EDD Jan 2014

mine is near 900g at wk 25, can't wait to see my gal again!

yar, does the 3D image come with extra charge? r u able to view different body parts in 3D too??


Did your gynae gave this 3D with or without extra charge during your monthly check? It's such a close up! Nice!
No extra charge, it was taken during my monthly checkup.

Fabmum, no leh she only focus on the face shot for us. The rest are usual ultrasound picture.


So nice of your gynae! I know my last did that.. Wonder if this round's gynae will. Hai.. My last checkup, I didn't get to see baby face or full body (head to toe). Only the body. And was given a pic of the main body with heartbeat movements at the side. All I see is she's very actively moving her hands or legs during the scan.


There's books on recipes too. :)
i also have the same problem when uploading pix. Too small...
Mummies who are reaching wk 28, think gynae would have told u to count fetal movement - need at least 10 times a day. Do take note ya! I juz read a post in fb on less fetal movement which isn't good. If movements are less than 10, call your gynae immediately. The clinic told me a separate count is counted only when baby stops moving then move again.
Huh really. My gynae never say anything leh. But my boy now random movements. And quite active too.


Anyone knows when does 3rd trimester start? I'm confused with various definitions across different websites.
These days I'm feeling so heavy and big... and getting more and more tired.
Hi Rzena, I think is Week 27 onwards is 3rd trimester


I gained alot during my 1st trimester (7-8kg) and gynae already warned me to cut on sugars and carbs. From there onwards I am on a very strict diet. So for the last 2 months I only gained 1kg which almost all of it goes to baby. I eat meats normally, increase intake of veg, low sugared fruits and drink more water. If Hungry at night can drink some low fat high calcium milk with 2-3 pieces of biscuits.

Guess you really have to be disciplined and determined. It's hard.. But for the good of both mummy and baby. Jia you!!
Wow Illuz, you gained quite a bit in the first three months! Till date how many kg liao and how many weeks? I am week 28 and I gained a total of 8kg. My body cannot take too many carbs. There was one month I relaxed and ate watever I wanted and put on 4kg!!! My gynae naggeeddddddddddd


I think my weight gain isn't that good either.. I think I gained about 11kg already and I'm into 26 weeks. A bit worried about the gain myself but if I'm hungry I eat.. If I've no appetite, I just can't eat. Hopefully my gain can be at most 1kg per month... Else sure over limit.... My gynae only mentioned I gained 2kg last visit but not sure if it's just casual remark coz he never say I gain too much or ok.


Wow Illuz, you gained quite a bit in the first three months! Till date how many kg liao and how many weeks? I am week 28 and I gained a total of 8kg. My body cannot take too many carbs. There was one month I relaxed and ate watever I wanted and put on 4kg!!! My gynae naggeeddddddddddd
Ya lor, it was my first pregnancy so I didn't know must control diet. I just happily eat whatever I feel like having (mostly unhealthy and sinful food + sugared drinks). After my gynae nagged then I realized I really exceed qouta leow and had to work double hard from then onwards in order to keep to ideal weight gain. I had gain a total of 10kg so far and hopefully I can persevere and keep to a total of 12-15kg gain.

I think u are doing great! Keep the gain gradual.. In 3rd trimester, it should be about 0.44kg a week. But I over qouta so I'm trying to keep slightly below that haha


Ya lor, it was my first pregnancy so I didn't know must control diet. I just happily eat whatever I feel like having (mostly unhealthy and sinful food + sugared drinks). After my gynae nagged then I realized I really exceed qouta leow and had to work double hard from then onwards in order to keep to ideal weight gain. I had gain a total of 10kg so far and hopefully I can persevere and keep to a total of 12-15kg gain.

I think u are doing great! Keep the gain gradual.. In 3rd trimester, it should be about 0.44kg a week. But I over qouta so I'm trying to keep slightly below that haha
Yup. My gynae also say 0.4g per week. How many weeks are you? I got.... 11-12 more weeks to EDD... so if I keep within... I should only gain 4 more kg (+8kg = 12kg in total). :/ sounds impossible since the 3rd tri is the part with the most weight gain.
Thanks mummies for all the encouragement ... but it's really torturing ... as i'm 26 weeks and has already gained 15.5kg ... Gynae is just worried that complications will come when i reached the last trimester and above that i'm also worried that my little girl will b too big =.='' (mayb i'm worrying too much, i'm not sure) but sounds like you guys are all having a healthy weight ... Congrates to u guys ...
I've now cut down to half a bowl of rice for my dinner and i try my very best not to eat any carb during the day =( it's really bad when i'm really hungry i just try to have some milk. but i'm constantly feeling hungry ... OMG !!! and i hate this feeling ...
Just wondering if u guys have any ideas and tips how i could manage my weight increase better ? As it's really hard with no sugar n carb intake. Especially when i eat out most of the time ...
Just like Illuz i just eat when i feel like eating and without knowing it, i gained too much weight :embarrassed: when i was in week 23 i have already gained 12 kg and my gynae told me it's fine and now 3 weeks down the road, i gained 3.5kg which he was shocked and told me that i need to cut down on my curb and sugar.
my little girl is about 1kg now as per estimation by the scan at 26 weeks. Think it's the normal weight =p

Wondering if mummies are facing serious leg cramps at night which will wake u up shouting for help ? As i'm facing such issues, was given calcium pills but i still got it yesterday. any advice to lower down such incidents from happening ?
hi jasmine, I gained 16 at wk 26!! but gynae says it's ok, I'm more worried than he is, I've been asking him if my wgt gain is ok in the past 2 visits!
he says he will b worried if I don't gain cos that will risk baby's growth.. think he doesn't want to add unnecessary stress to me too.. it will b torturous to have to watch diet while worrying about eating healthy n baby's growth..

I guess u should not stress yourself out too much! for me, I just avoid excessive snacking.. I still continue to eat normal meals n have a bit of snack (even satisfy sinful cravings) whenever I feel like it :)

hi chiching, wedding over yet? you' re a super mummy! can juggle pregnancy n wedding! Jia you! btw, my water retention is quite bad (angle can get broader than feet kind!) n gets worse when I go work n sit whole day.. with rest (lying down n no excessive walking / sitting) the condition subsides.. I wear those compression socks to sleep n it helps.. gynae says it's perfectly normal n nothing to worry about so long as the condition is not companied by high blood pressure..
Yup, over about 2 weeks ago. I'm glad it's over together with tons of project from my work. Now will need to focus on moving my things from my current place to hubby's place. Not really an easy task now that I'm bigger and got a lot of things to move...hahaha...will need to pack slowly...hubby is worried i might give birth anytime, then no chance to pack
hi jasmine, I gained 16 at wk 26!! but gynae says it's ok, I'm more worried than he is, I've been asking him if my wgt gain is ok in the past 2 visits!
he says he will b worried if I don't gain cos that will risk baby's growth.. think he doesn't want to add unnecessary stress to me too.. it will b torturous to have to watch diet while worrying about eating healthy n baby's growth..

I guess u should not stress yourself out too much! for me, I just avoid excessive snacking.. I still continue to eat normal meals n have a bit of snack (even satisfy sinful cravings) whenever I feel like it :)

hi chiching, wedding over yet? you' re a super mummy! can juggle pregnancy n wedding! Jia you! btw, my water retention is quite bad (angle can get broader than feet kind!) n gets worse when I go work n sit whole day.. with rest (lying down n no excessive walking / sitting) the condition subsides.. I wear those compression socks to sleep n it helps.. gynae says it's perfectly normal n nothing to worry about so long as the condition is not companied by high blood pressure..
Wow ... it's the same as me =) but mayb cos u are smaller in size before pregnancy ? as i heard them saying that it'll be fine to gain much more if you are more petite :001_302:


Yeah if underweight need to gain more. If acceptable weight, also have a different weight gain. Least gain to have is overweight (be is slight or a lot). If baby is bigger, high chance mummy may have to go for C-sect coz harder to push out. I have a different worry.. Worry baby head is too big. Coz hubby head was big, son's head also consider big. But son was premature so normal birth was still ok. Hee... I think the leg cramp issue, you can try wearing socks. Might be coz it's cold.


Yup, over about 2 weeks ago. I'm glad it's over together with tons of project from my work. Now will need to focus on moving my things from my current place to hubby's place. Not really an easy task now that I'm bigger and got a lot of things to move...hahaha...will need to pack slowly...hubby is worried i might give birth anytime, then no chance to pack
Congrats! No wonder we didn't see you around. Hehe..
Wow ... it's the same as me =) but mayb cos u are smaller in size before pregnancy ? as i heard them saying that it'll be fine to gain much more if you are more petite :001_302:
ya our weight gain is similar! I'm not petite n not anywhere near my whole life! haha.. normal
size n more towards bigger frame, my bmi was normal before pregnancy.. I will sure hit 20kg loh, am sure.. sigh.. but so long as dr says no risk to the baby, I am not worried.. n I will not over indulge in sinful food.. just that I look super fat now.. wat to do? this is not the time to think of dieting..


Yup. My gynae also say 0.4g per week. How many weeks are you? I got.... 11-12 more weeks to EDD... so if I keep within... I should only gain 4 more kg (+8kg = 12kg in total). :/ sounds impossible since the 3rd tri is the part with the most weight gain.
I'm 28weeks tmr so should be around the same as u? My edd 9jan