EDD Jan 2014


Hi mummies,

thanks so much for all the comforting advices. I am on progesterone tablets too ( 1 at night ) cus i had a blood clot near my bb during early preg so still continuing now as gynae just wants to be on the safe side, my is not really white, its more of thin slightly yellow watery discharge and i notice it alot more this few days. 1st trimester i was rather dry - sorry if tmi. i will just call my gynae to be on the safe side, had an early first loss last yr so getting very jumpy at the smallest sign.
Lush, I have been having sticky yellowish discharge for the last 2 weeks or so as well.. and it has become a daily affair for me such that I would panic if I dont see it.. hahaha.. But I am feeling good.. so dont worry too much.. but of course do phone ur gynae for reassurance.


Active Member
gnissim23:804332 said:
missy10 and babytazz: my gynae machine is able to scan the baby fluid under the neck and the neck size. (tts what I think Oscar scan for too right?) so he just scan and measure and say low risk tts all. -.-" he only told me that I can do triple test (not compulssary) and a blood test (compulssary). and detail scan on 20th week at TMC with another gynae (also not compulssary). me and hubby still considering on triple test. and my hubby seems to wan me do detail scan. I have got a weird thinking. I feel that my baby will be normal and healthy and I feel not necessary to do all this. what if what if the test results is not good n I will be worrying for nth and be poundering n pple asking to terminate the pregnancy kind of thing n so I got a big big feel that I would not test n will just give birth to my bb. :/
Gnissim - i actually have the same feel exactly when gynae ask me approach a talk on down-syndrome, me too felt that my bb will be a healthy one.....

But after the consultant mentioned something,, hubby immediately say ok, when can we do the test

She said that there is no treatment for down-syndrome, if you dun test, touch-wood by the time you can see from the scan, it will be too late to terminate the pregnancy, so we do not want to take the risk....

Intially i worry about the cost, but hubby says to pay for a peace of mind, so i can enjoy my pregnancy and welcome our lil donut to the world HEALTHY


Shadypink: thanks! Hope I wun see anything spots. Hopefullt it move up by nxt visit nxt mth. 4 weeks more to see my bb again ha.

Missy10: yes. Doc alsp say there is no treatment n need to terminate. But I think I will cant take it if choy choy choy. The triple test id actually only 130 $. I dun need go oscar as my gynae no mention and he already test the fluid of bb neck the NT le. So only triple test for nurel defects, n anoyher 2 more I dun remember. U gg oscar scan for this NT nxt week right?
every time I need to sneeze, I'll quickly sit down, if lying down, curl one side, so that I won't move too much frm the sneeze.. lol

Fay, I've the same issue too! v hard to think of food I wan to eat.. ystd I bought a pkt of fried bee hoon n don feel lik eating it once I got home, can't even bare opening it up. the sight of the packet in front of me makes me feel sick.. ended up eating a bit of my hubby's dinner n threw the bee hoon away.. sigh.. n can't stand the sight of thick pieces of meat too.. weird =| I have nv disliked food all my life, hope the feeling goes away!
Haha. It's normal but I never encounter this. My feeling is that if you are taking nutritious food and the right supplements, there is not much fluctuation of hormone in the body and hence less cravings and morning sickness. I didn't take iron supplement as it will make the stool black. Instead I took spirulina, it contains more iron than from eating beef.
Kailarueluka-DHA is good, green is good(whole food supplement such as super green food) those are good source of calcium. why do you need to take progesterone?


Lush, I have been having sticky yellowish discharge for the last 2 weeks or so as well.. and it has become a daily affair for me such that I would panic if I dont see it.. hahaha.. But I am feeling good.. so dont worry too much.. but of course do phone ur gynae for reassurance.

haha im hoping i think too much too, i try to observe a few more days and see how :) your post reassured me.


Just did my blood test last sat...now awaiting for coming monday Oscar test at NUH.
This time round, gynae prescribe me with additional fish oil supplement. Was wondering if anyone got better lobang to share? it cost $40 for 30 pills.
What do we expect for oscar test? will be painful ma?
Anyone face constipation problem? Mine seem really bad, need to go get plum juice later...
Chapter: my clinic told me I have to pay $30 for fish oil. But I'm not sure of the quantity. I have bought some myself during the recent baby fair. Brand neurogain pb. It's cheaper.


missy10 and babytazz: my gynae machine is able to scan the baby fluid under the neck and the neck size. (tts what I think Oscar scan for too right?) so he just scan and measure and say low risk tts all. -.-" he only told me that I can do triple test (not compulssary) and a blood test (compulssary). and detail scan on 20th week at TMC with another gynae (also not compulssary). me and hubby still considering on triple test. and my hubby seems to wan me do detail scan. I have got a weird thinking. I feel that my baby will be normal and healthy and I feel not necessary to do all this. what if what if the test results is not good n I will be worrying for nth and be poundering n pple asking to terminate the pregnancy kind of thing n so I got a big big feel that I would not test n will just give birth to my bb. :/
gnissim: you may like the detailed scan if you like lots of images of your little one. If i rem correctly, this detailed scan will have lots of images of your baby given to you at the end of the scan. But again, detailed scan is another scan to check on development of baby, see if there are abnormal situations.


Hi Lush,
Tomorrow i will be exactly 13 weeks. I also experience something white like discharge when i sneeze or more like a urine so i use sanitary pad whenever i go out because its really embarrassing when in its visible to my pants. :elvis: i asked my GP and OB as well and they say is that when we sneeze a part of our lower abdomen is being pushed down causing the uncontrollable urine coming out while the white discharge is cause by the medicine i am currently taking which is progesterone (1 in the morning, 2 at night). Do you also take this medicine right now?

I use the pantyliners. When your tummy gets bigger and leaking when sneezing or coughing gets more common, can try the poise pads.


babytazz, my Oscar is 1 day before u! it's on the 16th and I cant wait!! cuz my last appointment was almost 3 weeks ago.. plus after seeing all of you mummies posting about your results and how ur babies were dancing and saying hi to you.. it just got me in the mood and so excitedddd!! :D
Fay85: hehe.. I also can't wait to see gynae again so that I can see the little one and how he/she is doing. I also can't wait to get over 1st trimester coz of the MS.. When is your due?


I use the pantyliners. When your tummy gets bigger and leaking when sneezing or coughing gets more common, can try the poise pads.
How about kegel exercise? I saw many website and videos suggesting this simple exercise that strengthen the muscles.


Active Member
illuz:804518 said:
I use the pantyliners. When your tummy gets bigger and leaking when sneezing or coughing gets more common, can try the poise pads.
How about kegel exercise? I saw many website and videos suggesting this simple exercise that strengthen the muscles.
How does it really feel, video says it feels like you ate holding the pee(isnt like you having orgasm feel) sorry tmi, but can we do within 1st tri?


New Member
@babytazz: yeah i will try poise pads next time. i couldnt see them available in our nearest grocery. maybe i can find them in giant or cold storage or jason?

@Missy10: kegel exercise is like muscle control.

How does it really feel, video says it feels like you ate holding the pee(isnt like you having orgasm feel) sorry tmi, but can we do within 1st tri?


How does it really feel, video says it feels like you ate holding the pee(isnt like you having orgasm feel) sorry tmi, but can we do within 1st tri?
Missy: The exercise can be done anything. It's really like holding your pee from coming out when you are in need of going toilet.

illuz: I recall the exercise is to help when you are giving birth? Ie control from pushing. I think it may not help much with sudden leak when you sneeze or cough. Coz I think those very hard to control. Hehe..


@babytazz: yeah i will try poise pads next time. i couldnt see them available in our nearest grocery. maybe i can find them in giant or cold storage or jason?

@Missy10: kegel exercise is like muscle control.

Kaila: Should be able to find from Watsons, supermarkets. like ntuc Oso have.


This is extracted from Internet:

Kegel exercises, also called pelvic floor exercises, help strengthen the muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and bowels. Kegel exercises also help strengthen vaginal muscles.

What are the benefits of Kegel Exercises?

Pregnant women who perform Kegel exercises often find they have an easier birth. Strengthening these muscles during pregnancy can help you develop the ability to control your muscles during labor and delivery. Toning all of these muscles will also minimize two common problems during pregnancy: bladder control and hemorrhoids.

Kegel exercises are also recommended after pregnancy to promote perineal healing, regain bladder control, and strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The best thing about Kegel exercises is that they can be done anywhere and no one knows you’re doing them.


but im just so confused that im so early in the preg and when i sneeze fluid or a little pee can come out liao. :( cus bb is still rather small isnt it?


but im just so confused that im so early in the preg and when i sneeze fluid or a little pee can come out liao. :( cus bb is still rather small isnt it?
Don't worry. Coz though baby is small, the area may be pressing your bladder so you are likely to go toilet more often. Likewise for fluid/leak to come out.


Just did my OSCAR today. Measurements look alright, blood test will be out in 5 days' time. But my baby did not dance for me leh...was actually in a kneeling position as though paying respects to us. Hahaha...

Baby's CRL today is 65.3mm... I'm clearing 1st trimester already, can feel MS easing off alot. Yay yay yay... Looking forward to start prenatal yoga in abt 1-2 weeks time. :)
