EDD Jan 2014


New Member
hi mummies! what brand of milk do you drink? i have lactose tolerant problem so my alternative is to drink soya milk or take yogurt with fruit flavor. i cant take the plain one... :err: hubby just bought me frisomum and im currently finishing 1 glass. it has a yucky vanilla after taste. any good recommendation? i feel like vomitting right now. :eek:10:
hi mummies! what brand of milk do you drink? i have lactose tolerant problem so my alternative is to drink soya milk or take yogurt with fruit flavor. i cant take the plain one... :err: hubby just bought me frisomum and im currently finishing 1 glass. it has a yucky vanilla after taste. any good recommendation? i feel like vomitting right now. :eek:10:
Hi kailarueluka, i almost have the same reaction towards milk powder. The moment i smell it i start with the gag reflex and throw up. I have that eversince im a kid, but i discovered that i can drink fresh milk like the meiji one. One glass per day or the choco milk. You can try drinking the vanilla but put milo on it to remove the yucky taste.
Went for my blood test and Oscar today too. Scan is very fast as baby is in the best position dr wants. We were shown the fingers, legs etc. Can even see nose bridge! Dr say seeing nose bridge is a good sign meaning low risk for down syndrome. However, still must wait for blood test for conclusive result. Waiting time would be a week.
illuz, where did you go for oscar. I went to TMC this afternoon. We waited for almost two hours. Can see the nose bridge as well. Htb is so happy because it's the longest scan that have so far and quite amaze how the baby moves. Baby keeps on moving during the scan and keeps on facing down. The sono have to prod the baby several times to be in the proper lying position. It was such an incredible feeling


New Member
I finally told some of my colleagues today of my pregnancy. I'm glad that they were happy for me. Gave me lots of advise since they are all experienced mothers. They did recommend a few brands of powdered milk like frisco, annmum, sorry don't know the spelling. Anyways they said its best to ask gyne if they have any samples to try first so that we know which brand is acceptable by our bodies- meaning least yucky of the lot. They said normal milk does not contain the added nutrients we need.


illuz, where did you go for oscar. I went to TMC this afternoon. We waited for almost two hours. Can see the nose bridge as well. Htb is so happy because it's the longest scan that have so far and quite amaze how the baby moves. Baby keeps on moving during the scan and keeps on facing down. The sono have to prod the baby several times to be in the proper lying position. It was such an incredible feeling
I did at my dr clinic. This time round didn't see baby move because he/she sleeping very soundly. As first time parents ourselves, it's really amazing to see how fast baby grows. Can't wait to see him/her again end of the month. Hopefully can dance for us!


I finally told some of my colleagues today of my pregnancy. I'm glad that they were happy for me. Gave me lots of advise since they are all experienced mothers. They did recommend a few brands of powdered milk like frisco, annmum, sorry don't know the spelling. Anyways they said its best to ask gyne if they have any samples to try first so that we know which brand is acceptable by our bodies- meaning least yucky of the lot. They said normal milk does not contain the added nutrients we need.
I am thinking of drinking formulated milk too. Had requested sample from frisomum but yet to try. Since my dr already gave me prenatal vitamins which has dha, fish oil, calcium, iron, will I overdose if I take formulated milk also? Because the components seems pretty much same like folic acid, calcium, dha etc.


hi mummies! what brand of milk do you drink? i have lactose tolerant problem so my alternative is to drink soya milk or take yogurt with fruit flavor. i cant take the plain one... :err: hubby just bought me frisomum and im currently finishing 1 glass. it has a yucky vanilla after taste. any good recommendation? i feel like vomitting right now. :eek:10:
i also didn't like formula milk and was forcing myself to drink last time. Ended up being able to take annum brand chocolate flavor. But I'm not sure if the flavor is still available.


I am thinking of drinking formulated milk too. Had requested sample from frisomum but yet to try. Since my dr already gave me prenatal vitamins which has dha, fish oil, calcium, iron, will I overdose if I take formulated milk also? Because the components seems pretty much same like folic acid, calcium, dha etc.
I think it's ok. I also took the same supplements + milk during my last pregnancy. All's well. :)


Active Member
babytazz:804006 said:
hi mummies! what brand of milk do you drink? i have lactose tolerant problem so my alternative is to drink soya milk or take yogurt with fruit flavor. i cant take the plain one... :err: hubby just bought me frisomum and im currently finishing 1 glass. it has a yucky vanilla after taste. any good recommendation? i feel like vomitting right now. :eek:10:
i also didn't like formula milk and was forcing myself to drink last time. Ended up being able to take annum brand chocolate flavor. But I'm not sure if the flavor is still available.
Yes, chocolate still available,


I just tried my free sample of frisomum. The recommended per serving is way too much. 45g + 180ml water and turn out its so thick like yogurt! Gross! And its also too sweet. End up I pour away half and top up with water. But still the artificial vanilla taste is over whelming and now that I'm describing... I still feel like puking...


Babytaz: oh. Aniway I just ask my gynae. He like dun have this so called oscar scan. He is this triple test on 15th week for down syndrome and detail scan on 20 week. :/ im still poundering if I wan to do the triple test not. Hur hur.
I just tried my free sample of frisomum. The recommended per serving is way too much. 45g + 180ml water and turn out its so thick like yogurt! Gross! And its also too sweet. End up I pour away half and top up with water. But still the artificial vanilla taste is over whelming and now that I'm describing... I still feel like puking...
Hahahaha...i didn't even dare to try as just that. Put some milo on it, it will make the taste a lot better. :)


Active Member
gnissim23:804128 said:
Babytaz: oh. Aniway I just ask my gynae. He like dun have this so called oscar scan. He is this triple test on 15th week for down syndrome and detail scan on 20 week. :/ im still poundering if I wan to do the triple test not. Hur hur.
My oscar test is for down-sydrome,


I just tried my free sample of frisomum. The recommended per serving is way too much. 45g + 180ml water and turn out its so thick like yogurt! Gross! And its also too sweet. End up I pour away half and top up with water. But still the artificial vanilla taste is over whelming and now that I'm describing... I still feel like puking...
illuz - I also have some samples for mum's milk. But at the look of milk only, I can't drink it (I blame it on MS). Try anmum. Should be able to ask for free samples too. But would be nice if they can give chocolate flavor. They usually gives vanilla.