EDD Jan 2014


Hi Missy thanks for showing your bump! At least I know I'm on track too haha. Mine is abt there too though im 15 weeks now. I still can wear most of my clothes n pants except a little tight when I sit down.


i'm stll ok, but just dont know whether isit considered pantang to talk about all this during preg period. :/


Active Member
Its really up to you, whether you pantang anot
I try to away horror movie, or talking about it, i just dun wan my baby to scare

Although research claimed that baby will only get to recognize voice at 5th month, i do talk to baby since 10th weeks,


New Member
Hi all mother-to-be, my edd has just changed from 04 Feb to 31 Jan 14. I am 11 weeks pregnant. I have serious MS till Hypermesis (extreme form of morning sickness that caused dehydration). I have admitted to KK n just discharged. I am already on 4weeks HL so Feeling quite lost n helpless even though my bb is still doing fine.

I would like to change my gynae frm subsidised to private at KK. Any recommendation of any gynae?


Its really up to you, whether you pantang anot
I try to away horror movie, or talking about it, i just dun wan my baby to scare

Although research claimed that baby will only get to recognize voice at 5th month, i do talk to baby since 10th weeks,
thx missy10


Hi all mother-to-be, my edd has just changed from 04 Feb to 31 Jan 14. I am 11 weeks pregnant. I have serious MS till Hypermesis (extreme form of morning sickness that caused dehydration). I have admitted to KK n just discharged. I am already on 4weeks HL so Feeling quite lost n helpless even though my baby is still doing fine.

I would like to change my gynae frm subsidised to private at KK. Any recommendation of any gynae?
Hi, Dr Goh Shen Li is good, she used to be my gynae, very smiley and pleasant. can look her up in gynae thread, however i do not like to go to KK as the waiting time is long and the consultation is very short with the gynae, almost seems very rush. scans are also not done by the gynae but sonographer. if you dont mind i can intro you my gynae ( male ) who is very affordable and very very patient, whats more is that he doesn't rush thru the consultations, even when i ask some very funny qns, he will always ans me with a smile, i can pm you if you need the contact.


Just received a call from the clinic, my OSCAR blood test n scan is normal and low risk. Glad to hear that, hopefully everything going smooth till the day :).
to all mummies please take care,drink a lot of water n eat more fruits n vege.....
Grats for the good results for the oscar, happy and healthy 9 months :)!!


Active Member
babyjace82:807813 said:
Hi all mother-to-be, my edd has just changed from 04 Feb to 31 Jan 14. I am 11 weeks pregnant. I have serious MS till Hypermesis (extreme form of morning sickness that caused dehydration). I have admitted to KK n just discharged. I am already on 4weeks HL so Feeling quite lost n helpless even though my bb is still doing fine.

I would like to change my gynae frm subsidised to private at KK. Any recommendation of any gynae?
Baby - im seeing Dr Tan Kim Teng, female dr, a straightforward one.... seeing her is to come with a condition, you have to deliver in KKH,

think all gynae session sound the same - fast ending, for her session if you have lots of questions, she's more than willing to answer

And do care and get as much bed rest as possible during your HL

Come here and chat to past time rather than feeling helpless and lost, share it with us
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Its really up to you, whether you pantang anot
I try to away horror movie, or talking about it, i just dun wan my baby to scare

Although research claimed that baby will only get to recognize voice at 5th month, i do talk to baby since 10th weeks,

I agree. Lush, since it's already a passed matter, don't think so much about it. If you feel uncomfy, next time just move away when people start talking about these.
For my family, relatives asked to not go to tombs area or when passing by, look away. But if it is praying for relatives who passed away and the tablet is at a temple, ok to go.
I also refrain from watching horror or action movies but because of the sudden loud noises that may appear can scare me and in a way scare the little one in me.


Missy10 and lush: wow all got baby bump already. I feel mine still flat (just reach 13 weeks) btw im quite skinny n underweight before preggy but I do have stomach fats. N I just feel mine is fats after so much food as I gain 3kg in first trimester as it is flat at mornong n bloated at noon after food. So I guess its not baby bump? Hehe


New Member
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I logged on as was really busy. Glad that everyone is doing well. Just a note to all to remember not to hold your pee.. Have to go when u feel the urge. I was so busy that I actually held my per and suffered the consequences of urinary tract infection. Scared myself cos there was lots of bleeding and I thought something happened to the baby.


Gosh! All of you have baby bumps showing already! I'm still feeling mine are fats coz it still feels soft (I'm not thin to begin with). Hehe... But mine is just 12 wks +.
I just asked gynae last week if the bump should be hard or soft as I kept thinking its only fats. Gynae said it should be soft now. I think it gets hard only when the tummy has no space anymore? She said it should not be hard now actually when you lie down.


Active Member
Gabrielle86:807897 said:
Just wondering can we put ointment rubs on tummy. Tummy so bloated I feel like putting 'ru yi you'...
I also apply ru yi you every night... i basically applied on the whole tmy, especially the side, but that was after i apply my bio oil