EDD Jan 2014


hi MTB, I haf a silly qn to ask. Those of u with bumps already, is the bump soft or hard? Cos I'm still trying to debate within me if mine is a bump or fats haha!! I know when the bump is really big like 5-7 mths, it's hard. But since now it's only the start, i cannot differentiate.
Should be soft now. Hard should when baby is bigger. Whether it's a bump or fats, as long as is healthy ok la. Hehe...


New Member
hi mummies, expecting my first one now. edd 2 jan 2014. doc says might deliver in dec though. I have been thru the Oscar test. haiz was put in the high risk of 1:114. so was asked to go for amniocentesis. i'm not afraid of pain. just afraid of the risk of miscarriage. my amnio will be on 22 jul. anyone has been thru this? now at 14 weeks plus. next appointment is on 16 jul. it really seems so long. the Oscar scan was fun. it took 45 mins and can see baby jumping, waving and kicking legs. really amazing for hubby and me. just so engrossed in looking at the screen. actually the scan was fine including the fluid at neck and the nasal bone but it is my age which is unfavourable and one of the blood components lacking. thus, it pulled my risk to higher. normal should be 1: 300.


Mine is hard.. And very obvious! Maybe I got too much gas?
illuz: I think I also have a lot of gas.. Gas that made me vomit & burp. Didn't quite like the vomit part. Coming to end of first trimester but I feel unlikely the vomit will go away.. Lol...


hi mummies, expecting my first one now. edd 2 jan 2014. doc says might deliver in dec though. I have been thru the Oscar test. haiz was put in the high risk of 1:114. so was asked to go for amniocentesis. i'm not afraid of pain. just afraid of the risk of miscarriage. my amnio will be on 22 jul. anyone has been thru this? now at 14 weeks plus. next appointment is on 16 jul. it really seems so long. the Oscar scan was fun. it took 45 mins and can see baby jumping, waving and kicking legs. really amazing for hubby and me. just so engrossed in looking at the screen. actually the scan was fine including the fluid at neck and the nasal bone but it is my age which is unfavourable and one of the blood components lacking. thus, it pulled my risk to higher. normal should be 1: 300.
nidellia: there's another topic in this forum that talks about the unfavourable Oscar scan results. It's best you take a look over there. Sorry I can't help with providing the correct topic, but mummies there do share. And most of them wrote about same results but after amnio is done, the baby is fine, no Down syndrome. What they mentioned too is quite useful and encouraging. I hope all's well for you. I can't say don't worry too much as this is easier said than done. But please take care and try to think positive.
My bump gt got real huge early last wk n was hard.. Guess its gas.. Now it's soft n less big, but did not subside totally, so I'm beginning to show alrdy :)Nidella, ur oscar scan was 45min lomg??? So gd! Those who hav done Oscar, Urs also took so long? Mine was a short 5 min n the dr took the screen shot so quickly for measurement that I did not really see my darling move! Feel so cheated >_
My bump gt got real huge early last wk n was hard.. Guess its gas.. Now it's soft n less big, but did not subside totally, so I'm beginning to show alrdy :)Nidella, ur oscar scan was 45min lomg??? So gd! Those who hav done Oscar, Urs also took so long? Mine was a short 5 min n the dr took the screen shot so quickly for measurement that I did not really see my darling move! Feel so cheated >_
Where did you do your oscar? Mine was around 30 mins. I wish i was able to take a lot of pictures, but the sonographer printed just 2. She showed us everything, heartbeat, arms, legs, measure the head, the fluid at the back was measured several times so that's why it took a while.


Just got my oscar result and it's Low Risk... phew.
Fabmums mine also very fast... din get to see my baby move too.

I'm having a slight bump since very early on...it has been stagnant so far. Haha..
It's not exactly soft, but it's slightly turgid and I will feel swollen at the lower abdomen. Don't worry, beyond this point it will just balloon and balloon... :D
How long did it take before you got your oscar test result? I did mine last tuesday but i haven't received any calls yet from the clinic. I think they will wait until my next check up is due, which is on the 31st of July.


How long did it take before you got your oscar test result? I did mine last tuesday but i haven't received any calls yet from the clinic. I think they will wait until my next check up is due, which is on the 31st of July.
Maybe good results so no updates till next checkup?


hi mummies, expecting my first one now. edd 2 jan 2014. doc says might deliver in dec though. I have been thru the Oscar test. haiz was put in the high risk of 1:114. so was asked to go for amniocentesis. i'm not afraid of pain. just afraid of the risk of miscarriage. my amnio will be on 22 jul. anyone has been thru this? now at 14 weeks plus. next appointment is on 16 jul. it really seems so long. the Oscar scan was fun. it took 45 mins and can see baby jumping, waving and kicking legs. really amazing for hubby and me. just so engrossed in looking at the screen. actually the scan was fine including the fluid at neck and the nasal bone but it is my age which is unfavourable and one of the blood components lacking. thus, it pulled my risk to higher. normal should be 1: 300.

Hi Nidellia, not to worry , will keep you in my thoughts. I rmb gynae once told that if nasal bone and fluid behind neck is in favorable range then risk of ds is pretty low. I guess is more of your age that's why gynae want to play safe. heard after amnio you to to drink lots of fluid to replace back the amnio fluid. will keep you in my thoughts. do update me on your results :) by the way my edd is only 2 days after yours :)


hopefully, keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks.

My gynae's clinics nurses also told me that if lab results are normal then they wont call. dont like the way it works though as i feel so out of control and unassured. i rather good or not good they also call and let us know.


My gynae's clinics nurses also told me that if lab results are normal then they wont call. dont like the way it works though as i feel so out of control and unassured. i rather good or not good they also call and let us know.
Agree. Remembered there was once I had pap smear done and was told if nothing they wouldn't call. They will just mail the report to me. After I receive a missed call but when I saw and tried to call back, the clinic is already closed. End up I am so worried thinking what could hv gone wrong and didn't sleep well. I called again the next day first thing in the morning. So actually they called because they found abit of yeast infection, ask me go take medicine.. Phew..


Active Member
Mine bump was hard.... even in the morning when its not gassy.... sometimes if i feel pinch, i will tap on the area, and say, hey mummy is uncomfortable, then the feel will go offp


Agree. Remembered there was once I had pap smear done and was told if nothing they wouldn't call. They will just mail the report to me. After I receive a missed call but when I saw and tried to call back, the clinic is already closed. End up I am so worried thinking what could hv gone wrong and didn't sleep well. I called again the next day first thing in the morning. So actually they called because they found abit of yeast infection, ask me go take medicine.. Phew..
oh my.. that cause so much unnecessary worry.
My gynae's clinics nurses also told me that if lab results are normal then they wont call. dont like the way it works though as i feel so out of control and unassured. i rather good or not good they also call and let us know.
I try not to think about it. But true, good or not good i think they should call at least for the peace of mind..hehehe. Maybe it takes really 1 week to get the result so i have to wait until tomorrow. I mean if it's bad by the time you go thr doctor's clinic the news has sink in and you wouldnt be surprise with the doctor's news. I just keep on praying that everything is good.


Did any of you asked your gynae before if you could eat delifrance or subway (tuna) now? I feel so much like eating the tuna croissant from Delifrance but not sure if that is possible. Going to ask gynae next week when I see him..