EDD Jan 2014


Jasmine: I was depressed when I first got to know I need to control carb and sugar. Seems miserable when this cannot eat and that cannot eat. But after 1 month of "trying" and I only gain 500g, I am more motivated to carry on. Maybe u can tell urself to try 1 month and see if it works?

Regarding the leg cramps I do have it occasionally. I asked the doc and she says drinking more water during the day will help. I'm trying too..

Babytazz: my worry is my baby stomach too big. After my detailed scan, doc says baby belly slightly above average and that's due to my previous high sugar intake. If stomach bigger than head it's a big problem during normal delivery! Baby will get stuck!!
Illuz: Is that so? hmm...a lot of people think that my tummy is too big for almost 7 months....I've been trying to control my food intake but still the same...my tummy continues to get bigger and bigger...some people thought I'm already on my 8 month and due to to give birth next month...hahaha


Illuz: Is that so? hmm...a lot of people think that my tummy is too big for almost 7 months....I've been trying to control my food intake but still the same...my tummy continues to get bigger and bigger...some people thought I'm already on my 8 month and due to to give birth next month...hahaha
Sorry maybe I wasn't clear, i meant baby's tummy too big, not my tummy big
oh okay...hahaha...but just the same...sometimes i'm worried because my tummy is too big...plus i started with water retention quite early. It comes and it goes though, i mean it's not everyday i have it.


illuz: mmm... Didn't thought of that before but it does sound logical in case baby tummy too big get stuck. That was told by the gynae? I can't imagine coz even my tummy (during normal non preg days) can be pressed and maybe can squeeze smaller. Hehehe.. But of coz baby don't know how to.


Jasmine, I tried to put a small pillow under my legs and it helped relief my tingled, was having numbness (not until cramp) in hands and feet .. also gynae said keep hydrated which has helped me..

I lost weight and finally gain back a bit gynae say ok.. in total I gain around 7kg and ah boy is ok or at least humane said a bit small but still ok.. now I see all your babies weights I'm a bit worried.. but OH says don't worry since I'm generally light and if heartbeat and length etc of baby is ok then don't worry.. but he still instructed my sis to make sure I eat more..

Any one having very bad reflux + nausea? I didn't have morning sickness in first trimester so I think it's all coming now.. cannot escape!! No appetite, of eat have bad reflux, cannot sleep, puke acid :( omg


Thanks mummies for all the encouragement ... but it's really torturing ... as i'm 26 weeks and has already gained 15.5kg ... Gynae is just worried that complications will come when i reached the last trimester and above that i'm also worried that my little girl will b too big =.='' (mayb i'm worrying too much, i'm not sure) but sounds like you guys are all having a healthy weight ... Congrates to u guys ...
I've now cut down to half a bowl of rice for my dinner and i try my very best not to eat any carb during the day =( it's really bad when i'm really hungry i just try to have some milk. but i'm constantly feeling hungry ... OMG !!! and i hate this feeling ...
Just wondering if u guys have any ideas and tips how i could manage my weight increase better ? As it's really hard with no sugar n carb intake. Especially when i eat out most of the time ...
Just like Illuz i just eat when i feel like eating and without knowing it, i gained too much weight :embarrassed: when i was in week 23 i have already gained 12 kg and my gynae told me it's fine and now 3 weeks down the road, i gained 3.5kg which he was shocked and told me that i need to cut down on my curb and sugar.

Hey Jasmine, my gynae advised me on a diet plan that is VERY useful for keeping my weight in check. I have been on it for a week and gained nothing! :) I am trying to blog about it. Will share with you the details asap k!! :)
Hey Jasmine, my gynae advised me on a diet plan that is VERY useful for keeping my weight in check. I have been on it for a week and gained nothing! :) I am trying to blog about it. Will share with you the details asap k!! :)
Orh 5mummy, please please share with me. I'm going crazy with my hunger and choosing what to eat and what not to ... my colleagues are all watching my diet in hope to help which makes me feels bad if i eat something i shouldnt. it's only been 4 days n its really torturing me badly.
Yeah if underweight need to gain more. If acceptable weight, also have a different weight gain. Least gain to have is overweight (be is slight or a lot). If baby is bigger, high chance mummy may have to go for C-sect coz harder to push out. I have a different worry.. Worry baby head is too big. Coz hubby head was big, son's head also consider big. But son was premature so normal birth was still ok. Hee... I think the leg cramp issue, you can try wearing socks. Might be coz it's cold.
Hi Babytazz, actually i'm wearing it already and taking calcium pills but still painful ... mayb i'll try to lift my legs slightly high and see if there'll be any improvements =)


jasmine, don't worry so much about your weight increase. For my first pregnancy, I put on a total of 22kg. My boy came out 3.4kg, healthy and well. A lot of the weight was in me, the fluid, increased blood and all. If your baby's estimated weight is in the healthy range, then I would say don't worry about dieting. Most importantly is to eat everything in moderation, eat balanced, and stay happy! A happy mind means a happy body and a happy and healthy baby. :)

This time round I have already put on 14kg at week 27.
Jasmine: I was depressed when I first got to know I need to control carb and sugar. Seems miserable when this cannot eat and that cannot eat. But after 1 month of "trying" and I only gain 500g, I am more motivated to carry on. Maybe u can tell urself to try 1 month and see if it works?

Regarding the leg cramps I do have it occasionally. I asked the doc and she says drinking more water during the day will help. I'm trying too..

Babytazz: my worry is my baby stomach too big. After my detailed scan, doc says baby belly slightly above average and that's due to my previous high sugar intake. If stomach bigger than head it's a big problem during normal delivery! Baby will get stuck!!
Hi Illuz, yes i'm really depress now and it's torturing me as i'm always feeling the hunger and never full ... felt so bad about my situation now. So i just drink water or milk to curb my hunger but it's really killing me. Yup will hold onto this diet and hopefully i can last for a month to see the results since i'm going back to him end og the mth =) Wish me luck n all the best =)

Okie i'll try to drink more water in hope the cramp will improve =) thanks for the advice.
jasmine, don't worry so much about your weight increase. For my first pregnancy, I put on a total of 22kg. My boy came out 3.4kg, healthy and well. A lot of the weight was in me, the fluid, increased blood and all. If your baby's estimated weight is in the healthy range, then I would say don't worry about dieting. Most importantly is to eat everything in moderation, eat balanced, and stay happy! A happy mind means a happy body and a happy and healthy baby. :)

This time round I have already put on 14kg at week 27.

Hi Rzena, thanks for ur encouragement but doctor is worried that i will get complications and diabetes during the 3rd trimester which i will suffer even more. I'm really worried after there's so many horror stories which i hear around. Hence, i'm now trying to eat moderatly, which is hard as the little one is making me hungry once every 2 hours. i think that was how i gained this much of weight in such a short time =.=''


hi illuz, that's a very clear 45 degree angle of your bb face!! my bb face shot was a 90 degree side view and not as clear (taken at my appointment last week)... i cant tell bb looks like mummy or daddy.... Can u determine yours??

hi mummies, on the contrary, i'm in my 26th wk n has had 2 persons commented that my bump is small at 6 mths.... was so offended n felt like slapping them! So long as gynae says bb is healthy n progressing well, we shld just ignore those tactless remarks!

Can try this Weight Change Calculator | BabyMed.com which takes into account your height and bmi to calculate your weight gain every week. I fall perfectly in the mid point of the suggested weight gain. :win:
Just reply them as long as bb is of healthy range den its okie. In fact ... I rather the tummy not too big ... will hv problem losing weight after that ... =D

hi illuz, that's a very clear 45 degree angle of your bb face!! my bb face shot was a 90 degree side view and not as clear (taken at my appointment last week)... i cant tell bb looks like mummy or daddy.... Can u determine yours??

hi mummies, on the contrary, i'm in my 26th wk n has had 2 persons commented that my bump is small at 6 mths.... was so offended n felt like slapping them! So long as gynae says bb is healthy n progressing well, we shld just ignore those tactless remarks!

Can try this Weight Change Calculator | BabyMed.com which takes into account your height and bmi to calculate your weight gain every week. I fall perfectly in the mid point of the suggested weight gain. :win:


Alicia, we can't get a good face shot initially as her arms were blocking half her face. Luckily she moved her arms away after some coaxing haha..! My hubby says she looked like me pouting...

Actually, if baby's growing well, it's better to have a small bump. Mine looks smaller compared to other mummys I've seen too although my baby is big. But I feel moving around more at ease and I actually still walk very fast!


Alicia - my tummy is small as well and have comments tummy is smaller than it should probably have appeared esp since it's my second child. But anyway it's still an obvious bump now. I think my butt is protruding instead. Haha... But I think coz tummy is not so big, I'm lazy in applying those stretch mark creams. When people comment that, I just smile at them.


i didnt bother to even look at the 2nd person who commented becos she was just a sales assistant or the lady boss at a furniture shop we patronized last weekend, not even a friend or a colleague etc