EDD March 2013


Hi all, im a ftm, edd mar 13. Goin for detailed scan in early Nov. May i ask if you have already decided on room type after delivery? Think im a little kiasu but trying to find out actual costs to be incurred for delivery for financial planning...

Hello Nicatan : ) I choose the 4-bedded room as Thomson will usually do an upgrade to 2-bedded if there is available room. Hope our due period is not "peak peak" LOL The nurse said we could do the room upgrading anytime even after delivery.


Currently 7 boys Vs 5 gals :001_302:

NeyMO - Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 1
Neuros - Prince Mount A Mar 7
Purpleliciousmummy- Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 22
Prince Mount A Mar 29
mhjt -
Prince Singapore General Hospital Mar 3
Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 26
teens09 -
Prince Mount A Mar 10

Apr Gal - Princess Thomson Medical Center Feb 23
Cagnes - Princess Thomson Medical Center Mar 15
Phycyj - Princess Mount Elizabeth Mar 13
veryberry - Princess Kandang Kerbau Hospital Mar 11
MsSaggi- Princess Gleneagles Hospital Mar 14

bersionr - TBC Kandang Kerbau Hospital Mar 19
miffymiffy - TBC Thomson Medical Center Mar 16

miss mine! hehe..

oppsss sorry Teens09 :shyxxx:


New Member
Mine at Kk hospital, consultation $59, urine test $7, medicine: fish oil, obimin, calcium, vit C abt $55!!
for my last checkup, I did the 5 mths scanning cost $ 105!!
pooiyan, which doctor u consult now?? R u Singaporean or pr??
Hi veryberry, My gynae is Dr GohSL , Im a PR ...
How abt you ???


New Member
I mayb going this coming Parenthood fair to look for diapers since my colleague told me that the cost is normally cheaper compare to outside ...
So I ll going to see see and look look

Apr gal

Hello Nicatan : ) I choose the 4-bedded room as Thomson will usually do an upgrade to 2-bedded if there is available room. Hope our due period is not "peak peak" LOL The nurse said we could do the room upgrading anytime even after delivery.
Hi Neymo,
Juz went for hospital tour over d weekend. Was told tat we will be billed according to d room tat we finally stay in. Do u mean they will offer u free upgrade? Thanks.


Neymo.. so if they upgrade ur to 2-bedded.. how the charges? i duno how true.. my friend who jz gave birth to bb boy on last friday told me now no more free up-grade

Hello Nicatan : ) I choose the 4-bedded room as Thomson will usually do an upgrade to 2-bedded if there is available room. Hope our due period is not "peak peak" LOL The nurse said we could do the room upgrading anytime even after delivery.


you can drink orange juices and other drink juice so long your bb dun reject :)

i drink honeydew juice.. and eat pear daily. DUring my sick period. physician advise me to take some water melon to cool down my inner heaty.

Just to check, can drink orange juice?


Hi Neymo,
Juz went for hospital tour over d weekend. Was told tat we will be billed according to d room tat we finally stay in. Do u mean they will offer u free upgrade? Thanks.
Yes, they will do a free upgrade from 4-bedded to 2-bedded if there is available room for 2-bedded. I saw this from another forum thread.. Most mummies were entitled with this upgrade.. haha.. dun know still available nowadays or not..
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Neymo.. so if they upgrade ur to 2-bedded.. how the charges? i duno how true.. my friend who jz gave birth to bb boy on last friday told me now no more free up-grade

Really? That's too bad. I heard this year the upgrading is not so much due to too many dragon babies...... most of the bedding have been fully occupied..


Just to check, can drink orange juice?
I seldom eat orange and drink orange juice since expecting. My mum said it will cause phlegm of bb.. so in order to have high Vitamin C, I change to eat kiwi which is very good - Vit C and Folic acid ...


i dont think there is. But for sure, you can definitely still eat fruits/juices for it's nutrients, eat at least 2-3 servings of fruits a day :)

what's the cause of your cough? phlegm/sore throat/flu?