EDD Jan 2013


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i like to take blood leh.. lol sadistic... i hope my daughter dun like me,.. i always look at the needle go inside. but true la some nurses/drs/phlebo nt skilled enuff.. poke already fish vein then will get very big bruise for days de... Hikari is right they will take blood twice at 2 hrs interval, in small grey tube. No scared.. abit blood only ^^


I hope mine will come out 1-2 weeks earlier too, no one wants to wait till week 40 for baby to come along.

Trying but really hard, cause i have a sweet tooth, unavoidable :(

I thought this is your 2nd one, cause there's a pic of a kid in your avatar. Hehe.
Where are you delivering at?

I will, hopefully my next appointment is on 23 Nov, so its exactlly a month later and it falls on a friday so i will be able to go for the tour.
But, provided my gynae is available in the morning for a check , cause ill be having my growth scan in November.
I wanna go for the tour too.
3 months left, how come feel so long, but the past 6 months still ok, WEIRD.

I think most girls have the same problem, afraid of anything pricking thru their skin.
I wanted to cry when they had to draw my blood out during the first check up.
Hikari: ya, best to ctrl a bit I guess. My fren was diabetic before preggy. She lost weight during preggy coz of special diet throughout.. Don't keep eating too sweet for the sake of seeing your bump.. Lol..

Asphere: it's tough on you.. Mama very great!

Minkx: wah, I can't stand take blood. My blood quite dilute, no matter how pro the nurse is, once needle is halfway in, blood will gush out to surrounding. Even after half day, blood will still come out if I exert a bit of force..

Diydee: yup yup. Though I hear ppl say bb stay inside longer more smart but I scared she too big size to come out.. Can't wait to cuddle my bb..


Baby stay inside longer better? 1-2 weeks wudnt make much of a difference i suppose.
Anyway of baby stay inside too long, theres gg to be another problem, they will induce.


You ladies making me panic for my next scan. I think from today onwards till my next scan. I am going to behave. Plain water everyday.

I need time to pass faster. I need to stay till 6.30pm for this whole freaking week :(


what is children education course about?
Asphere, these are the classes involved for children education course in Thomson - total 6 sessions :
1) Physical & Mental Preparation
2) Pain Relief
3) Labour
4) Practical Hands-on Baby Care
5) Feeding
6) Doctor's Talk
i.e. I believed it will be good to know for first time mummy ~


I want baby to come out himself. I am not going to induce. That's why everyday I'm talking to him. Don't stay too long. When full term can come out must come out. Daddy and mummy want see you.


Active Member
hmm hi eekenji: so that is wat children education course is all abt.. haha.. i didnt know.. keke

LeeTham: yah i heard that too. said the chemical will affect baby.


LeeTham: I still do. But I do is without chemical one. Suitable for pregnancy. I remember other mummies doing as well. I think Dananeo is one of them.


Eekenji: I Rx msg from the parentcraft that my course delay till 20th. So sian
mybeautyrights, mine even worse than yours. We received sms reminder to attend the class with comfortable pants and when we rushed to the center, it was closed. I checked again on my sms, it was the correct date. We checked with the officer there, she said the course was cancelled and shall have sms send to all of us. After a while, there are another few couples also arrived, all of us didn't receive any sms about course cancellation. We were quite upset with their system .. at the end we have to re-schedule to other schedules :(


Icekacang does mani pedi too, im afraid to do it for i read that theres chemical involved :(
But i want to have pretty nails.

I want 5.30pm to come quick, sian liaooooooo, atleast you took your nap ok :p
Talking about talking to the baby, its been sometime since i did that, i must tell her come out 2nd week of January, always talk to her about food thats all .

I want her to be out between week 37 and week 38, just nice.
Full term already, cant wait to pinch and kiss my little one. Hehe
Eekenji: u got log into the system n double check before u go? Thot only my 2pm class cancelled.

Diydee: lol.. Same same.. Can't wait to kiss little one.


Active Member
alamak Diydee: dun pinch la. pain leh. haha...

i am telling my son to come out anytime before 29 jan but must be after 37 weeks :D

530!! i am looking towards that timing too.. so tired and hungry.. no food in canteen.. sux.. sigh~ and my little one is kicking asking for food.. poor thing...


recently some things happen at home.. not my fault but i kanna scolded .. no body understand me.. den sometimes i will cry at night.. i dun feel happy anymore