EDD March 2013

Apr gal

Yup I did meet up wif both AXA n Pru agents. Seems like more restrictions on AXA but my Pru ins din offer d voucher. Mind sharing yr agent contact?

may i no which insurance you bought? Wats d plan ir premium like? Any special offer? Im thinking to get prebatal ins too but have not decided which.

Hello Apr Gal, there are only two companies with prenatal + baby insurance - Prudential and AXA. I signed Prudential one - The one time prenatal ins is $320 and baby insurance is $300 monthly premium (it also has $100 and $200 monthly premium).

I got the offers of $300 NTUC voucher + camera when signing up the plan.. :001_302:


Apr Gal: I've checked with my Prudential agent and she said the offers that we got were offered during the baby market fair last week.

Anyway, you may mention you are friend of Wei Ney (my name) and she will get other offers/vouchers for you at her best from her own side : ) She is pretty good and able to have all the things explained. And most important thing is to see if you are comfortable when liaise with her : )

You may want to contact her -Zoelyn (financial consultant)- 9155 8959.


Hello Smilem: so the car seat is from new born to 3-4 years old? Because ill be sending my bb to nanny from 3rd months onwards : (


Hello Smilem: bb fair at Danga bay just over last week. Do you Tebrau city Jusco? The Philip Avent Sterilizer, Enfamama milk, diapers, bb wipes etc are cheaper than SG. Oct 18,19 will be member day of Jusco and additional 10% will be entitled in cash voucher for every $100 spend. So my hubby suggest perhaps we could have a day off to got all necessary bb stuffs there. Could save up a lot of $$.. But it must be veryyyyyyyyy crowded : (


Smilem: the maternity and new born photo package is 50% off during bb fair last week. We had compared with other studio with similar package but $1000. So we think it is quite worth it. Some more I like the lady photographer's work that is very natural : ) she said she will take >100 photos and you may select 20 high-resolution photos back. I think this is same as new born. But if you want all photos back, then additional $200 will be incurred.

The best thing is this package comes with FREE ALBUM with design. The cover is Hard Cover with high quality of paper print. So my hubby and I think it will serves a SWEET memories for us when we see it during our old age : )

Anyway my hubby is good at photography and he always say he could take very nice maternity photos of me. : ) but I prefer with those studio motherly photos and he said he will take those outdoor ones for me : )


NEyMo =

I went in last week.. but i tot is KSL.. aiya went to the wrong place.. coz i saw the poster wrote Danga = IT Fair..

That good .. at least hubby can take nice pic :) i also looking for these type of package. What a miss.. coz i saw so many ppl in the fair.. & didnt ve enuf time for us to sit down to understand further the package. no choice.. ve to wait till next fair for good offer..

Smilem: the maternity and new born photo package is 50% off during bb fair last week. We had compared with other studio with similar package but $1000. So we think it is quite worth it. Some more I like the lady photographer's work that is very natural : ) she said she will take >100 photos and you may select 20 high-resolution photos back. I think this is same as new born. But if you want all photos back, then additional $200 will be incurred.

The best thing is this package comes with FREE ALBUM with design. The cover is Hard Cover with high quality of paper print. So my hubby and I think it will serves a SWEET memories for us when we see it during our old age : )

Anyway my hubby is good at photography and he always say he could take very nice maternity photos of me. : ) but I prefer with those studio motherly photos and he said he will take those outdoor ones for me : )


I dont have the JUSCO member card.. so wont able to enjoy these ... actuali.. i also duno watelse i need to buy further..
i bought = cot / car seat / stroller / avent sterilizer / reusable diaper.. tat all..lolz..

i looking for breastpump but i see those price.. woa..


New Member
I dont have the JUSCO member card.. so wont able to enjoy these ... actuali.. i also duno watelse i need to buy further..
i bought = cot / car seat / stroller / avent sterilizer / reusable diaper.. tat all..lolz..

i looking for breastpump but i see those price.. woa..
Smilem, I've heard a lot about reusable diapers. So does it mean u don't hv to buy normal disposal diapers? So it helps save $ is it?


I believe we still need to purchase some disposable type.. coz if u bring the bb out.. it easier to use disposable..

My plan = re-useable diaper to use at home.. coz my MIL will take care of the bb for me.. her eyesight is not tat good, thus, it b dangerous to use old style (the safety pin) as i worry she might accidently hurt the bb tummy.. so i bought this pressedbutton type.. lolz.. (to be safe then to be sorry mah)..

the salesger explained tat at nite slot 2 nos. of the refll .. it can last the whole nite no need to change. (how true.. i dont know. ve to try it out 1st). :)

hope my info is helpful to you

Smilem, I've heard a lot about reusable diapers. So does it mean u don't hv to buy normal disposal diapers? So it helps save $ is it?
wow.. so happy to see quite a few mummies having the tickling feeling on the abdomen.. i rather believe it's baby moving than anything else..

anyway, that aside, i have something to ask.. i think since 12 - 13 weeks.. i have been having acne on my neck and back.. now 17 weeks, some on my breasts.. and it's making me feeling uncomfortable.. i already cut my hair short.. and apply some lotion on it.. but it doesnt subside or get better..

any mummies here experience the same thing as me?


I dont have the JUSCO member card.. so wont able to enjoy these ... actuali.. i also duno watelse i need to buy further..
i bought = cot / car seat / stroller / avent sterilizer / reusable diaper.. tat all..lolz..

i looking for breastpump but i see those price.. woa..
You have got most of the bb stuffs already ya :eek: No worries.. There will be another Parenthood Fair in SG:

Parenthood Fair
Date: 9-11 November 2012, Friday - Sunday
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5B
Time: 11.00am – 9.00pm

Don't know if this is a good fair to go to? Anyone has been there before?


HI purple.. i dont but i suffer from itchy skin on both hands & leg (joint area) .. i keep scratch & scratch till my hubby give me apply the army powder.. it helps...

wow.. so happy to see quite a few mummies having the tickling feeling on the abdomen.. i rather believe it's baby moving than anything else..

anyway, that aside, i have something to ask.. i think since 12 - 13 weeks.. i have been having acne on my neck and back.. now 17 weeks, some on my breasts.. and it's making me feeling uncomfortable.. i already cut my hair short.. and apply some lotion on it.. but it doesnt subside or get better..

any mummies here experience the same thing as me?


So nice to go overseas. My husband want me to fly to US with him on December but by then I be 7 months . I might be so tired cause its a long flight.
Doctor say I can still fly up to 8 months...