EDD Jan 2014


Babytaz: oh. Aniway I just ask my gynae. He like dun have this so called oscar scan. He is this triple test on 15th week for down syndrome and detail scan on 20 week. :/ im still poundering if I wan to do the triple test not. Hur hur.
gmissim - Oscar test and triple test have different percentage of accuracy to test on Down syndrome. In my first pregnancy, gynae says Oscar is up to 90% whereas triple is over 60%. But triple also tests for neural tube defects. I think for those who went to Dr L Ang, he should have given you this piece of paper for explanation on the tests. In my current pregnancy, clinic says Oscar is 85% and triple is 70%. Oscar has to be done before week 13.

Any advice from gynae which is better? If the gynae doesn't do Oscar at his/her clinic, they will usually refer you to hospital for the test. :)


Hello everyone, I'm doing my OSCAR tomorrow morning. Looking forward to see my darling dance... These few days I started to feel baby's movements...light ones, just like drum beats in the tummy. Think I'm feeling movements earlier coz this is my 2nd pregnancy. :)

As for milk, I am taking Anmum now. Tastes ok to me. If you are lactose intolerant, can consider to take oatmilk instead.

Missy, you got sense that your baby is a gal? i notice that you used 'she' when you describing the scan.. ;)
Me also have a sense that mine is a boy, dunno whether accurate or not, waiting for the confirmation in a few weeks time. :D


Hello everyone, I'm doing my OSCAR tomorrow morning. Looking forward to see my darling dance... These few days I started to feel baby's movements...light ones, just like drum beats in the tummy. Think I'm feeling movements earlier coz this is my 2nd pregnancy. :)

As for milk, I am taking Anmum now. Tastes ok to me. If you are lactose intolerant, can consider to take oatmilk instead.

Missy, you got sense that your baby is a gal? i notice that you used 'she' when you describing the scan.. ;)
Me also have a sense that mine is a boy, dont know whether accurate or not, waiting for the confirmation in a few weeks time. :D
I can feel movements too! Especially at night when I'm lying down. But they say it's too early to feel movements yet so I wonder if it's just gas or my imagination. I dont feel anything in the day time and indeed when I go scan in the afternoon, baby is sleeping..


illuz, yah I felt mine when I was lying down on my back too. :D
Ticklish ticklish one. Actually baby movement does feel like gas in the initial stages. Some sensitive pple can feel early even if it's the first pregnancy.

Oh yah, think our EDDs are quite close! :)
illuz, yah I felt mine when I was lying down on my back too. :D
Ticklish ticklish one. Actually baby movement does feel like gas in the initial stages. Some sensitive pple can feel early even if it's the first pregnancy.

Oh yah, think our EDDs are quite close! :)
Now that you guys mentioned it, it might be the baby movement i'm feeling, especially when my bladder is full and i need to pee or when lying down. Normally i don't feel any hollow area in my abdomen and tummy area. Just recently, when i crossed over to the 12th week, i feel as if something is moving inside, like i have pingpong balls bouncing inside my abdomen area...


Now that you guys mentioned it, it might be the baby movement i'm feeling, especially when my bladder is full and i need to pee or when lying down. Normally i don't feel any hollow area in my abdomen and tummy area. Just recently, when i crossed over to the 12th week, i feel as if something is moving inside, like i have pingpong balls bouncing inside my abdomen area...
No offence.. But if you lie down and see your abdomen is moving up and down like heart beating. Likely it is your heartbeat.. Read that somewhere before coz I was initially excited when I saw this as well. And then I ask my hubby to lie down and I see his tummy. Same as mine.. Hehe..
No offence.. But if you lie down and see your abdomen is moving up and down like heart beating. Likely it is your heartbeat.. Read that somewhere before coz I was initially excited when I saw this as well. And then I ask my hubby to lie down and I see his tummy. Same as mine.. Hehe..
Hi babytazz, don't worry, none taken.:) I haven't seen my abdomen move it's more of the feeling that changed ever since i cross over to 12weeks. My baby is such a mover so i will not be a bit surprise if i start to feel any movement. But of course, I'm looking forward for the official "kick"..hehehehe
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New Member
Just did my blood test last sat...now awaiting for coming monday Oscar test at NUH.
This time round, gynae prescribe me with additional fish oil supplement. Was wondering if anyone got better lobang to share? it cost $40 for 30 pills.
What do we expect for oscar test? will be painful ma?
Anyone face constipation problem? Mine seem really bad, need to go get plum juice later...
Just did my blood test last sat...now awaiting for coming monday Oscar test at NUH.
This time round, gynae prescribe me with additional fish oil supplement. Was wondering if anyone got better lobang to share? it cost $40 for 30 pills.
What do we expect for oscar test? will be painful ma?
Anyone face constipation problem? Mine seem really bad, need to go get plum juice later...
Chapter: oscar is not painful, it's like your normal scan only longer and has more details. Just to give you an idea, the sono will show you the details about your baby. For me, i was able to see my baby's heart beating as she zooms it. She will show you the baby's head, the nasal bone, the feet, the arms, and will measure as well something about the space somewhere near the head that's supposed to be an indicator for the risk on having a baby with down-syndrome. But for us it was a very exciting experience, especially when we saw that our baby is such a mover. She keeps on moving while the sono try to get a picture of her so it was a very funny experience esp. for htb since i was teasing him that the baby is a mover like him.


missy10 and babytazz: my gynae machine is able to scan the baby fluid under the neck and the neck size. (tts what I think Oscar scan for too right?) so he just scan and measure and say low risk tts all. -.-" he only told me that I can do triple test (not compulssary) and a blood test (compulssary). and detail scan on 20th week at TMC with another gynae (also not compulssary). me and hubby still considering on triple test. and my hubby seems to wan me do detail scan. I have got a weird thinking. I feel that my baby will be normal and healthy and I feel not necessary to do all this. what if what if the test results is not good n I will be worrying for nth and be poundering n pple asking to terminate the pregnancy kind of thing n so I got a big big feel that I would not test n will just give birth to my bb. :/


oh yes. anyone heard of low lying placenta in first trimester? doc told me I have low lying placenta but 98% of this cases will be ok as the placenta will shift upwards. but I may experience spotting if it hit my blood vessels.


Hey mummies,

i need your advise, i am currently 13 weeks preggie, and have realised over the past few days my discharge is really watery, sometimes when i sneeze i can feel it coming out ( my bladder is empty though ). Just wondering is this normal or should i consult my gynae over this?



lush: I do have more discharge sometimes as well. but no itch no wierd smell is ok. when I sneeze too hard sometimes I feel abit of urine came out too. -.-" probably u can just phone ur gynae?
I was diagnosed with low lying placenta in my early weeks. I was spotting daily and it eventually resolved but then i had blood clots. As long as ure not spotting u shld b fine. Take extra.care and avoid doing anythg heavy.


New Member
Hi Lush,
Tomorrow i will be exactly 13 weeks. I also experience something white like discharge when i sneeze or more like a urine so i use sanitary pad whenever i go out because its really embarrassing when in its visible to my pants. :elvis: i asked my GP and OB as well and they say is that when we sneeze a part of our lower abdomen is being pushed down causing the uncontrollable urine coming out while the white discharge is cause by the medicine i am currently taking which is progesterone (1 in the morning, 2 at night). Do you also take this medicine right now?

Hey mummies,

i need your advise, i am currently 13 weeks preggie, and have realised over the past few days my discharge is really watery, sometimes when i sneeze i can feel it coming out ( my bladder is empty though ). Just wondering is this normal or should i consult my gynae over this?



Active Member
Received my blood test result, my blood count is low.... suggested i go for blood test again..... for blood disorder.....


gmissim - I'm 10 wks 5/6 days. My Oscar is on 17th.
babytazz, my Oscar is 1 day before u! it's on the 16th and I cant wait!! cuz my last appointment was almost 3 weeks ago.. plus after seeing all of you mummies posting about your results and how ur babies were dancing and saying hi to you.. it just got me in the mood and so excitedddd!! :D


Hi mummies,

thanks so much for all the comforting advices. I am on progesterone tablets too ( 1 at night ) cus i had a blood clot near my bb during early preg so still continuing now as gynae just wants to be on the safe side, my is not really white, its more of thin slightly yellow watery discharge and i notice it alot more this few days. 1st trimester i was rather dry - sorry if tmi. i will just call my gynae to be on the safe side, had an early first loss last yr so getting very jumpy at the smallest sign.