Edd june 2014


Singsong cannot drink barley at 1st trim as per my mil. The uterus will contract she say. Too liang.. I not sure abt this but was banned from barley from my in law.

Christylee dun scare ok. U tell the nurse u scare, they will be gentle de.. I so use to blood test till i sit there and ask them how many tube u need this time. Lol. Coz I got thyroid n need to do blood test regular.

I wanna drink plain water!! But like reject.. I only can drink milk tea..
yvonnensn:841318 said:
Mummies can I check with you what skincare product and make up you using? I understand it has to be alcohol-free.
I am so afraid of using wrong facial products I just stick to washing my face. Hope to hear more advice from mummies out there.


I can re use my 1st bb clothes. Coz my 1st bb now 10mths.. :)

Buy comfy clothes for them will do. Bb grow very fast. I buy a lot. But only let her wear A few comfy clothes. As they older then buy. I know we can't help buying whenever we pass by the bb dept! That's y my hubby say me. Buy so many. Then now cannot wear Liao. Lol!

I suggest cater de romper. Very comfy n easy to chg for bb.. Sg so hot. Keep them cool. :)
We are deciding between Mt A and Mt E. Most likely at Mt E tho. But I hear Mt A service very good.

Haven't bought any baby stuff cos the gender of the baby still unknown leh.
My gynae is at Thomson, so will deliver there. My EDD is 25 june and I can't wait to count down to delivery. First trimester is really a chore: the nausea, the fatigue feels so demoralising. Hoping for time to pass quickly!

I intend to reuse my boy's infant clothes as it is a waste to buy new ones.


I am also re-using my boy's clothes and toys. In fact, the toys in my house can match kiddybpalace. I also have lots of new overbuy bottles


New Member
Hello all... I am a 1st time mum.. consider 2nd child as I had a missed miscarriage in May 2013... When I test positive the 2nd time I did not know which gynae to go so I went back to the previous one that helped me with my miscarriage.. in parkway east hospital. . Was not too happy with her as I find her scanning skills not as good.. She cannot find my gestation sac when she first did the scan hence cannot confirm if there is a miscarriage again.. I was super worried so I just checked with another colleague on which gynea she had.. she went to thomson women's. . And I went for a scan again the same very day.. and the doctor got it on the screen almost instantly...
My dilemma now is that this doctor from Thomson only deliver in Thomson Hospital or Mt A.. and her package is $850 for 10 visits.. without supplements... if any of you can give me some advise.. I am worried of the high cost in private hospitals hence was thinking of KK.. I have checked out a few hospitals. . NUH.. MT A.. KK.. GLENEAGLES..THOMSON.. PARKWAY.. heard good reviews about Mt A and NUH.. not sure of the rest... If we compare single bed.. I guess Gleneagles may be the most ex... Is my 1st time and we are not sure how to find a good hospital or a good gynae.. I am now 12 weeks and ready to sign up with a firm gynae...
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Hello all... I am a 1st time mum.. consider 2nd child as I had a missed miscarriage in May 2013... When I test positive the 2nd time I did not know which gynae to go so I went back to the previous one that helped me with my miscarriage.. in parkway east hospital. . Was not too happy with her as I find her scanning skills not as good.. She cannot find my gestation sac when she first did the scan hence cannot confirm if there is a miscarriage again.. I was super worried so I just checked with another colleague on which gynea she had.. she went to thomson women's. . And I went for a scan again the same very day.. and the doctor got it on the screen almost instantly...
My dilemma now is that this doctor from Thomson only deliver in Thomson Hospital or Mt A.. and her package is $850 for 10 visits.. without supplements... if any of you can give me some advise.. I am worried of the high cost in private hospitals hence was thinking of KK.. I have checked out a few hospitals. . NUH.. MT A.. KK.. GLENEAGLES..THOMSON.. PARKWAY.. heard good reviews about Mt A and NUH.. not sure of the rest... If we compare single bed.. I guess Gleneagles may be the most ex... Is my 1st time and we are not sure how to find a good hospital or a good gynae.. I am now 12 weeks and ready to sign up with a firm gynae...
welcome to our group. Just to give u a rough idea, mt e is more expensive than glene. I delivered my boy last year in glene through natural, 3 night stay in single bed, the bill is $9800. I lost count on the cost of consultations with gynae throughout the 8 months.


New Member
Hi mommies

My EDD is 10 June 2014, also my 2nd one. My boy is 19 months now..
Feeling so lousy from the morning sickness.. my first one was not this bad and this time round i didnt go to work for about 3 weeks..
Wonder is it usually the case that 2nd born have worst ms? Well anyway I hope to get through it after this week as im coming to 12 weeks now..

Jiayou mummies..


Hi Gab, your boy is the same age as my boy. My 2nd EDD is 15 June. My MS started mildly at week 6 and it becomes almost intolerable at week 9-10. Recovering from my MS now. The 1st one has hardly any MS. If I know MS is such a horrible experience, I will never have #2.
Hi mommies

My EDD is 10 June 2014, also my 2nd one. My boy is 19 months now..
Feeling so lousy from the morning sickness.. my first one was not this bad and this time round i didnt go to work for about 3 weeks..
Wonder is it usually the case that 2nd born have worst ms? Well anyway I hope to get through it after this week as im coming to 12 weeks now..

Jiayou mummies..