pay so much.Hahah.Omigod cant wait for our precious angels to arrive..seems just like ystd I found out I was preggy=D

mybeautyrights:see u all so control i feel guilty alrdy.I must start to control also..scared I fail my glucose test=(


Active Member
mybeautyrights: I still have to take aspirin till week 35. so far baby okie. coz weight double from last scan now 630g so okie.
my gynae said baby ok he happy. but now is me who is not okie haha..
I also hope is prick finger type.

Hikari mei mie: not scaring you coz i also scare. so u better dun anyhow eat hor. me now is betting with my hb on no sweet drinks and food. haha.

Me also dun like to draw blood coz they cant find ..then poke n poke and everytime blueblack lor.. bth.

Now i am also on augmentin heng the med finishing soon so still okie :D