EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Hi mummies

Anyone delivered in Thomson before? What's the documents needed for registration of birth cert when baby is born? Me and hubby are both SPR. Do they provide towels to shower as well? Lol

Anyone experienced leaking nipples now? I'm 30w and my nipples have been leaking and a while ago I saw my left nipple with a small drop of blood! :( not sure what is it but apparently from google leaky nipples r common?


I don't have leaky nipples now, but my sister had the same thing...started leaking at about week 30 like you.
Now she has no problem with her milk supply, at least you know your baby will have supply from the first day he/she comes out! :D

Hi mummies

Anyone delivered in Thomson before? What's the documents needed for registration of birth cert when baby is born? Me and hubby are both SPR. Do they provide towels to shower as well? Lol

Anyone experienced leaking nipples now? I'm 30w and my nipples have been leaking and a while ago I saw my left nipple with a small drop of blood! :( not sure what is it but apparently from google leaky nipples r common?


Is it normal not to have leaky nipples? I'm in my 32nd week now. Worried...does that mean I can't breast feed???

I don't have leaky nipples now, but my sister had the same thing...started leaking at about week 30 like you.
Now she has no problem with her milk supply, at least you know your baby will have supply from the first day he/she comes out! :D


Active Member
Is it normal not to have leaky nipples? I'm in my 32nd week now. Worried...does that mean I can't breast feed???
Hi cupcakemum,

you shouldn't be worried. Every mum will be able to produce milk after giving birth, if you got a positive mindset. Not all mum will have leaky nipples now. Having leaky nipples will be disadvantage also if you encounter it now cos" if you dont't clean your nipples well it will cause nipples to be infected & milk duct blocked. :) so be positive & look forward to your delivery!!

*i m @ 34 weeks now I don't have leaking nipples!!


I got weird dreams as well. Last night I dream that I had fruits falling out of my ear!!!!!
I had a dream last night too.. hmm can consider the 1st dream during my pregnancy till now... I dreamt that I've given birth and my baby boy is as tall as a toddler, can talk and walk... and in the dream I was telling my sister, how come I dun remember going thru the labour process and the baby is out... haha...


Ladies, Juz to share tt for those who hv purchased the Bumwear cloth diapers, following applies
1) Never use Baby Detergent
2) Avoid Softeners
3) Only to use the following POWDER detergent
- Kao
- Top
- Spin
- Fab
4) Nappy Liner recommended to prevent mess ESP when BB poos
5) Before use prewash 2-3 times

Luckily I read the leaflet n called to check. Else would hv used bb detergent


i take brands. will get euyansang one after i finish the last bottle. brands one got caramel, not very good for me. for me, actually alert, less tired.
erm my gynae actually advised me not to take the bottle type of chicken essence. coz it contains stimulants so you will be prone to keloids. quite surprised actually but just to be safe i'm listening to her. she says those double boiled chicken soup is fine though, abotu once a week is ok.


;( my baby's blood flow isn't looking good. Next 6 weeks is crucial in terms oof monitoring *sob*

Baby weighed 1.45kg at 30 weeks today


Today is a bad day for me too. Having consipation n went to see GP and got some medication... Had forced some stool out n bleed... Now I am not sure if the bleed is from the piles or virginal... Called my gynae but she was on half day leave... Asked the nurse n she told me to monitor, if bleed stop thn shld be ok... But am still worries...


Ok thanks for the reassurance! Feel much better now :001_302:

Hi cupcakemum,

you shouldn't be worried. Every mum will be able to produce milk after giving birth, if you got a positive mindset. Not all mum will have leaky nipples now. Having leaky nipples will be disadvantage also if you encounter it now cos" if you dont't clean your nipples well it will cause nipples to be infected & milk duct blocked. :) so be positive & look forward to your delivery!!

*i m @ 34 weeks now I don't have leaking nipples!!


During ultrasound the doc will listen and measure the umbilical cord blood flow. A high reading means there is high resistance in blood flow to baby
Hmm, bb will turn out to be fine, juz monitor the condition k. Rem muz hv positive mindset. Else, did the gynae mentioned anything you can do to better the situation?


Today is a bad day for me too. Having consipation n went to see GP and got some medication... Had forced some stool out n bleed... Now I am not sure if the bleed is from the piles or virginal... Called my gynae but she was on half day leave... Asked the nurse n she told me to monitor, if bleed stop thn shld be ok... But am still worries...
Rem to follow up wif ur gynae at the first instance u can. Guess we cannot do much re the constipation. Juz drink lotsa water n tk more fiber / fruits. Try not to force if really cannot poo. Tk Gd care ya.


Active Member
Today is a bad day for me too. Having consipation n went to see GP and got some medication... Had forced some stool out n bleed... Now I am not sure if the bleed is from the piles or virginal... Called my gynae but she was on half day leave... Asked the nurse n she told me to monitor, if bleed stop thn shld be ok... But am still worries...
Hi Tannie,

You shouldn't be worry too much. You mention that gynae force some stool out the bleeding could be the piles. If you having bleeding from virginal you will be able to know as ur urine will have a certain content of blood,further you will notice blood after cleaning your vriginal after every pee. So just keep Mointoring.

As for your constipation, try drink at least 2 to 3 litres per day, try taking grapefruit once a day. Its very rich in vit c.This may help you to be free from constipation. Personally I have been doing these since beginning of my pregnancy till now my 34wk.. I never had constipation. Don't worry be positive ! Worries make u stress.. Stress is part of the reason to constipation. You should relax yourself.