EDD Jan 2014


ok. thanks for the advise mummies. wah.. didn't know milo was so high in nutrients, i have an excuse to drink it more often now, really love anything with chocolate :)


Hi Mummies,

Any cheaper maternity wear shop to recommend for maternity bra and pants?
Hi Bii, if u are of average size why not try online shops or overseas web like taobao? they are really cheap but of course you cant get to try the designs or see them in real life but price wise is really alot cheaper. i walk pass mothercare and saw them having sales, maybe you can pop by and take a look at their discounts?


Hi Bii, if u are of average size why not try online shops or overseas web like taobao? they are really cheap but of course you cant get to try the designs or see them in real life but price wise is really alot cheaper. i walk pass mothercare and saw them having sales, maybe you can pop by and take a look at their discounts?
Agree. I got some from taobao too. Really cheap compared to shops here. I got a nice pair of maternity skinny jeans at about $20 including shipping.


Active Member
Lush:810954 said:
by the way mummies, any one of you tried maternity milk yet? my gynae's clinic did give me a few samples for me to try but heard some mummies from other forums telling me the taste was really bad. Want to hear more feedback before i start trying to drink one glass. Now I'm always drinking HL chocolate milk, im wondering is the nutrients good enough? If it is then i probably will skip the maternity milk.
I will suggest you to drink the maternity milk than HL milk, as its both powdered milk, and of cos maternity milk will have more nutrient than HL!!!!!

And please please ladies, start using whatever brand of oil, butter or stretchmark cream NOW!!! Dun wait until you see bigger bump, u already got stretchmark that its so hard to remove
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I will suggest you to drink the maternity milk than HL milk, as its both powdered milk, and of cos maternity milk will have more nutrient than HL!!!!!

And please please ladies, start using whatever brand of oil, butter or stretchmark cream NOW!!! dont wait until you see bigger bump, you already got stretchmark that its so hard to remove
Missy, im just wondering are you facing this? realise my bump gets abit more round esp after eating and some pple will look and see. feeling so weird and uncomfortable. do any mummies encounter this too? ( it looks more like i have a fat tummy then an actual baby bump :( . feel ps when pple see )
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Active Member
Lush:811065 said:
I will suggest you to drink the maternity milk than HL milk, as its both powdered milk, and of cos maternity milk will have more nutrient than HL!!!!!

And please please ladies, start using whatever brand of oil, butter or stretchmark cream NOW!!! dont wait until you see bigger bump, you already got stretchmark that its so hard to remove
Missy, im just wondering are you facing this? realise my bump gets abit more round esp after eating and some pple will look and see. feeling so weird and uncomfortable. do any mummies encounter this too? ( it looks more like i have a fat tummy then an actual baby bump :( . feel ps when pple see )
Yeah.... i keep asking hubby, isit my face doesn't match my bump... aunties gave me weird look, like is that a bump or big tummy hahhaahhaah


hello mummies! so many updates since i mia-ed..

was down with sinus infection :( had to take antibiotics cos ent and gynae both agreed that persistent infection is more dangerous for the baby then a course of antibiotics.. was a little upset about it and worried also..

went for check up at 14 weeks and baby is well, we weren't able to see Little One's face as Little One was shy and one hand was covering his/her face during the point when gynae switched to 3d image!

gynae said next detailed scan is at 20 weeks and for now i'm ok to fly (12 hours) and since i'm not showing at all yet (managed to gain 200g), no need to even get a letter to show airline!!

glad to see that everyone is going well (i read through all the posts briefly haha.. more than 20 pages to catch up).

saw that there was something about maternity wear and just to share, even though i'm small sized, HTB insisted to buy maternity wear and the shops do have xs or s size that fits! the stretch-y shorts fit my normal size but have the capacity to increase as belly increases and are really comfortable and they have nice non-maternity looking tops that don't make me look like i'm wearing an oversized gown!


went for check up on Tue and managed to see the gender. Baby is a boy. anyway, Dunno if the MS or acne is related to gender. I'm 16 weeks+5days and my MS was quite bad this week. As for my skin n hair , it was better than before I was preggy. Pple who still dunno I'm preggy tot I had some good facial. I've gained 2kg n baby weighs 180g now. Still fitting into my current clothes though getting tight.

Anyone else knows gender yet with similar symptoms?


Missy, im just wondering are you facing this? realise my bump gets abit more round esp after eating and some pple will look and see. feeling so weird and uncomfortable. do any mummies encounter this too? ( it looks more like i have a fat tummy then an actual baby bump :( . feel ps when pple see )
Lush, mine is the same as urs. I only looked like I had a big buffet daily n even my hubby said if he dunno me, he thinks I'm just fat at the tummy. Try to wear dresses or clothes that are loose to cover up...
My baby refused to turn and had its legs together during the scan. Haha! Cant wait for next visit to finally know the gender! Im having acne and back acne too with this pregnancy. Gone is my clear skin boohoo


It feels really good to see all mummies about the same EDD, discussing same things. Hehe.. I think boys are easier to be spotted provided the baby is in the right position. I'm hoping for a girl...
I'm hoping for a girl too! Well, one reason is because I was the only girl in the family ( i got two big brothers). Plus I have 3 nephews and a niece that will be coming out this november. So we are hoping that I will have a girl so my niece will not be bullied by her bigger cousins.
hello mummies! so many updates since i mia-ed..

was down with sinus infection :( had to take antibiotics cos ent and gynae both agreed that persistent infection is more dangerous for the baby then a course of antibiotics.. was a little upset about it and worried also..

went for check up at 14 weeks and baby is well, we weren't able to see Little One's face as Little One was shy and one hand was covering his/her face during the point when gynae switched to 3d image!

gynae said next detailed scan is at 20 weeks and for now i'm ok to fly (12 hours) and since i'm not showing at all yet (managed to gain 200g), no need to even get a letter to show airline!!

glad to see that everyone is going well (i read through all the posts briefly haha.. more than 20 pages to catch up).

saw that there was something about maternity wear and just to share, even though i'm small sized, HTB insisted to buy maternity wear and the shops do have xs or s size that fits! the stretch-y shorts fit my normal size but have the capacity to increase as belly increases and are really comfortable and they have nice non-maternity looking tops that don't make me look like i'm wearing an oversized gown!
Hi ajcy, welcome back. I hope you are feeling better now. Hmm...how come my doctor never switch to 3d, i'm actually wonder when can we see my baby in 3D so at least it will be a bit clearer.

Anyway, take care during your trip!


Peenut, congrats on having a boy. Wow you are the first one here to know baby's gender..
I dunno mine yet...next checkup is 1 Aug. I'll be about 16 week 5 days by then.

When i had my first boy, I also had very good skin and radiant look. Everyone also thought I was having a gal. This time round same, I also look more radiant and skin is quite clear too.

My MS is totally gone since I crossed over to 2nd trimester..lucky me. Sometimes I even forget that I am pregnant now.. coz feel quite energetic and normal, except that the bump is growing in size and pple can start to tell that I'm preggy again. Now I'm thinking how to 'prepare' my elder boy for his sibling...wonder if he will love and be close to his sibling or not.


Lush, mine is the same as urs. I only looked like I had a big buffet daily n even my hubby said if he dunno me, he thinks I'm just fat at the tummy. Try to wear dresses or clothes that are loose to cover up...
Yes thats what my hubby said too, i think cus right now bump is still not very hard yet so it looks more like a chubby tummy, if mummies has smaller bust then will look more like baby bump but im more well chested. so i look like i got a really fat tummy after i eaten ! I realise your bb development is about same as mine, when is your edd? mine is 1st week of jan.


Next Monday! So excited! Hope baby is growing well
Yes all will be fine for you im sure :) next week cfm can see gender. cus gynae say 16 weeks "private parts" are very visible already. haha, praying your bb wont be shy and open his/her legs for you! Update here once you find out!


It feels really good to see all mummies about the same EDD, discussing same things. Hehe.. I think boys are easier to be spotted provided the baby is in the right position. I'm hoping for a girl...
Haha was your first bundle of joy a boy?