
New Member
Baby is ready too :001_302: but baby didnt gain much weight since last visit from 2.6kg to 2.689. However, I read baby just needs to be around 2.7kg so am more relieved.
Yes not to worry, sometimes not accurate ! My fren doc estimate 3.5 guess wat?? Baby born 4.6!!! She goes natural wit epi somemore! No C section ! U go girl! No epi for me too! We can do it!!!
Yes not to worry, sometimes not accurate ! My fren doc estimate 3.5 guess wat?? Baby born 4.6!!! She goes natural wit epi somemore! No C section ! U go girl! No epi for me too! We can do it!!!
wat !!! 4.6 ... tat a beri big different. Lolz...
giant BB mus be beri cute. hehe


New Member
wow.. quite chubby at 32 weeks in 2.2kg.. today just went see my gynae... finally my bb head had engaged, weighing at 2.5kg at 35 weeks now... my gynae also on leave tml n be back in 1 week time... btw who is ur gynae?? mine is Dr Adrian Tan fr thomson medical... few weeks more to go... cheers... have a wonderful n smoothing delivery journey ahead... cheers...
My Gynae is Dr Ang from sun plaza. it's good that bb head down and engaged. do u feel pressure on pelvis area? does yr baby still moving alots? my pelvis area is pain when i walk for stand for a few mins. baby is super active and move a lots till my belly feel soar and pain. just counting for another 2 more weeks... let us know when you delivery.. cheers

angela ng

New Member
Yes not to worry, sometimes not accurate ! My fren doc estimate 3.5 guess wat?? Baby born 4.6!!! She goes natural wit epi somemore! No C section ! U go girl! No epi for me too! We can do it!!!
Wow... 4.6...that's huge...
Yeah no epi for me too...

angela ng

New Member
R u all able to walk?
I have difficulty in walking...
beri slow n heavy , hehe.
walk...yes... but like you, slow and heavy... :eek:

feels warm easily too... so like to sit on my marble floor.... cos sofa is cloth material...
but downside is getting up from floor takes so much more effort... need to balance and all...
feels like humpty dumpty sometimes... :eek:
walk...yes... but like you, slow and heavy... :eek:

feels warm easily too... so like to sit on my marble floor.... cos sofa is cloth material...
but downside is getting up from floor takes so much more effort... need to balance and all...
feels like humpty dumpty sometimes... :eek:
really is same as me..... especially from the waist...... is so difficult to get up from bed...
even turn ard.. oso tough.

also, do u feel different types of pain ..... maybe slight contraction... or constipation. lolx.

angela ng

New Member
really is same as me..... especially from the waist...... is so difficult to get up from bed...
even turn ard.. oso tough.

also, do u feel different types of pain ..... maybe slight contraction... or constipation. lolx.
well just two days back, i experienced weird 'pains'... shall try describing it...
when I lie down on the bed on one side, I feel like I need to go to the washroom... then when I lie with my back on the bed, I feel pressure near the spine, and when I switch to lie on other side, I feel pressure on the pelvic... was telling my friends I feel like my tummy is experiencing mixed rice syndrome.... all-in-one... are these the pains you are referring to? They're not unbearable for me... so can't really say it's pain... but more of uncomfortable-ness....


hihi..long time didnt log in here...any mummies here who hav popped oready? im still waiting any time now..edd is 13jan..2nd kid..last time my 1st son born exactly 39wks..thought 2nd one usually will come earlier? guezz my baby wanna spend bit more time inside letting his big bro get his last full attn before he comes out..lol:tlaugh:

Am also super achin..ystrday wen for 39wk chkup..baby oready very low...ysterday had some crampng..anticipatin contraction might come..but after woke up fm sleep felt bit better..will just monitor for now...
well just two days back, i experienced weird 'pains'... shall try describing it...
when I lie down on the bed on one side, I feel like I need to go to the washroom... then when I lie with my back on the bed, I feel pressure near the spine, and when I switch to lie on other side, I feel pressure on the pelvic... was telling my friends I feel like my tummy is experiencing mixed rice syndrome.... all-in-one... are these the pains you are referring to? They're not unbearable for me... so can't really say it's pain... but more of uncomfortable-ness....
yes, tat wat i mean.....

wat ur EDD?
mine is 21 Jan... gynae shld be earlier by 1 week.
Hi eveyone im back after disappearing for so many wks...
My babywas deliver @ TMC on thur noon,weighing oni 2.570
I was discharge today & nw doing my confinement..
Congratulations! How does the contraction like?
Now i having some on off contraction... is it gng to due soon.


New Member
Anyone aiming to give birth on 110111?
Im sooo anxious!!!
Im goin for check up tomoro my doc said to me last visit tat if this week ready can giv birth, i hope can induce and giv birth on 110111
nice date!!
BTW anyone tried induce? is it more painful than normal ? or can mummies advise if i should wait til natural takes its course?

Anyone aiming to give birth on 110111?
Im sooo anxious!!!
Im goin for check up tomoro my doc said to me last visit tat if this week ready can giv birth, i hope can induce and giv birth on 110111
nice date!!
BTW anyone tried induce? is it more painful than normal ? or can mummies advise if i should wait til natural takes its course?


lolz... i oso aiming on this day.
But i still prefer natural takes its course.

Lolz.. 110111.... very easy to remember. lolx.


New Member
Haiz gotta wait for another week dear baby too comfy
Doc said "if cervix open let u deliver Tmr" yay!! I tot somemote 110111!! But never open leh wat to do.. Wait Lor...:shyxxx:
i also did not slept well.......
having slight contraction recently.
Gng to due these few days.