EDD March 2013


Hi. Im new to this page n been reading alot here for knowledge & understanding. 1stly, congrates to all mummies.

Im at my 14w 4days now wt my 1st baby.

Just a curious question;
I hv been having pain on my butt, especially at my tail bone area when i sit too long. Is this common? I had very bad staircase fall in the past n really hurt my tail bone. I suspect minor hairline crack but nvr had any chk-up or x-ray. Jus traditional massage. Is this due to my past fall tat i am experiencing tis pain nw?


JuJuLim. My friend recommend Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil to rub at the belly. Its the most cost saving & very effective against strech marks. The other is the butter something brand which is most expensive & results varies. ;)


Hey putri thanks a lot. I will go try it out for the oil.

Im not too sure about ur pain on ur butt but I heard once baby get bigger we might feel pain on the hips and swell on legs.


New Member
Hello mummies and mummies-to-be, this is my first time posting, though i've been a silent reader. I'm due first week of March with my firstborn. Glad to have people who are going through similar stage of life. Nice to meet you all! :)
Hello mummies and mummies-to-be, this is my first time posting, though i've been a silent reader. I'm due first week of March with my firstborn. Glad to have people who are going through similar stage of life. Nice to meet you all! :)
hello lemon mummy! nice to meet you.. do drop us some comments and share your experience with us..
if you have issues or any discomfort.. do share with us too.. some of us here might have experience it.. and we will be more than happy to share! =D


New Member
Thanks purplelisciousmummy.

I've just been quite the worrier. Having problems with seeing the gynae only once in 5 to 6 weeks. The time in between is agonising, especially since I don't seem to "feel" pregnant. I've requested to see her earlier and my gynae would tell me "aiyo, why u worry so much?" haha. Any of you like me?

Would welcome suggestions/recommendations from you gals on:
-Confinement tingkat/food delivery
-Pre/post natal massage
-tips on coping being a mother and working (especially if breastfeeding)
-Nannies/infant care
-Anything at all! :))

I know there may be other threads which talk specifically about these topics. But somehow it's nice to hear from people who are going through the same things at the same time :)


Neymo ❤ Most mummy here having baby boy ? Wow ! I'm so anxious to know d gender . My details scan will b in 2 weeks time (20w) . Baby boy keep on playing in my Mind . My first child is a girl (2y) .
My gynae says looks like a princess for me but awaiting my detailed scan end of this month to double confirm.. Hehe!


Thanks purplelisciousmummy.

I've just been quite the worrier. Having problems with seeing the gynae only once in 5 to 6 weeks. The time in between is agonising, especially since I don't seem to "feel" pregnant. I've requested to see her earlier and my gynae would tell me "aiyo, why u worry so much?" haha. Any of you like me?

Would welcome suggestions/recommendations from you gals on:
-Confinement tingkat/food delivery
-Pre/post natal massage
-tips on coping being a mother and working (especially if breastfeeding)
-Nannies/infant care
-Anything at all! :))

I know there may be other threads which talk specifically about these topics. But somehow it's nice to hear from people who are going through the same things at the same time :)
Hello lemon water mummy : ) me too. My gynae only see me every 6 weeks (wk 8, wk 14, and wk 20) : ( soooooo impatient for the waiting time. My next visit is 20wks next Friday and I would request to ve the visit at least 4 weeks once : )

Myself also don't feel like pregnant except a little baby bump. Hopefully bb inside womb is growing well.

You may look for bbnanny to engage a agent to look for nanny. So far the comment not bad. I had spread ard the news of looking nanny to my aunties neighbors and they are currently "bz" to help me look ard.. So touching : )


My gynae says looks like a princess for me but awaiting my detailed scan end of this month to double confirm.. Hehe!
I love daughter very much : ) too many cute cute stuffs for princess : ) share with us aft ur next visit ya :001_302:


Hi mummies/mummies-to-be, i currently pregnant and due on March too.. Right now i am worry bout the breastfeeding part and also the post-natal massage.. Any ideas when to find one?


Hey mommies, oh my gynea now sees me every three week. Tomorrow is my scan. Omg so excited!!! I know that feeling of going for the next scan cause its taking like longgggggg. Gonna talk to my baby tonight and tomorrow evening before seeing the doctor lol

Apr gal

Hmmm everyone only having a small bb bump but mine is quite obvious... Am I gaining too much weight? I try weighing myself yest think I gained 4-5kg, now at w19 only. Is tis normal?


Worthy lady actually I got a bump too. But seriously I think I gained three kg but I don't dare to stand on the scale Lolz!!!


Aprgal and JuJuLim: This week is my 19 week and I actually gained 3kg with little baby bump.. No obvious when wearing dress but the bump could show up when having tight shirt :001_302: My hubby very happy to see the bump every night while applying J&J baby lotion on my tummy :shyxxx:

JuJuLim: Can totally feel your excitement of seeing baby :001_302: Enjoy the time!! Wow... you got a quite frequent gynae visit (3 weeks once).. mine one is double of yours (6 weeks once) ... : (

Teens09: Congrats to you and welcome to this thread :001_302: myself also worried the 2 parts that you mentioned. Will keep everyone informed once more news are found!!


My auntie neighbour is very "efficient"... She told me this morning there is an auntie (staying nearby of my block) who is taking care of a twins will be available from next year Jan onwards.. She said I could drop by to meet her at her house.

Just wondering, any mummies could give any advises in how to have good justification for a good nanny?


New Member
For me breastfeeding my 1st baby wasn't a success. Manage to breastfeed for 1mth plus only. :( hopefully this time round i can manage at least 6mths.

Anyone got gd recommendation on breastpump?
I have an Avent breastpump. Not sure y but my nipple will hurt real bad when i use it.


For me breastfeeding my 1st baby wasn't a success. Manage to breastfeed for 1mth plus only. :( hopefully this time round i can manage at least 6mths.

Anyone got gd recommendation on breastpump?
I have an Avent breastpump. Not sure y but my nipple will hurt real bad when i use it.
Hello Fizafifi, i heard most of the mummies are using Medela.. My sister-in-law had passed over hers to me and I would just need change the personalfir breastshields will do.. Hopefully it works..


Hey mommies just had my scan but think baby too Shy and not ready to show gender yet. Haha gonna wait for three more weeks.

was lucky today cause I was the first patient and after finishing my scan doctor got to leave to deliver baby !
hello mummies!

i am planning a trip during the long hari raya haji weekend.. i think those who are in 16 weeks to below 24 weeks can go for short trips if you want.. it not very advisable to take plane if more than 24 weeks..

hope i can enjoy a little.. need to break free..


hello mummies!

i am planning a trip during the long hari raya haji weekend.. i think those who are in 16 weeks to below 24 weeks can go for short trips if you want.. it not very advisable to take plane if more than 24 weeks..

hope i can enjoy a little.. need to break free..
Hello Purpleliciousmummy, good to have a good rest before bb arrival :001_302: Where are you having your vacation? Do enjoy yourself :001_302:
Hello Purpleliciousmummy, good to have a good rest before bb arrival :001_302: Where are you having your vacation? Do enjoy yourself :001_302:
i going to taipei.. for 4 days.. short trip.. next mth i going cruise..

after 24 weeks, cannot travel too much.. and when baby arrives, need time to take care.. so i guess cant travel..
but of cuz, by then, the joy will be baby, baby and baby! joy wont be travelling..