EDD May 2012 Mummies!


For me, same as climsp, will be taking my ML on 37th week. So quite looking forward to my last 'holiday' with myself and hubby... =) Everyday is like counting down to the holiday - 5 more weeks to go before going on leave!


same, dragging myself to work everyday!!! been counting down since 20week. hahaha. this morning told hubby can i take 1 week start from today 1st...:( i realli very tired.
my baby new pattern this few day is sudden attack when i sleep. really scared me, thou i going labour soon!! hiazyo


same, dragging myself to work everyday!!! been counting down since 20week. hahaha. this morning told hubby can i take 1 week start from today 1st...:( i really very tired.
my baby new pattern this few day is sudden attack when i sleep. really scared me, thou i going labour soon!! hiazyo
I am so tired as well. Every night i will wake up to go to the toilet, and then have to toss and turn for a few hours before I can get back into sleep.

My baby usually likes to kick and punch just before I sleep or early in the morning.

Climsp, your baby is so cute. Suddenly attack. Maybe you should talk to him/her tell her dont scare you like this :)


btw, yday i went for pre-natal massage. was told they actually dun do for mummies w/ GD.cos scared the blood flow go wrg place..which i dun understand also. anyway i say gynea ask me to go massage for my leg cramp n butt pain. so they do it but very gentle. make me sign a note say gynea approve for the massage. they also say if after birth still got GD, they wont massage. but other massager who come over my place for massage the last 2 time nvr tell me this b4. wonder should i go again next mth..

Rukia, my baby kick more if i tell him dun. i will ignore him after some time he will stop. 1st few days i wake hubby up, now i just let it be. think if realli going to give birth i also dun know maybe...hahaha
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Actually, I arranged for pre-natal massage around 2x weeks, but due to miscommunication, the lady says I'm too early yo do massage, should be after 6 mth or something (I forgot exactly which month) then can do. Then she mentioned cos scared of xxxx accidents as they will massage certain pressure points. Then after hearing these, I wanted to do the massage after 30 weeks to be safe, but my hubby paranoid, and says don't do massage at all.. sad ..


btw, yday i went for pre-natal massage. was told they actually dun do for mummies w/ GD.cos scared the blood flow go wrg place..which i dun understand also. anyway i say gynea ask me to go massage for my leg cramp n butt pain. so they do it but very gentle. make me sign a note say gynea approve for the massage. they also say if after birth still got GD, they wont massage. but other massager who come over my place for massage the last 2 time nvr tell me this b4. wonder should i go again next mth..

Rukia, my baby kick more if i tell him dun. i will ignore him after some time he will stop. 1st few days i wake hubby up, now i just let it be. think if realli going to give birth i also dun know maybe...hahaha
Where did u go for pre natal massage ?


Actually, I arranged for pre-natal massage around 2x weeks, but due to miscommunication, the lady says I'm too early yo do massage, should be after 6 mth or something (I forgot exactly which month) then can do. Then she mentioned cos scared of xxxx accidents as they will massage certain pressure points. Then after hearing these, I wanted to do the massage after 30 weeks to be safe, but my hubby paranoid, and says don't do massage at all.. sad ..
I m always tempted to go for prenatal massage but always never cos worried will trigger premature delivery, if the masseur is not skillful enuf. So gotta bear wif the constant body n backaches. Past few weeks worse cos leg also pain n cramp. I will get my hubby to massage my upper back if the pain is bad. For the lower back n leg, generally will not. Even if massage also extremely gentle cos my gynae has ever mentioned not to massage on the lower back n legs. Maybe bcos I hv low placenta n the early contractions scare so play safe


btw, yday i went for pre-natal massage. was told they actually dun do for mummies w/ GD.cos scared the blood flow go wrg place..which i dun understand also. anyway i say gynea ask me to go massage for my leg cramp n butt pain. so they do it but very gentle. make me sign a note say gynea approve for the massage. they also say if after birth still got GD, they wont massage. but other massager who come over my place for massage the last 2 time nvr tell me this b4. wonder should i go again next mth..

Rukia, my baby kick more if i tell him dun. i will ignore him after some time he will stop. 1st few days i wake hubby up, now i just let it be. think if realli going to give birth i also dun know maybe...hahaha
Now i am getting abit anxious about giving birth. Sometimes will imagine myself making my way to hospital and in the labour ward..haha...

My hubby tells me to relax and dont worry so much.

Sometimes when my baby kicks me v hard i will warn her, when she is out i will spank her if she is naughty..haha


Its good that your baby kicks you hard, mine never kick me hard at all leh.. His kicks are very gentle and rolling kind of action. There's only one instance in which I jumped due to shock. Where I'm lying on my side, then baby poked me on the side of my waist, made me tickle. Hahaah..


rukia- my hubby say i scold too much last time, he kick more now is case i spank him when he is out.
i dream going to labour also, think over kanchiong, abit cramp too long or pain i panic maybe 1st time mummy think too much...nothing much to do nowadays at office will tend to day dream also...hahaha

meilynn- from wat i know low placenta cant massage, better play safe. dun carrt heavy stuff or walk too much also.

reddevil - i went babies bellies, got sign package w/ them for the post natal massage.

esoterice - my hubby actually wan me to go, cos he dun dare to massage for me after 20week.

think maybe i should stop the massage, if realli wan to relax, just go for hair wash at salon, ask them gentle massage during wash will do, then do pedicure, same gentle massage also, hard to bend n trim nails, file my soles now also.


climsp, same leh, I also nothing much to do in office now.. so bored ok..
Hmm Hair wash at salon.. waa good idea!!!
Yes, going for pedi is good, cos they will massage the calf area too haha..


rukia- my hubby say i scold too much last time, he kick more now is case i spank him when he is out.
i dream going to labour also, think over kanchiong, abit cramp too long or pain i panic maybe 1st time mummy think too much...nothing much to do nowadays at office will tend to day dream also...hahaha

meilynn- from wat i know low placenta cant massage, better play safe. dun carrt heavy stuff or walk too much also.

reddevil - i went babies bellies, got sign package w/ them for the post natal massage.

esoterice - my hubby actually wan me to go, cos he dun dare to massage for me after 20week.

think maybe i should stop the massage, if realli wan to relax, just go for hair wash at salon, ask them gentle massage during wash will do, then do pedicure, same gentle massage also, hard to bend n trim nails, file my soles now also.
I heard that must remove nail polish before birth? Is it true?


I went for Mrs Wong class and she mentioned that no nail polish please.. polish on legs are fine I guess. But main concern on the fingers is that we are in constant contact with baby, like handling food and baby... so, best no polish on nails.. to be safe...


Ya have to remove nail color. Earing ring necklace etc. remove everything!! Oop like so naked!! Hahha! Wonder if touch wood, sudden is pain need to go labour how? Take cotton wood n nail polish on the way to hospital clean?? Hahahah.


I went for Mrs Wong class and she mentioned that no nail polish please.. polish on legs are fine I guess. But main concern on the fingers is that we are in constant contact with baby, like handling food and baby... so, best no polish on nails.. to be safe...
Lucky I onli do on toe nails. So dun need to clean on the way to labour ward!! Hahha


hahaha...same here, i only have nail polish on my toenails too. :D

i'm also getting more and more apprehensive about labour....mixed feelings of excitement, worry and fear... :p

Lucky I onli do on toe nails. So dun need to clean on the way to labour ward!! Hahha


anyone knows if its true for the chinese name, the total no. of strokes must be even number? I'm getting more panic liao cos haven found a nice name for my baby...


Actually I have a question, can I wear the hospital gown instead wearing my own clothes in labour and the wards ah? As I see the list of things to pack for hospital bag, it says to bring own gowns.. But hospitals should provided clothes too right?

Cos I prefer not to wear my own clothes in hospital..


anyone knows if its true for the chinese name, the total no. of strokes must be even number? I'm getting more panic liao cos haven found a nice name for my baby...
i count mine is 20 stroke for the 3 words. both me n hubby just name watever we want. as long not too strong or heavy for bb can le.


if kk, they will provide gown, for private wat i know is the gown is tied from behind, unless u dun mind ppl see ur sexy back. for labour they will provide the gown, stay think bring our own better, w/ buttons infront for breast feeding.